Brilliant, Armada! All stairs work now. The foredeck ones are a bit challenging to get up and down, but it can be done at least.
And the quarterdeck is more important anyway. Thanks!
And the quarterdeck is more important anyway. Thanks!

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By "physically double-sided", I didn't mean every face had two sides as normal; I meant there were two of every face, which is slightly different. It's possible that's just how the exporter interpreted normal double-sided faces, bad about the double sidedness, maya likes to make an object double sided at every opportunity, so its easy to slip up every now and then.![]()
You're welcome. For those steps, don't you just need to look up to climb them? I think it's similar to the steep ladder on Battleship2's stern.Brilliant, Armada! All stairs work now. The foredeck ones are a bit challenging to get up and down, but it can be done at least.
And the quarterdeck is more important anyway. Thanks!![]()