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Hornblower Walkthrough - Mar 2010

okay hi all once again i'm here. I watched the movies from Horatio Hornblower and got the urge to play the storyline. Well i mostly gladly did and it went smoohtly no unsolvable bugs. However is there somewhere a little change in the storyline so i can change my weapons. Cause i can only release my weapons and never equip them. This is real bad after you finished the storyline cause you can't get a better weapon than the dagger you get once you break out of the French jail.
okay well last thing solved it self when i saved it and quit. and then restart. However i got a problem thanks to a major bug of HMS Victory. I bought the Dauntless. I became commodore in british navy and my ship changed to HMS Victory. All very nice etc. but it's bugged and damned. My save file of my commodore started to disappear and the game crashes every single time i go to the ship. i thought i just tell this cause it's annoying.

I have recently been sailing the Endeavour, Dauntless, and Victory and they have been working ok. So I don't think it is a problem with the ships themselves.

Are you playing several storylines at the same time? Some players have reported that having many storylines open can cause problems with saved games. That might be the root cause of your save game problems.

The Victory is the British reward ship? Do you have any other ships in your fleet? The reward ships can sometimes cause problems. I have received the wrong ship and sometimes other ships in my fleet disappear. :rumgone

But you got the proper ship, so it should be ok. By any chance did you save the game just before going in to see the governor when you got the Victory?

The Victory should not crash your game. Do you have error logs?
where can i find the error logs?

How to set up error logging

5. I installed the Build Mod as per the instructions, but now my game doesn't work
Please "Enable Error Logging":
- Open "engine.ini" in your main game folder.
- Find the "debuginfo = 0" line and change it to "debuginfo = 1".
- Find the "runtimelog = 0" line and change it to "runtimelog = 1".
- Find the "tracefilesoff = 1" line and change it to "tracefilesoff = 0".
- Start the game and wait until the error occurs.
- Now find compile.log, system.log and the possible error.log in your main game folder.
- Post their contents in Build Technical
It should look like this:

tracefilesoff = 0
debuginfo = 1
codefiles = 0
runtimelog = 1

Post the error logs ( system - compile - error ) as attachments to a post in this thread.

okay here are my logs.
hope you can see what's wrong with it.


  • compile.log
    3.6 KB · Views: 395
  • error.log
    472 bytes · Views: 400
  • system.log
    1.4 KB · Views: 396
Choice 2 (land battle)
Join Harper and Cooper and return to the Plantation [TRAP]

Join the battle.

After battle go to Plantation house to change back into uniform.

Go back to Captain Murray on battle field.
Talk to him.
Talk to Sharpe.

Go to next valley.

Meet Harper.

Go to next valley.

Go to Lighthouse beach [TRAP]

Go back to last valley.

Go back to shore.
Meet Lt. Bush and rejoin the Hotspur

Sail to Bridgetown.

I'm at the Loyalty part. I did option two. I can repededly not continue after talking to Lt. Bush - the ship's boat is locked. If I despite that sailed to Bridgetown, nothing seemed to happen.

EDIT: It seems I managed to get the continuation to fire off anyways, but I still had to bypass the locked ships boat.
Aye that part can sometimes be a bit buggy for some reason. Read some of the old threads about how others solved it.
Hey i know this is stupid but i have started playing the The Chronicles of Horatio Hornblower quest line for build 14 beta 2.1 and ive just started the quest my first ship. When i get up to the part where i have to Sail to Guadeloupe, i sail there and the French attack me and i cant reach the beach. please help!
I am stuck at Antigua Land Attack, following the good option 3 in the sharpe dialog, but the beach scene occures buggie :( it saya a mansfield is back but nothing happns when i enter the valley, sharpe doesn't move at all
Could you post a savegame on that part? I can try to get through myself. See what happens.

Also.... any .log files in your game folder for this one?
Could you post a savegame on that part? I can try to get through myself. See what happens.

Also.... any .log files in your game folder for this one?

Here is all I can offer:


  • compile.log
    3.6 KB · Views: 373
  • error.log
    171 bytes · Views: 387
  • system.log
    1.4 KB · Views: 379
  • -=Player=- Antigua. Antigua November 12th, 1793.zip
    800.2 KB · Views: 380
Indeed there IS something wrong. Missing initModels.c entries, to be exact.
Unfortunately that can't be updated anymore in mid-game, but will be fixed in the next update.

As an alternate solution, open PROGRAM\console.c and find;
void ExecuteConsole()
   ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
   ref ch;
   int i;
   int limit;
Below this, add:
  ch = CharacterFromID("Rifleman Mansfield");
   SetModel(ch, "Rifleman95A3_18", DEFAULT_ANI, DEFAULT_ANI, MAN_HEIGHT, true);
   ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Rifleman Mansfield"), "Antigua_outskirts", "goto", "goto49");
Load your savegame and press F12. The scene in the Antigua outskirts now works as it should.
Then when you continue into the next jungle location, the story continues and Mansfield does appear again.
Just ignore his portrait file. :wp
It worked out fine, thanks but the next issue came along right away, lol in the naval HQ in Kingston: no one is there to tell me anything, I even can't find any document in my inv. to be delivered :confused:
I fear I'll need another console-input-phrase to solve this here, btw is there such a phrase to alter the nation relations? The actual ones do not fit to the campaign development...

EDIT: Belay the last point, I got it myself, was very simple

(SetNationRelationBoth(ENGLAND, SPAIN, RELATION_NEUTRAL); ...)

"Let us pray, the allmighty never chooses to become neutral..." Sir Edward Pellew on his poopdeck^^
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