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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)

By the way, on the topic of patching things up, at the very start of Hoist the colours, isn't this guard supposed to talk to me right away ? As well... he does not, he talks only after i reload to sea or any other location and visit this shore again... did you encounter this @Grey Roger ?
He's supposed to talk to you when you try to enter town. I had no trouble there.

@Grey Roger please ignore this statement, and download these files, i have ran trough my quest again, and added many more little fix-ups, and you would get a worse first impression of my story without them...
I'll need to do another round of WinMerging as I've been adding a few fixes of my own to the original part of the story - the fix to make Justine le Moigne disappear in time for "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" is just one of them. And I'll need to do another round of console trickery to add the newest locations, otherwise I'll need to start the whole story all over again...
He's supposed to talk to you when you try to enter town. I had no trouble there.

Strange, i could not make him talk and entered the town, i must have a talent for breaking quests :D
Ok, I'm giving it a try again. I have replaced the lighthouse building with a bigger clocktower
(from the churchyard). With this exterior the lighthouse inside would fit better. There still are problems to solve...
Nice! But i think the surroundings of the Graveyard location will work better for the scene, could we replace the Church/tower in the MODELS\Locations\Graveyard. location with this bigger one instead ?
Nice! But i think the surroundings of the Graveyard location will work better for the scene, could we replace the Church/tower in the MODELS\Locations\Graveyard. location with this bigger one instead
Maybe it could but I think I stop here as it will mean so much more work. This because the graveyard is very adapted to become a monastary
in WR2. And also then you miss the effect of the correct view from inside the Lighthouse.
If this is the lighthouse location, then next to the tower, where the extension building to the lighthouse used to be, walking shouldn't be possible, right? Maybe someone (but don't look at me) could build a small graveyard where the player can't walk anyway, including a fence and a few gravestones?
Maybe it could but I think I stop here as it will mean so much more work. This because the graveyard is very adapted to become a monastary
in WR2. And also then you miss the effect of the correct view from inside the Lighthouse.
Could you please send me files that you have for the graveyard ? I will take a look at it myself and think of what can be done... :)
f this is the lighthouse location, then next to the tower, where the extension building to the lighthouse used to be, walking shouldn't be possible, right? Maybe someone (but don't look at me) could build a small graveyard where the player can't walk anyway, including a fence and a few gravestones?
I had in mind to add something there yes. Maybe a hut.

@Sebrian, the Graveyard is already in the game. MODELS/Locations/outside/Graveyard.
The issue with the lighthouse's exterior location is that it's near a shore, which does not make much sense for the film's scene, as they are running from Davy Jones' crew who are chasing them from sea into a jungle/church/graveyard.
@Jack Rackham After exploring the graveyard location from Woodes Rogers, i must say it is ineed the closest thing i have seen so far for what is hapening in the movie scene, but there are few issues, and i don't know how easy it will be to do if possible at all...

I will try to explain my idea the best i can...


Behind this wall there are no textures, so i assume this is from the original game which it was imported from... and well, is it posible to remove/alter so it's just a jungle instead ? Player won't be able to go further than this point in the screenshot.

Player spawns here and then moves to:


And after that comes the hardest part....


Player runs into the church, and jumps from the top of bell tower to the roof of the crypt (same workaround as you did with the shipwreck. similar in it's idea at least)

The question: is it possible to make top of the bell tower walkable, and is it possible to make roof of the crypt somewhat walkable ? There will be a fight between 3 npcs on the top of this roof, each standing like shown in the movie scene.

I can set camera to a certain point so we only see the player on top of the bell tower after he enters, player won't see much else but his character near the bell before the jump...
And i forgot to make Anamaria and Gibbs removable at the end of my questline that we have so far...

case "After_Tortuga_port_cleanup":
            setCharacterShipLocation(PChar, "Tortuga_port");
            AddQuestRecord("Dead mans chest", 9);
            LAi_LocationFightDisable(&Locations[FindLocation("Tortuga_port")], false);
            Locations[FindLocation("Tortuga_port")].reload.l2.disable = 0;
            bQuestDisableMapEnter = false;
            InterfaceStates.Buttons.Save.enable = 1;
            LAi_SetImmortal(CharacterFromID("Elizabeth Swann"), false)
            LAi_SetImmortal(CharacterFromID("Annamaria"), false)
            LAi_SetImmortal(CharacterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"), false)
            LAi_SetImmortal(CharacterFromID("James Norrington"), false)
            LAi_SetOfficerType(CharacterFromID("James Norrington")); 
            LAi_SetOfficerType(CharacterFromID("Elizabeth Swann")); 
            AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Annamaria"), 0);
            AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("James Norrington"), 0);
            AddPassenger(Pchar, characterFromID("Elizabeth Swann"), 0);
            LAi_SetOfficerType(CharacterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"));
            SetOfficersIndex(Pchar, 1, GetCharacterIndex("Mr. Gibbs")); 
            SetCharacterRemovable(characterFromID("Annamaria"), true);
            SetCharacterRemovable(characterFromID("Mr. Gibbs"), true);       
            LAi_QuestDelay("tp_deck_after_port_tortuga", 1.0);

Maybe there is something else i missed, few more fixes added besides this one, but for now ill wait on @Grey Roger to give me some feedback...


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I'd also put a little surprise into one of the cabins, but unfortunately the door to the cabin is locked so you'll never see it. That is, unless you edit "InternalSettings.h" to allow sidestep. Then find your way to the crew quarters, use sidestep to get into the first cabin on the right, and see what the Flying Dutchman has for bedtime reading...

Just found it, this is awesome! :cheers
As I said I have made a lot of changes to the imported graveyard. So at this moment it doesn't exist a clean original graveyard.
The wall can easy be removed. And more background textures can be added too. (plan3) etc etc etc

It's easier if I try to make a clean original graveyard for you to start working from, than to wright it all down.
So to work then! :onya
is it possible to make top of the bell tower walkable, and is it possible to make roof of the crypt somewhat walkable ?
I'll try. No more lighthouse inside then? Directly from the churchtower door to the clock platform?
I'll try. No more lighthouse inside then? Directly from the churchtower door to the clock platform?

We could still do the interior of the lighthouse... so the whole scene then would be:

1. Player runs to the church/bell tower
2. Enters to lighthouse interior, two npcs enter and they have a fight on the stairs etc.
3. Runs to the top of lighthouse interior and exits to bell tower top.
4. Camera moves so it doesn't look weird from back perspective, and player sees his character standing on top next to the bell, ready to jump.
5. Screen fade jump/landing sounds
6. Teleported to the roof of the crypt
7. Two npc's do the "jump" after the player,
8. Three of them have a brief fight on the roof of the crypt
9. Player "jumps" of the roof of the crypt back to ground...

Only issue with the lighthouse interiour is that it won't match with how tall the bell tower is and maybe what we see outside from the windows won't be accurate, but it's just one scene and the player will be quite busy with fighting and won't have much time to look around :D
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I cleaned up the graveyard location to original.

It was possible to make the platform at the bell walkable. The crypt roof didn't work as a walk path though.
So I added a damaged church building whith a roof that can be walked on. Jump from belltower to church roof.

I have not included the lighthouse interior at all. See if this works for you. If not you can squeeze in the lighthouse between.
I have not added any enemies on the roof.

When going up to the belltower there is a change of walkpaths.
So after the fight (going down somehow) you have to switch back to the normal ones.

Go close to any character before using the new box locators. Else they show a chest.

Here's the start for console:
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Tia Dalma"), "Graveyard_SBR", "goto", "goto6");
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Graveyard_SBR", "rld", "loc1" ,"_");



  • Sebrian graveyard.7z
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@Jack Rackham you are an absolute wizzard! This is perfect! I will add ligthouse or maybe some other interior inbetween, but even without it this is amazing, i will get to coding the last two scenes of DMC some time soon... :onya

Actually i will have to code some of "At the world end" right away, so the story can have a logical end point for now...

Maybe you have some ideas about this ?:

Maybe any of you know/have tried if we can add HP to an object make object an npc ?

The whole idea is to make tentacles that attack you when kraken is summoned into npcs with hp, so i can check if tentacle is killed in the quest...

And the last idea, is it possible to turn sea into sand/make ship sail sand/ground ? :wp And the ground must be walkable by the player...i know that sounds a bit much

The whole ship sailing on ground is for this scene here: Youtube link
or maybe some other interior inbetween
I have used the stairs part of store04 many times. It would need a ladder and a visible hatch in the ceiling but
those are not difficult to fix. It feels like a smaller location than the lighthouse. And not much windows.

If you add new locators you have to do it in both the locator files. So night works as well.
If you add new locators you have to do it in both the locator files. So night works as well.

Yes, i have noticed that, thank you!

And everything that is done using box items i will do in quest recation cases, as entering/jumping will be all scripted and a single time event. I have alrady coded player "jumping" off the roof to a ledge and then on ground, looks pretty good!

I think this is the best we can do within engine's limitations, so i'm really happy with it, and your shipwreck location looks great in quest's scenes, almost like the movie xD

Thank you for your help, Jack! This whole questline wouldn't be possible without your work! (or at least take much more time for me)

have used the stairs part of store04 many times. It would need a ladder and a visible hatch in the ceiling but
those are not difficult to fix. It feels like a smaller location than the lighthouse. And not much windows.
I will see about store04 , i have to see it for myself, i'm guilty of not playing "Woodes Rogers" or "The Gold Bug" far anough, Gold bug was an interesting discovery, for some reason i never played it, being a fan of Edgar alan poe's work :rolleyes:
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