• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Released Heavy Sloop of War, 1797

Brilliant, Armada! All stairs work now. The foredeck ones are a bit challenging to get up and down, but it can be done at least.
And the quarterdeck is more important anyway. Thanks! :woot
my bad about the double sidedness, maya likes to make an object double sided at every opportunity, so its easy to slip up every now and then. :facepalm
By "physically double-sided", I didn't mean every face had two sides as normal; I meant there were two of every face, which is slightly different. It's possible that's just how the exporter interpreted normal double-sided faces, though. :shrug

Brilliant, Armada! All stairs work now. The foredeck ones are a bit challenging to get up and down, but it can be done at least.
And the quarterdeck is more important anyway. Thanks! :woot
You're welcome. For those steps, don't you just need to look up to climb them? I think it's similar to the steep ladder on Battleship2's stern.
Yep. It works, just isn't as easy as regular stairs. Didn't manage to walk DOWN them though yet. :wp
Anyway, it should be fine.
Nothing wrong with ladders. Not your fault the game's 1st person camera doesn't like them so much. :shrug
So it turns out that the textures for the other versions are included in the download, but if I remember right, we need to hhex edit copies of the model files to assign those textures for each version? Sorry for not knowing, its been awhile:oops:
Yep, HEX editing is all that is needed. I can do that, but I have to figure out which file needs to be used for the different national versions.
that would be great! In the folder that craiggo uploaded a few pages back with the files, go to the 'textures' folder and the different national versions should each have their own folders with all the textures necessary. there will likely be an additional wood/black version for portugal and holland as well, but no need to worry about that till the others are done.
I only have to figure out which ones are the same and which ones different. I can manage. :doff
Could you confirm that the attached are textured correctly as per your intentions?


  • FR_Volage.jpg
    69.9 KB · Views: 216
  • US_Volage.jpg
    74.5 KB · Views: 227
New French version does look better now! :onya
But how about the inner hull still being yellow?

Could you upload the generic hull texture again? I think I messed up a bit.
So for the generic version (let's call her PO_Volage) all that is needed is the outside and inside hull texture?

What is supposed to happen with the colour of the masts of the different versions? At the moment, I have them all Black, with only the US one being White.


  • FR_Volage.jpg
    70.8 KB · Views: 199
Thanks. For the hull, I meant could you upload the original French (now to be generic) version of "RN_Hull_01.tga"?
That's the one I need. Accidentally overwrote it with the new, real French texture.
I think I got it:

FR_Volage with Red Hull, Light Brown Inside Hull and Black Masts
PO_Volage with Light Brown Hull, Light Brown Inside Hull and Yellow Masts
RN_Volage with Yellow Hull, Yellow Inside Hull and Yellow Masts
US_Volage with White Hull, White Inside Hull and White Masts

Does that sound about right?

Edit: See here for some screenshots of how they turned out:
Looks great! Any idea what happened to the pennant?:confused: also do you need me to make new ships_init.c entries with modified encounter chances, or did you already do that?