before doing it I'd first like to know how often you would actually be able to get this bonus and what triggers it.
Enter any house in any town, chat with the owner, and ask to rest/recover.
There is a 35-luck skill chance of being infected, and needing to cure yourself from poison.
There is a 65 + luck skill chance of healing up from resting, getting +1 max hp, and learning about wound treatement (ie getting defense skill):
if(AUTO_SKILL_SYSTEM) { AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Defence", 50+(sti(PChar.skill.Defence)*10)+Rand(50) + grgbonus ); }
else { AddPartyExp(pchar, 50+(sti(PChar.skill.Defence)*10)+Rand(50) + grgbonus ); }
If we think it needs a bit more, we can increase the defense skill gain, but permanent repeatable max HP changes are too much I think. Plus, sleeping in a bed for a night and being well-rested shouldn't be permanent.
Anyway, if you want to try it out, just go into any house in town and find a resident, I've done it a couple of times, very easy to do and repeat.