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JRH quest

I'm sorry my fault. The bugfixes packs were merged to the new shipnames I got from Pieter.
I have uploaded a new bugfix 17 dec for you Talisman (with the old shipnames). :sail
I have just played the Flag Raising 6 tines in a row with the following results ( did the same thing every time running without time compression )

1) wr20 - Failed - about toclimb to Flagpole
2) wr21 - Failed - about toclimb to Flagpole
3) wr22 - OK
4) wr23 - OK
5) wr24 - Failed - raising Flag
6) wr25 - OK

I am also using the "new flag locator files". (To Shore_4)

Hmm, that was very bad. I had hoped it was something else in Pieters game.
So what do you say, Talisman and Pieter: is it enough to leave it with the automatic quicksave... :huh
After installing the bugfixes - I have started the story from the beginning again to check things.

Everything working OK until Woodes Rogers sends me to rescue his daughter. He gives me a ship - but no ship appears on my F2 screen.

I go to the port & say "Very Nice" at the top of the steps - but there is no ship in the port - and the ship icon (top left) is a locked padlock when I am on the jetty & there is no ship in my F2 screen ( ship button faded )

No error log generated.

Could it (again) be a mistake. Bermsloop163 is renamed to SloopBermuda or so. Maybe I have messed up the versions or missed it in some file. :eek:ops
You can search my bugfix pack for SloopBermuda (and change that to old name Bermsloop163) if you want. Probably quest_reaction.
I check when I come home, late tonight. :onya
Could it (again) be a mistake. Bermsloop163 is renamed to SloopBermuda or so. Maybe I have messed up the versions or missed it in some file. :eek:ops
You can search my bugfix pack for SloopBermuda (and change that to old name Bermsloop163) if you want. Probably quest_reaction.
I check when I come home, late tonight. :onya

Yes - that worked :onya - changed SloopBermuda to Bermsloop163 in quest_reaction.

Now sailing to Nevis

I have used the jump start to play through the Medicine Chest task - all Ok :onya

Took the medicines back to Vane - ok and he offered me extra skills as reward.

I can get the extra skills ok from the Pirates in the Sacristy with Vane -- but the pirates in the main church refuse to offer me any skills - they just say talk to you later - I don't get the dialog to select a skill. :shrug



Could it just be because I used the jump start & don't have high enough skills or something :?
I have used the jump start to play through the Medicine Chest task - all Ok
Thanks for testing that part again, Talisman. :onya

-- but the pirates in the main church refuse to offer me any skills---
I think it's ok. The number of skills depends on how many extra medicines you have
Max is 3 skills and the perks given in the sacristy comes first.
In a jump start you don't have so many skills when getting to Vane's, so
it's very likely your new skills will be the ones in the sacristy. :blink:
I am a bit confused :wacko:

When I played the whole story through originally - I did not collect all the additional medicines - Vane offered me 2 extra skills - I took one from the captains in the Sacristy, then went out into the main church and talked to the captains there and got all the various choices in their dialogs - eventually choosing another skill.

This time using the jump start - I collected all the additional medicines ( quest book cionfirmed this ) & Vane offered me 3 extra skills - but only the captains in the Sacristy offer me skills - the captains in the main church just say talk to you later - I don't get the dialog with all the choices to select a skill from.

I tried this several ways - talking to the church captains first - then tried taking 1 skill from the Sacristy captains then talking to the church Captains - but I can't get the church captains to offer me anything.

I assume that the skills offered in the main church are ones that you need to have the basic skill before you can get them ( or a certain level of skill ) - but I can't remember from the original playthrough ( I will have to find an original Save and play it through again.)

A question:- The dialog with the Captains in the Sacristy does not give you the option to reject a skill offered - or to say that you want to check with the other captains first and come back later. - All you get is if you are offered the skill you have to accept it. ( the captains in the Church let you think about it & go and talk to others & see what they have to offer ).

So you have to accept the skill - even if one of the other Captains might offer you a better skill - or one you want more. It might be better if the Sacristy Captains let you have a choice like the Main church Captains. :shrug

Or is this deliberate for a reason that I have not understood ?

The new weapon (you know what) requires the new Gunfighter perk which needs 4 other perks.
Gunman is given from queststart.
BasicDefense by doctor Dover. (mercury medicine)
3 left.

1) If you arrive to Vane's and any of those 3 are missing you'll get them in the sacristy.
2) After that there is a check to see if you still got any skills to get. If so from the guys in the main church room.

If you try jumpstart "10" all these important perks are "given".
Pchar.perks.list.BasicDefense = true;
Pchar.perks.list.GunProfessional = true;
Pchar.perks.list.GunFighter = true;
Pchar.perks.list.IronWill = true;

Try to // Gunfighter and Ironwill and you should have 2 in sacristy + 1 in church
(also because you "collected" all 6 extra meds)

All this is to secure that you got the Gunfighter perk before the next part. (Ships & alchemy) :2guns
I'll be getting ready the Beta 2 Full installer over the coming few days; please let me know if you've got any additions to include and where to put that auto QuickSave in the code. :doff
Yes Pieter, if you please would place the quicksave under this case:

case "pick_up_pirate_flag":
RemoveCharacterEquip(Pchar, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE);
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "bladeflag_pir");

//SetCurrentTime(12.00, 0);
Pchar.quest.JRH_rain = "Clear";
Pchar.quest.JRH_sky = "";

here :nk

}else LAi_QuestDelay("pick_up_pirate_flag", 0.5);


and please // this line :doff
LAi_QuestDelay("wr_quest1_check", 1.0);
Items\door.gm - DoorLab.tga.tx is missing in my game; can you upload that please?