Rename it to "EITC Passport" and "Trade Passport"? If we don't specify the company, it can't be wrong either.Is the document called "EITC Passport" or "WIC" Passport" in the game? If so, you'll need to change it. EITC aren't going to sell a passport for a rival company, and Early Explorers Spain isn't going to sell a document for a hostile nation's company which won't exist until the next century.![]()

Making it a generic merchant license is indeed what I had in mind too.Possibly have a generic merchant licence which costs less, doesn't grant any special access, but does show you to be an honest merchant and prevents the crew from demanding division of plunder. Maybe have this sold by storekeepers or governors. It should be cheaper than a LoM and should be revoked if you get a LoM; you're no longer a peaceful merchant, you're a privateer, and the crew will want a share of the proceeds. The EITC office in "Early Explorers" can then either be disabled, locked, or have the owner say something like "We're closed at the moment, come back in 100 years".It would also means merchants from other nations could at least get some of the benefit of the licence without having to work for Britain or Holland.
However, making it cheaper than a LoM would be REALLY sheap. Especially in the early game.
I would want it to be prohibitively expensive or people would get one all the time and be done with it. Shouldn't be too easy.
If you want to carry a LOT of money around, more than you need to run your fleet, you should be able to spare a lot of money to purchase that Passport too.
Not sure about taking away the "Merchant Passport" when you get a LoM. That prevents you from having a LoM AND a Passport.
That would be OK once there are trade ranks, but right now there aren't and probably won't be for a while.
Would you be able to get a Passport while you have a LoM at all? If so, losing it means you can re-buy it and it is just an inconvenience.

At the moment you CAN buy the Passport items regardless of whichever nation you do or don't work for.
The only possible concern is that they are sold only in two towns, so if that is a hostile town, you need to sneak in there.
Having them sold from all store owners would certainly be a possibility. I could stick the dialog option in the shared merchant dialog instead of having a separate file for it.
Might be a bit odd to have that one ALWAYS shown at the beginning, so perhaps enable it only once you gain the "Trustworthy" ability?
Though that one is unlocked by working for a governor and therefore requires a LoM. So that is probably not such a good idea.
Perhaps the ability that is unlocked by doing a Fetch Quest for a Merchant then instead?
That might make sense as by doing the Fetch Quest, you have proven to the merchants that you are friendly to their cause.
Locking the trade offices is easy enough; they used to be in Beta 3.4 anyway.