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...I've got a new idea...

Just to keep you gents up to date, I have most of the texts for all the tier 1 books now except two, and at least one of those is going to be all diagrams only. After I get the texts sorted, edited, and humorized up a bit, I'll post the complete text list in a text file for your perusement! Then I will get started on the TGA's.

Pieter, once I get these done, I will dive back into the feature list for Build 14 and try to get you some feedback as soon as possible. I really meant to get to it before now, my apology's mate! :dance
Have you tried adding the books to "items.H"

Also found this in "seadogs.C"

#include "ITEMS\items.h"
#include "ITEMS\itemLogic.c"
#include "ITEMS\items_utilite.c"

//homo òóò ýòî äîëæíî òî÷íî ðàáîòàòü
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, GUN_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, SPYGLASS_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, PATENT_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, CIRASS_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, MAPS_ITEM_TYPE);
DeleteAttribute(pchar, "items");
InterfaceStates.startGameWeather = FindWeather("20 Hour");
LoadMainCharacterInFirstLocationGroup("Estate", "reload", "reload1");

Maybe adding the books here will aid you, not sure though.

Also the iteam's are listed in "utils.C" loacted in "Program\scripts" i think this is a must file for adding new iteam's, because from what i can see every iteam is listed there.
There seems to be a lot going on in that items.H file. I'm not sure where files shouldnt be added or what should be edited. I'll do some experiementing later. I've been at this mod for 12 hours straight trying to get it goin, I need to step away for a bit. I'll get back at it tommorrow.

Just to keep you gents up to date, I have most of the texts for all the tier 1 books now except two, and at least one of those is going to be all diagrams only. After I get the texts sorted, edited, and humorized up a bit, I'll post the complete text list in a text file for your perusement! Then I will get started on the TGA's.

Glad to hear you've made so much progress. I'm anxious to see it :))
12 hours :shock , and you say i'm a addicted to modding. xD:

Don't forget the "utils.C" loacted in "Program\scripts" thats a file you do need to add any iteam's you utting into the game.
Ok, this is text file of all the Tier 1 books I have so far, my creativity is starting to taper off a bit as you can tell from some of the texts. I am also drawing a complete blank on the Tier 1 repair book, I just can't seem to come up with anything for Horse Hoof Glue! :shrug

I'm going to take a break for a while and try and distract myself a bit, that may help. If anyone has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated! I'll pick it up again tomorrow and tray to get the TGA's done.

View attachment Tier_1_Books.txt
We have utils.c, but we do not have them in the header file. Those are all worth checking out.
Jeez; CoAS isn't the most user-friendly for modding, is it? In PotC, we just add an item to initItems.c and with the correct settings, it'll show up in stores and serve as skill-enhancing without changing any other files. Of course we've got close to the opposite problem: weapons with rare set to 0.00 refuse to NOT show up! :boom

Also found this in "seadogs.C"

#include "ITEMS\items.h"
#include "ITEMS\itemLogic.c"
#include "ITEMS\items_utilite.c"

//homo òóò ýòî äîëæíî òî÷íî ðàáîòàòü
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, BLADE_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, GUN_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, SPYGLASS_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, PATENT_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, CIRASS_ITEM_TYPE);
RemoveCharacterEquip(pchar, MAPS_ITEM_TYPE);
DeleteAttribute(pchar, "items");
InterfaceStates.startGameWeather = FindWeather("20 Hour");
LoadMainCharacterInFirstLocationGroup("Estate", "reload", "reload1");

Maybe adding the books here will aid you, not sure though.
Doesn't look like that's got anything to do with stores. :no
No but if the books are been made as equipable then i figured that this will be a file that is needed for that to happen.
That file doesn't make them equippable; it just de-equips any you might have equipped.

LoadMainCharacterInFirstLocationGroup("Estate", "reload", "reload1");
Is this the Peter Blood storyline opening code by any chance?
Not sure, it might be. If it is then sorry i was half asleep at the time. Yep i just looked it is. :facepalm
Alright I think I may have figured something out.

Remember when I said that
rnditem.id = "bookheavy_3";
rnditem.maxQuanity = 5;
would have to be added to iteminit.c (as well as all the other books to get them to show up in store.
I think that the line items.h
#define RANDITEMS_QUANTITY    	  55
which was originally 45, not 55 would have to be edited as well to reflect the number of random items. Now I havent gotten the books to show up yet, but I haven't added all the books to the random list yet. I'll have breakfast and give it a shot, but I thought I would let you guys know of my possible progress
Ok, this is text file of all the Tier 1 books I have so far, my creativity is starting to taper off a bit as you can tell from some of the texts. I am also drawing a complete blank on the Tier 1 repair book, I just can't seem to come up with anything for Horse Hoof Glue! :shrug

I'm going to take a break for a while and try and distract myself a bit, that may help. If anyone has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated! I'll pick it up again tomorrow and tray to get the TGA's done.

Good stuff dood! Its all coming together. We just have to iron out this last pesky bug, and this will be all set for release. I did happen to notice a few spelling errors however, but seeing as these are low quality books, I think they should be left there...

Well, I don't get it. I've fixed up these 2 files to relfect what is goin on, but the damn things still don't show up....I added all the books to the randitm list, and changed the number in items.h files, for both the rdmitms and the quantity of items...but they still don't show up...

EDIT: I had to delete inititems.c for the time being as I uploaded the wrong one, and I cant see to find the file with all my work in it.
EDIT2: I've uploaded the fixed file. Doesn't fix the issue of them not showing in stores yet...but i thinks its a good step forward


  • items.h
    1.2 KB · Views: 181
  • initItems.c
    152.1 KB · Views: 236
FB use the debug window so all iteam's will show up in store, then you'll know if they are there or not. :onya
that only works to force the items into the store though right?

We want to make sure that they show up randomly in store...

EDIT: I suppose we could put the whole thing together, and release a 0.9.9 alpha, move forward with testing. I will convert the psd's to tga.tx's and put them in the appropriate folder with appropriate file names.

Further note: While at this point, it is not absolutly necessary to have the books to show up in store. However we need to figure out how to get items to show up in store, because, moving forward, items need to be added to the store shopping list.

I wish it would be just as easy to get these items to show in the list as it was the goods.
I am no coder, and you may have tried this already, and I probably don't fully understand just what is going on here. But I had a look through the files you uploaded FB and I noticed a couple of things that are different between the maps that show up in the stores and the code for the book.

Map code :

itm.id = "map_maracaibo";
itm.groupID = MAPS_ITEM_TYPE;
itm.name = "itmname_map_maracaibo";
itm.describe = "itmdescr_map_maracaibo";
itm.model = "";
itm.picIndex = 15;
itm.picTexture = "ITEMS_11";
itm.price = 1000;
itm.Weight = 0.2;
itm.imageTga = "maracaibo";
itm.imageType = "";
itm.MapIsland = "";
itm.ItemType = "MAP";

Book code :

itm.id = "bookleader_1";
itm.groupID = MAPS_ITEM_TYPE
itm.name = "itmname_bookleader_1";
itm.describe = "itmdescr_bookleader_1";
itm.model = "OpenBook";
itm.picIndex = 9;
itm.picTexture = "BOOKS_1";
//itm.shown = false;
// boal 19.01.2004 -->
itm.price = 2000;
itm.Weight = 3;
itm.imageTga = "books\bookleader_1";

Maybe the fact that the book code is missing these lines is confusing it because we are trying to make them show up as maps. :shrug

	itm.imageType = "";
itm.MapIsland = "";
itm.ItemType = "MAP";
that may be....The books may have to be given their own item type.

However I'm not sure if had the same problem before we made the books "readable"
edit: i wonder,
irand = rand(19);
if (irand == 2) {TakeNItems(ch,"itmname_bookleader_1", 1);}

What does the irand = rand(19) and (irand ==2) mean, and would that have something to do with how they show up in store
okay so screwing around here, but I was able to do this


and I did that by doing this:
itm.id = "bullet";
itm.groupID = MAPS_ITEM_TYPE
itm.name = "itmname_bookleader_1";
itm.describe = "itmdescr_bookleader_1";
itm.model = "OpenBook";
itm.picIndex = 9;
itm.picTexture = "BOOKS_1";
//itm.shown = false;
// boal 19.01.2004 -->
itm.price = 2000;
itm.Weight = 3;
itm.imageTga = "books\bookleader_1";

itm.Warrior.rare = 0.01;
itm.Warrior.min = 1;
itm.Warrior.max = 1;

itm.Solder.rare = 0.03;
itm.Solder.min = 1;
itm.Solder.max = 1;

	itm.id = "bullet";
was orignially
itm.id = "bookleader_1";

all i have to say is :shrug :modding
Awesome! Good work FB! :onya

At least they are showing up now, even if it is as bullets. xD:

I should have all the TGA's uploaded to the FTP later tonight sometime.
Awesome! Good work FB! :onya

At least they are showing up now, even if it is as bullets. xD:

I should have all the TGA's uploaded to the FTP later tonight sometime.
good stuff

Yea, They show up as bullets, but when you buy one...they show up as a bullet in your inventory. 1400 is a pretty steep price for a bullet
Ok got all the books done ...with one exception, I just can't seem come up for anything for repair. I am drawing a complete blank on a cleaver way to fix a ship with just horseshoe glue. :modding My apology's FB!

The 12(eleven tier 1, and one tier 2) books I have done however are now on the FTP. They are in two RAR files, one has the converted TX files, and the other has the original TGA's. Let me know if you need me to make any changes mate, if I come up with something for repair I'll upload that as well. Right now, it's time for a break!
If the book is actually a bullet code-wise, how come you also see bullets on that screenshot?

Since apparently changing the ID to "bullet" enables them to show up, why don't you search the PROGRAM folder for the term "bullet" (search IN all files) and maybe that'll point you to whatever else needs changing.

Have you considered copying the initItems.c entry for the bullets, changing the ID and the display name and checking if those bullet-copies show up in stores? If they do, it's an initItems.c entry issue.