Another one..... Soo how about a free cam when shooting.. Maybe you press an "aim" button or you can press Q just to fire sttaite away. If you press say, middle mouse click, which need to be added to the list of possible controls, the would be nice to zoom on and out using it, but say middle mouse zomms on for a more accurate shot, but it takes time to aim so you could get shot or hit first which drops the aim. I really want to shoot birds and stuff. Also, possibly a blunderbuss or broomstick, shotgun, if it isn't already the grape shot. I would also like animals that I can hunt, maybe there's a wildlife Isle and with animals that you can hunt, and when they die you can loot there leather or their meat which will count as food. Stuff like, cougurs that attack you, or elks or zebras or lions. Also again me hello. Is there equiptble necklaces or tasismans? Ilke rpg games where you can equipt onto a person, instead of the basic click equipt, you could as a character model to the inventory screen and each item will show as a model on the character. I think I'm done for today ha