Good stuff man. I'm sure I can figure out something for the other 3 books. However, as we will see below, we have run into another issue.Ok got all the books done ...with one exception, I just can't seem come up for anything for repair. I am drawing a complete blank on a cleaver way to fix a ship with just horseshoe glue.My apology's FB!
The 12(eleven tier 1, and one tier 2) books I have done however are now on the FTP. They are in two RAR files, one has the converted TX files, and the other has the original TGA's. Let me know if you need me to make any changes mate, if I come up with something for repair I'll upload that as well. Right now, it's time for a break!
If the book is actually a bullet code-wise, how come you also see bullets on that screenshot?
Since apparently changing the ID to "bullet" enables them to show up, why don't you search the PROGRAM folder for the term "bullet" (search IN all files) and maybe that'll point you to whatever else needs changing.
Have you considered copying the initItems.c entry for the bullets, changing the ID and the display name and checking if those bullet-copies show up in stores? If they do, it's an initItems.c entry issue.
Doing a search for 'bullet' doesnt really do much. I get a bunch of files that have no reference to what i am trying to do.
I have tried doing as you specified (i think) by changing the id and display name, but the bullet-copies didnt show up.
I tried this
makeref(itm,Items[n]); = "bookleader_1"; = "itmname_bullet"; //"itmname_mineral1";
itm.describe = "itmdescr_bullet";//"itmdescr_mineral1";
itm.model = "pursel";
itm.picIndex = 6;
itm.picTexture = "ITEMS_8";
// itm.shown = false;
itm.price = 4;//560;
itm.Weight = 0.1;
itm.minlevel =0;
itm.rare = 0.3;
itm.SortIndex = 1;
itm.ItemType = "SUPPORT";
n++; // boal 19.01.2004 <--
and this
makeref(itm,Items[n]); = "bookleader_1";
itm.groupID = MAPS_ITEM_TYPE = "itmname_bookleader_1";
itm.describe = "itmdescr_bookleader_1";
itm.model = "OpenBook";
itm.picIndex = 9;
itm.picTexture = "BOOKS_1";
//itm.shown = false;
// boal 19.01.2004 -->
itm.price = 4;//560;
itm.Weight = 0.1;
itm.minlevel =0;
itm.rare = 0.3;
itm.SortIndex = 1;
itm.ItemType = "SUPPORT";
But to no prevail. Logically, all has been done to try to get these darn things showing up in store, they just wont.
Moving on...more problems. In regards to the 2 pages...well, I'll just let the 2 pictures speak for themselves...

The one that has the white background is the one that i created, and the one created by Thargarr is shown with a black background. Obviously this wasnt the intent, yet there it is. Anyone know whats going on here?