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Released Heavy Sloop of War, 1797

Right. How about "6th Rate Brig" then? :facepalm

(And WHY is coming up with a simple type name being so DIFFICULT??? :shock )
But it isn't a brig. It's a ship. And most brigs were sloops. Unless they were merchantmen. Then they were brigs, and not ships or sloops. Unless of course they had trys'l masts. Then they were snows. But then if they had main lugs'ls they weren't brigs at all, they were bilanders. But if a bilander were in the navy it would be a sloop again. Unless it had more than twenty guns. Then it would be a ship.

(And WHY is coming up with a simple type name being so DIFFICULT??? :shock )

Well, at least it's entertaining.

Back to reality... Post Ship would be the most accurate term. Or: An English ship could be referred to as a corvette, even if it were not rated as such.
"Post Ship" it is for now then. At least that is simple. I like simple! :whipa
I guess that would be the best option. We have plenty of "corvettes" already, anyway.

Mind you, I can just imagine someone coming to the forum and asking "Why is this a post ship? I didn't know postmen needed an armed escort!" xD
Mind you, I can just imagine someone coming to the forum and asking "Why is this a post ship? I didn't know postmen needed an armed escort!" xD
I'm sure if that time comes, someone here might be able to provide a veeeery interesting response. ;)
I'll ask Pilgrim's interesting response guy. He should be able to come up with something good.

This is what he says to tourists who ask if we're a real ship:
"Well, we thought about it, and we decided that we would be a little outgunned by the Coast Guard."
His response when I told him about a grade school student asking me if Pilgrim was floating was
"We're on the end of a very big stick."
People ask the stupidest questions sometimes. That guy has really come in handy.

Edit: And the worst one: Some women asked where our track was. She thought we moved around Dana Point harbor on a track like Columbia in Disney Land.
Blimey! Are some people missing some grey matter, or what? :8q
Goodness me. Now that IS getting silly. Even non-nautical questions like "Do these stairs go up or down?" REALLY!? :rofl
Having worked on a cruise-ship for some time now... you actually DO get stuff like that. No kidding.
Though I have to wonder if the passengers are doing it on purpose. :facepalm
Most of the stupid questions we get at festivals are dead serious. Sometimes, we just have to bite our tongues to avoid responding like I mentioned earlier.

And then of course there's the favorite one... "Why is the steering wheel backwards?"
Maybe its nitpicky, but I personally prefer flush-decked corvette or heavy sloop of war. while once captured by the brits she was technically a post ship, the image I think of post ships is something with an armed quarterdeck or at least a covered gundeck, like hms pandora or Bava's sphinx. I know that technically that isn't in the definition, but that layout fit British preferences of shorter hulls more than a long and low french corvette like the volage, and post ship is an English term.
pieter, what exactly did you mean about the path not woking right? it is supposed to go up through the quarterdeck as in where the stairs are behind the wheel and mizzen in that little alcove, there wasnt room to add steps on the front of the qd without interfering with the guns or does it go up in a different place?
I meant that when I cannot get the 1st camera mode to climb up those stairs. Can't get onto the foredeck either.

Does that not happen in your game version? If so, would you mind uploading your GM files again so I can ensure I'm using the same ones?
I think I can see why those decks are inaccessible. I haven't tried it in-game yet, but a quick look in GM Viewer reveals the problem:


The plane used to travel up the stairs is not actually connected to the deck below (or above, for that matter). The same problem applies to the stairs leading to the forecastle.
The entire walk-able area must be connected together at the edges of each triangle, otherwise it cannot be accessed. It's a strict system, but there's no way around it. :facepalm

Also, it looks to me like some parts consist of two planes on top of each other (see top of screenshot), which doesn't harm anything, but wastes a small number of triangles. Nitpicking there. ;)

I don't know what your situation is regarding access to Maya, so I can quickly fix this up for you if necessary.
Currently I have no access to maya, so it would be great if you could fix it!:) That would be strange if there are two planes on top of each other, if there are it is completely by accident. I wasn't aware that the pieces had to be connected at the edges, I thought it was fine as long as they intersected! my bad:facepalm good to know that now though.
I should have told you before, really, but it didn't cross my mind at the time. :rolleyes: At least your other ships aren't affected.

Anyway, it turns out the entire thing was physically double-sided. I deleted the excess, plus the old stair planes, and used the "Append to polygon" tool to link up the edges instead.
That produces a polygon instead of triangles, but the exporter triangulates polygons automatically, so I didn't even need to bother manually subdividing them.

Here it is all fixed up. How's that for fast service? :cheeky


  • Volage1_path.7z
    7.9 KB · Views: 174
Awesome, thanks so much!:) my bad about the double sidedness, maya likes to make an object double sided at every opportunity, so its easy to slip up every now and then. :facepalm