That's criminal!i'm guilty of not playing "Woodes Rogers" or "The Gold Bug" far anough
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That's criminal!i'm guilty of not playing "Woodes Rogers" or "The Gold Bug" far anough
I have used the stairs part of store04 many times. It would need a ladder and a visible hatch in the ceiling but
those are not difficult to fix. It feels like a smaller location than the lighthouse. And not much windows.
There is one case in WR2: "Kristiania_fort_stairs" with ladder, hatch and lower door already in place.
Texture can always be changed.
View attachment 40724
There's a potential snag with making them unremovable. It also makes them impossible to re-assign. If you hire an officer in a tavern, he automatically goes into one of the party slots, displacing whoever was there before. So if someone hires a new officer who then displaces Anamaria, it's impossible to put her back into the party.And i forgot to make Anamaria and Gibbs removable at the end of my questline that we have so far...
There's a potential snag with making them unremovable. It also makes them impossible to re-assign. If you hire an officer in a tavern, he automatically goes into one of the party slots, displacing whoever was there before. So if someone hires a new officer who then displaces Anamaria, it's impossible to put her back into the party.
case "Beckett_escort_to_Redmond":
Locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_tavern")].reload.l1.disable = false; = "ExitFromLocation"; =; = "Redmond"; = "Beckett_escort_complete"; = "location"; =; = "Redmond_port"; = "Beckett_run_for_Mings2";
break; = "location"; =; = "Redmond_port"; = "Beckett_run_for_Mings2";
Go through jungle on your own – go to house outside fort entrance ( 1st jungle screen )
Transported to prison - Talk to Cap’n Drow. – escape – avoid 3 EITC officers in Port - sail to Turks - on jetty Petros talks to you - gives you your ship back.
Mr Gibbs leaves you
Sail to Lighthouse Bay, on Barbados
characters[GetCharacterIndex("Petros")].Dialog.Filename = "Petros_dialog.c";
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Petros")].dialog.currentnode = "Turks_after_Guadeloupe_capture";
//Talk to gibbs on deck
case "Ship_deck_gibbs_talk":
SetCharacterToNearLocatorFromMe("Mr. Gibbs", 15);
LAi_SetActorType(characterfromID("Mr. Gibbs"));
LAi_ActorDialog(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"),PChar,"",2.0,-1);
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Mr. Gibbs")].Dialog.Filename = "Mr. Gibbs_dialog.c";
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Mr. Gibbs")].dialog.currentnode = "talk_jack_ship";
Yes there are many asian cities in VCO. This is the one they use for Melacca (Singapore).
There are four .gm files to be added to this base with tons of trees, boats, market stalls, goods etc etc.
The walk path looks a little tricky. Several levels (needing special fixes).
View attachment 40731 View attachment 40732
Did "First_run_Jamaica_with_Beckett2" trigger? It ought to be triggered by Beckett reaching the door and disappearing, and should in turn trigger "Beckett_escort_to_Redmond", which sets up the trigger for "Beckett_run_for_Mings2" when you arrive at Port Royale.I have decided to speed run Hoist the colours to finally do the sidequests before i continue with DMC, and i have already ran into an issue, this time i have a save file to hopefully prove that i'm not insane
So the problem: i have chosen the Mings path this time, and Beckett refuses to spawn when i arrive on Port Royale.
Did "Get_off_Guadeloupe_3" trigger? That's the case which sets a trigger for "Turks_with_Drow" when you arrive at Turks port. "Turks_with_Drow" should move some characters around and then trigger "Turks_with_Drow2", which is the dialog you set up in console.I must indded have a talent for breaking quests, but another one, Petros does not talk on the jetty...
Or disable fighting on the beach. If you have your sword drawn then Davy Jones can't talk to you even if you don't hit him with it.And this is one dead Davy Jones', i think setting him to be immortal or fighting back is in need here...
Change the first line of "Sao Feng_dialog.h" to something more appropriate. Unless/until you finish with DMC and go onto AWE, Sao Feng needs to stay at Turks Residence. As well as giving you the quest to find his bodyguards, which ends with you becoming a pirate lord, he's your only source of promotions if you've joined the Brotherhood and then done some freelance pirating.Is captain Sao Feng suggesting i should start "At the worl's end" quicker and @Jack Rackham should help us make Singapore possible ?
Couldn't say for sure, as i'm long past this point, but i can confirm that Beckett ran to the tavern's exit and disappeared.Did "First_run_Jamaica_with_Beckett2" trigger? It ought to be triggered by Beckett reaching the door and disappearing, and should in turn trigger "Beckett_escort_to_Redmond", which sets up the trigger for "Beckett_run_for_Mings2" when you arrive at Port Royale.
Did "Get_off_Guadeloupe_3" trigger? That's the case which sets a trigger for "Turks_with_Drow" when you arrive at Turks port. "Turks_with_Drow" should move some characters around and then trigger "Turks_with_Drow2", which is the dialog you set up in console.
Or disable fighting on the beach. If you have your sword drawn then Davy Jones can't talk to you even if you don't hit him with it.
What I can say is that if you were doing a lot of fast-travel for the speed run, it may very well have broken things. There have been plenty of people reporting various quests breaking because they used fast-travel.
case "Beckett_escort_to_Redmond":
Locations[FindLocation("Oxbay_tavern")].reload.l1.disable = false; = "ExitFromLocation"; =; = "Redmond"; = "Beckett_escort_complete"; = "location"; =; = "Redmond_port"; = "Beckett_run_for_Mings2";
case "Beckett_escort_complete":
AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Leadership", 1500);
AddPartyExpChar(pchar, "Sneak", 50);
else { AddPartyExp(pchar, 1500); }
// RemoveCharacterCompanion(pchar, characterFromID("Cutler Beckett")); //TALISMAN - to have Becketts ship sail with you to P Royale when escort
SetCharacterShipLocation(characterFromID("Cutler Beckett"), "Redmond_Port");
//LAi_SetOfficerType(characterFromID("Cutler Beckett"));
//LAi_QuestDelay("Beckett_run_for_Mings2", 0.2);
case "Beckett_run_for_Mings2":
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterfromID("Cutler Beckett"), "Redmond_port", "goto", "goto_45");
characters[GetCharacterIndex("Cutler Beckett")].Dialog.Filename = "Cutler Beckett_dialog.c";
LAi_SetActorType(characterFromID("Cutler Beckett"));
LAi_ActorDialog(characterFromID("Cutler Beckett"),PChar,"",5.0,5.0);
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Cutler Beckett")].dialog.currentnode = "Redmond_meet_after_Mings";