Which reminds me... we can put Barbossa actually in command of the Black Pearl, rather than "Random Drunk".
Not that anyone notices, but anyway. Also the Pearl should also sail away on the second marooning, which is not yet done.
And what about the foggy Davy Jones scene? You had been wanting that one too, no?
BTW: ZarethPL is working on a Black Pearl vs. HMS Interceptor boarding deck location, if I understood correctly.
One problem: Thomas Tipman is mute in the Tortuga tavern if I use Random Drunk to skip straight to the post-CotBP scenes.
Not that anyone notices, but anyway. Also the Pearl should also sail away on the second marooning, which is not yet done.
And what about the foggy Davy Jones scene? You had been wanting that one too, no?
BTW: ZarethPL is working on a Black Pearl vs. HMS Interceptor boarding deck location, if I understood correctly.
One problem: Thomas Tipman is mute in the Tortuga tavern if I use Random Drunk to skip straight to the post-CotBP scenes.