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Included in Build Hornblower updates

Attendance will require the installation of the attached "wedding.zip".
Just included this into my game version now. That's an EPIC update, that is! You've clearly worked very hard on this.
That scene always seemed extremely rushed, so I'm very happy indeed that you've actually included it now for real.
Nice humour too.... :rofl

Even more impressive is how you set up the dialogs to be very generic so that they might be reused elsewhere in the future.
Good thinking! :bow

This also seems a good time to remove that "isnotcaptain" limitation from the Passengers Interface, so I have now done that too.
And I also removed the limitation on the Shore Crewmembers, so that you CAN use that from the start of the game.
The "cannot hire officers" limitation does remain, unless you would prefer that one to be lifted as well.

Is there anything more that still needs to be done here? Other than testing, that is?
I think it is time to move this one to the Build Testing List | PiratesAhoy! ! :cheers
The "Hornblower_end" music was used only as a place-holder until I could find something more suitable. The normal wedding march, i.e. the "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrin", is not suitable as it is from 1850. Which means if you download this:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/wedding.zip
you'll get "Prince of Denmark's March" instead. That was written in or around 1700 which means it actually existed when Hornblower was getting married. (And, for that matter, when Nathaniel Hawk and Danielle Greene were considering doing likewise, in case anyone wants to adapt the ceremony for them. ;))

From the books, do you know the first name of Maria's mother? Now she's Hornblower's mother-in-law, they ought to be on first name terms, and the only reason they aren't is that I don't know her first name. If it's not in any of the books you've read then I'll pick a name for her myself.

The limitation on hiring officers may as well remain. Partly because you put so much effort into it which would then be wasted if you scrap it. ;) And partly because we may as well keep at least some difference between being a captain and not being a captain, other than not being responsible for feeding and paying the crew.

Next problem: that "FR_Postillionen" which I used for the battle in the extension is wrong, not surprisingly as it's supposed to be for "Colonial Powers" and "Golden Age of Piracy". Bowsprit masts had long been out of fashion by the time Hornblower was sailing around. The Napoleonic French navy needs some new ships - at the moment they don't have their own modern 6th rate frigate, or even their own version of the Unité, which is a bit wrong since that's supposed to be a French design! This is in the process of being rectified...


(That one was surprisingly easy. "HMS_Greyhound.gm" doesn't use a specific texture file for its sides, it just uses generic "RN_Hull_01.tga" for the planking. I just used a hex-editor to replace that with "FR_Hull_01.tga". Getting it into the game is the hard part...)
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I don't think a first name was ever given for Mrs. Mason.
Maybe "Ellen"? That seems to be Maria's second name, but goes unused in the game:
Maria Mason
Actually, you might want to have a brief look at that page for some characterization of both ladies. And Hornblower's own thoughts on the subject too.... :wp

Ship looks nice! Adding her to the game should not be very difficult.
We do stuff like that all the time. :cheeky
"Ellen" it is, then. I already had some idea of Hornblower's feelings on the marriage from Wikipedia, and you might have noticed that I locked all the town gates in case he has second thoughts and tries to escape. But "Horry"? That's going to have to be used somewhere... xD

The page mentions that an admiral was at the wedding, and indeed I originally intended Pellew, along with Sharpe and some of Hornblower's crew to be guests. For Maria I was going to invite most of the population of Bridgetown. The only snag is that all the locators for worshippers in the church are on the seats, which is fine for men who can sit, but not so good for women. If they stand, their feet go through the benches, which looks silly; if they try to sit, it of course will look even worse. So I settled for making it a private affair.
While the town girl models indeed cannot sit, the female officer types can.
It may also be possible to add some extra locators for them to stand on.

Anyway, that's all optional. A private affair may not be 100% true to the book or film, neither is anything else in the storyline.
So it's OK either way. :onya
Oh... forgot to say:

But "Horry"? That's going to have to be used somewhere... xD
Yes. Yes, it does. :rofl

The limitation on hiring officers may as well remain. Partly because you put so much effort into it which would then be wasted if you scrap it. ;)
Don't worry about any wasted time on my part. The full former "isnotcaptain" functionality remains linked to the "NO_CREW_OR_OFFICERS" storyline option.
That one is needed for the Woodes Rogers and Gold-Bug ones as you're not meant to ever be able to get any officers there either.

The "Hornblower_end" music was used only as a place-holder until I could find something more suitable. The normal wedding march, i.e. the "Bridal Chorus" from "Lohengrin", is not suitable as it is from 1850. Which means if you download this:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/wedding.zip
you'll get "Prince of Denmark's March" instead. That was written in or around 1700 which means it actually existed when Hornblower was getting married. (And, for that matter, when Nathaniel Hawk and Danielle Greene were considering doing likewise, in case anyone wants to adapt the ceremony for them. ;))
Do you think that "Hornblower_end" one can still be put to use somewhere?
Maybe somewhere in here?
    case "assigned_to_atropos5":
       ReceiveLetterOfMarque(ENGLAND);                     // PB: Enable regular governor dialogs
//       DeleteAttribute(PChar, "isnotcaptain");                 // PB: Return to normal play
       AddStorylineVar(FindCurrentStoryline(), "CHANGING_RELATIONS", "1");   // PB: Enable changing nation relations
       GiveShip2Character(pchar, "HMS_Greyhound", "Atropos", -1, ENGLAND, true, true); // 6th Rate Frigate
       AddQuestRecord("Old Friends - New Enemies", 19);
       LAi_QuestDelay("End_of_story", 0.1);

     case "End_of_story":
       CloseQuestHeader("Old Friends - New Enemies");
       LAi_QuestDelay("wolfes_ship", 0.1);
Seems a bit of a shame to not use good stuff. Especially when it is now already in the mod. ;)
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You really don't want me using that as an excuse to add soundtracks, otherwise you're going to get sick of Haggman's voice. I've got eight versions of the "Sharpe" end song. xD But I have been considering putting "Hornblower_end" in somewhere, the problem being there are three definitions of "end". There's the chat with Pellew on the flagship after the second Guadeloupe mission, which is serious enough to merit the soundtrack; the one at Bridgetown Naval HQ where you get Atropos and the free-play orders; and when you report to Pellew after defeating the traitors, which really is the end of the storyline. (If I ever do the Natividad incident, I'm going to try to make it a Hornblower-specific side quest which becomes available when you reach rank 6, whether by continuing free-play after the story or by picking Hornblower as a free-play character right from the start.)
You really don't want me using that as an excuse to add soundtracks, otherwise you're going to get sick of Haggman's voice. I've got eight versions of the "Sharpe" end song. xD
If it's in the game file, I reckon it should be used. So either you use it, or I should probably remove them again.
Since they're already there, I figure they might as well be used. :cheeky

I have been considering putting "Hornblower_end" in somewhere, the problem being there are three definitions of "end". There's the chat with Pellew on the flagship after the second Guadeloupe mission, which is serious enough to merit the soundtrack; the one at Bridgetown Naval HQ where you get Atropos and the free-play orders; and when you report to Pellew after defeating the traitors, which really is the end of the storyline.
True, that. Since there may yet be more parts to be added, maybe the start of "Free Play" is an appropriate point?
After all, that is a very distinct spot in the storyline where the gameplay changes quite a bit.
That's worthy of some bells and whistles, no?

If I ever do the Natividad incident, I'm going to try to make it a Hornblower-specific side quest which becomes available when you reach rank 6, whether by continuing free-play after the story or by picking Hornblower as a free-play character right from the start.
Still a good idea. :onya
More updates. First, "TempQuest.c" gives the French captain at the end the new "FR_Greyhound" instead of the period-inaccurate "FR_Postillionen" - you'll need the "New French Ships" update as well for this to work.

"Story.c" forces Donatien Thibaud into "Offic_fra_19" rather than leaving his uniform to random chance. (If "Offic_fra_16" now has the 'model.period' line re-enabled then "Offic_fra_19" is probably the only valid model for a French Napoleonic era army officer anyway.)

"quests_reaction.c" tightens up the final skirmish with the Voltigeurs - previously you could escape the battle, and break the quest, by running back to the jungle clearing. Also, when you return to Bridgetown after the extension, you can now visit Maria again. You could visit her anyway because her default dialog is now "Gov MR_dialog.c" so she says normal wife things, but now she gets one more specific piece of dialog before reverting to that default. And you get to hear "Hornblower_end" when you report to Admiral Pellew.

"Maria Mason_dialog.c" and "Maria Mason_dialog.h" provide that dialog. "Mrs. Mason_dialog.h" puts her on first name terms with you after the wedding. And "Richard Sharpe_Dialog.h" has him explain why Thibaud and the surviving riflemen don't follow you all the way back to the ship. (I tried letting them do so. The approach to the beach is very narrow, it's hard enough getting past Sharpe and Harper, and if anyone else is there as well then it's impossible to get to the ship unless you have sidestep enabled and can walk through rock.)

And that ought to be it done!


  • TempQuest.c
    5.6 KB · Views: 270
  • Story.c
    74.2 KB · Views: 251
  • quests_reaction.c
    839.8 KB · Views: 231
  • Maria Mason_dialog.c
    6.5 KB · Views: 245
  • Maria Mason_dialog.h
    3.7 KB · Views: 240
  • Mrs. Mason_dialog.h
    2.5 KB · Views: 251
  • Richard Sharpe_Dialog.h
    31 KB · Views: 259
If "Offic_fra_16" now has the 'model.period' line re-enabled then "Offic_fra_19" is probably the only valid model for a French Napoleonic era army officer anyway.
On your suggestion, that has indeed already been done. :yes

"quests_reaction.c" tightens up the final skirmish with the Voltigeurs - previously you could escape the battle, and break the quest, by running back to the jungle clearing. Also, when you return to Bridgetown after the extension, you can now visit Maria again. You could visit her anyway because her default dialog is now "Gov MR_dialog.c" so she says normal wife things, but now she gets one more specific piece of dialog before reverting to that default. And you get to hear "Hornblower_end" when you report to Admiral Pellew.
Excellent! :onya

And that ought to be it done!
I'll move this to the Testing Forum then. Congratulations indeed on your epic efforts on this one! :bow
The (hopefully) completed Hornblower stuff, plus all my new ships, can be found here:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/grey_roger_updates.zip

In "PROGRAM" you'll find two versions of "NK.c". The default one is based on the 29th November general update. If, after installing my lot, your game gets stuck at the initial selection screen, it's probably because you're running an earlier version of Beta 4. In that case, rename "NK.c" to something else, then rename "NK_old.c" to "NK.c" - that one is based on the 5th November version, before several functions were moved into "NK.c" from elsewhere.
Can someone please add this to the Wiki entry for the "Hornblower" storyline?


  • wiki_extension.txt
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