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Discussion Lost quests on stock PotC?

All the tablets were destroyed in a landslide except one, but that one was also destroyed. :D
:rofl :rofl :rofl

For some reason, Lambrecht Forbes now checks whether Oxbay has been captured and if so, tries to link to case "No ships", at which point the dialog breaks because there is no case "No ships". It's not even as if the writer was lazy and simply copied this from "Oweyn McDorey_dialog.c" - there are enough differences that, even if it was originally copied, someone must have adapted it, in which case why leave in the check for "Quest.Story_OxbayCaptured"?
Rough edges everywhere in this game release.
Everything tells me the release was very very rushed.
Look at "PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c". Find the entry for the Corsair's Pride, find the entry for a basic sword such as "blade1", and see what is different apart from basic stats such as damage and price.
Hey guys,

I'm new to this forum eventhough I have been reading along for a while. I have two questions about side quests in the stock game, so I figured I'd ask here instead of making a new thread. So, currently I'm replaying the stock game after quite a while and I have stumbled upon a problem (I have tried to search for this problem, but even about the quest itself I didnt find a lot):

1. So I rescued Artois Voisey in Quebradas Costillas and employed him as an officer after. I then didnt use him as an officer for a while so he doesnt die, but yesterday I wanted to continue with his quest and as I remember, I have to go to Conceicao with him as an officer and there he should disappear and his quest should continue, am I remembering it wrong? I got there yesterday but Voisey didnt disappear. I'm wondering if I forgot about something that triggers the quest to continue...

2. The merchant in Redmond
When you arrive in Redmond for the first time, you cannot fast travel and stumble upon the guy sitting on the floor behind the city gate, his name is Henry. He tells you about a merchant the Redmond Gouverneur had arrested to confiscate his goods. Also people on every other island tell you about that if you ask them about news. Is there any quest related to this? I couldnt find the merchant in the prison and Silehard doesnt mention anything like this himself. It's just weird to limit your fast travel so you talk to a specific guy just so he tells you something completely irrelevant.

EDIT: 3. Wayward girl in Falaise de fleur
I just saw this quest name in the very first post in this thread, what is it actually about? I cant remember that quest at all. Maybe I forgot about it, but the only quests on FdF that I remember were the governors' quest and the guy who tells us about that cursed chest. Did I actually miss a quest after all those hours of playing?
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1: Did you set Artois as an officer before you arrived at the island Conceicao? If not, make sure he's an officer, sail somewhere else, then return to Conceicao.

2: That's just a way of telling you that you're about to receive the same treatment - or, if you have already visited Silehard and he's conscripted you into his service, then you now know you're not the only one. Watch for other hints later that Silehard is perhaps not as nice as you may think...

3: Talk to the priest in the church. He may tell you about a woman who has stopped attending church. If you have a good reputation, he may trust you to try to persuade her to return. If not, he'll say that you can't help - try again when your reputation has improved.