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Hoist the Colours

kk ill do side quest script on thursday. busy today then maybe code it into the game on the weekend see how it goes but i need to practicse first
You could indeed use the Hard Labours of an Assassin sidequest to base your story on, though that is a pretty long one.
If you can find a shorter one to make a copy of, it'll probably be easier.
My suggestion: whichever is easiest and the least work.
Second suggestion: Decide for yourself what you do and don't want to do. Me and Peter can suggest a lot, but that's meaningless if you don't want to do it anyway. :razz
As I do not currently have my laptop available to mod on (I purposefully left it at an office space we lease) because I don't need the distraction at the moment, as I need to focus on schoolwork and family. The only computer in the house is my Mac desktop which I am using now. Because of this, I'm free to share many of my suggestions for my ideal DMC storyline if you need help. If you get stuck on ideas, feel free to ask. I'm jacked full of em'.
yeah i need to focus on school work as well but ive got holidays coming up and alot of spare time. by the way the standard game didnt have many sidequests but i might look through the tales of chevillar e.t.c.. for good ideas.
and i was thinking to maybe start (as pieter suggested) on the easier one like misstress ching plus the pirate lord sidequests havent been finished so i might as well finish the quests. and im only writing up the script first then ill try to code it into the game... should be fun and i would love to see the hoist the colours develop and progress for the better :sail
by the way if their are any coders who are willing to help bring the stories alive your help will be greatly appreciated
by the way the standard game didnt have many sidequests but i might look through the tales of chevillar e.t.c.. for good ideas.

The standard story has quite a few side-quests. :razz

check the walkthrough on the Wiki -- Link here --> http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/16944-link-to-walkthroughs-on-wiki/page__view__findpost__p__384515

For a list of them

Indeed; the Standard storyline has the most sidequests by far!

As for coders to help you, post exactly what you want coded here and we'll point you in the right direction.
You might want to start out with just editing an existing dialog file and adding some more text or so; that's the easiest place to start.
As I have already shared my main quest ideas, I would be glad to share some unique ideas I have for DMC, some things may not be how you would expect them (as you will also get a chance to play as Will during some parts and even Barbossa and Norrington)
i still think that i shall do the hard labours of an assassin but i shall crop it a little to make it shorter and change the ending
Instead of Mistress Ching, you could put Master Ching (her late husband) in a new brothel on Tortuga using the skin of Silehard's house (implying that he is the owner) , and he gives you a series of assassination quests. In the end, you have to fight him in his study and after you kill him, his wife takes over his criminal empire. Same basic concept. Muertos Santo is replaced by Master Ching, and Desiree Gothchick is replaced by Mistress Ching.
:onya thats not a bad idea but i think that we need to add mistress ching a bit more often. maybe near the end mistress ching will tell sparrow to assassinate master ching for a hefty reward so that she could get his criminal empire
She could be like the other guy in the Church who asks you to save his daughter and kill Santo. Instead of a daughter, it could be her sister and her sister's husband in the prison.
the only problem that im facing is with coding. im afraid that i might go wrong and practising will take a long time i might start a new topic asking for help from coders
Just copy the hard labours of an assassin quest into Jack Sparrow and tweak it up some. Change the location from Puerto Rico to Tortuga, change Santos to Ching, and change the dialog as well as the character models and ending codes.