The "Hornblower_end" music was used only as a place-holder until I could find something more suitable. The normal wedding march, i.e. the "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrin", is not suitable as it is from 1850. Which means if you download this: Roger/
you'll get "Prince of Denmark's March" instead. That was written in or around 1700 which means it actually existed when Hornblower was getting married. (And, for that matter, when Nathaniel Hawk and Danielle Greene were considering doing likewise, in case anyone wants to adapt the ceremony for them.

From the books, do you know the first name of Maria's mother? Now she's Hornblower's mother-in-law, they ought to be on first name terms, and the only reason they aren't is that I don't know her first name. If it's not in any of the books you've read then I'll pick a name for her myself.
The limitation on hiring officers may as well remain. Partly because you put so much effort into it which would then be wasted if you scrap it.

And partly because we may as well keep at least some difference between being a captain and not being a captain, other than not being responsible for feeding and paying the crew.
Next problem: that "FR_Postillionen" which I used for the battle in the extension is wrong, not surprisingly as it's supposed to be for "Colonial Powers" and "Golden Age of Piracy". Bowsprit masts had long been out of fashion by the time Hornblower was sailing around. The Napoleonic French navy needs some new ships - at the moment they don't have their own modern 6th rate frigate, or even their own version of the Unité, which is a bit wrong since that's supposed to be a French design! This is in the process of being rectified...
(That one was surprisingly easy. "" doesn't use a specific texture file for its sides, it just uses generic "RN_Hull_01.tga" for the planking. I just used a hex-editor to replace that with "FR_Hull_01.tga". Getting it into the game is the hard part...)