Thanks, I will try to look it over

I do have the tools and tried to use them, but... One thing is to get models
out of the game, getting one back is quite another.
Oh, those can be extremely graceful for some reason. Like a battlecruiser for their times. Strangely, most of them were done after the war, 1814 onwards, and saw no significant action (Majestic, Elephant, for example, but they show completely different architecture). Would be interesting to see a razee variant of the "Temeraire" (Superb), but as far as I know only French have done some, and all I found was a very late (1865!) photo.
As you can see, while I definitely used and reused everything that model's author has posted (and he has a plenty, including drawings), there are things we don't completely see eye to eye for.
I definitely can't take credit for the intricate carvings, I have taken them off partly from the Bellona, partly from Indiaman model, but their positioning (and the reason for only 4 white columns) is mostly due to this model:
Which I thought may just represent the contemporary style with a tiny-tiny bit of archaism.
On which set of images? I did shift the black paint up to cover the whole main wale, since it kind of looks better in profile, so that particular problem should have disappeared.