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Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

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Looks awesome, MK! :) Can't wait!
View attachment 13553 View attachment 13554 View attachment 13555 View attachment 13556 View attachment 13557 View attachment 13558 View attachment 13559 View attachment 13560 View attachment 13561 View attachment 13562

Edit: Keep in mind that the stern on the Convoy ship is a work in progress - most of what you see is Van de Velde's original drawing overlayed, with me filling it up with textures that match. This will be my best yet and the last ship skinned for the mod. MK

Thanks Flannery!

I also forgot to add that I added an additional African player character. What a messed up story. So now I have two Black player characters in game which balances out things I think. My research shows that 20 to 30 percent of pirate crews during the Golden Age consisted of men of African descent. I also changed out the bartender and waitress at Port Au Prince to Black characters - I mean it's Haiti for pete's sake.

start_131030_1258329.JPG MK
Take your time and tell as much dates as you like.
I will show up again in January...
Will there be a download then ?
By now MK might be moving from Texas to the Great NorthWest. There is better scenery and sailing up there, as well as an interesting island with a possible pirate connection.
I wish MK a speedy trip. I have long awaited this release and can/will wait longer still as is necessary. Right now, I just really need something to wash the taste of AC4: Black Flag out of my mouth. Decent enough in the free-roaming pirate parts although oversimplified. It did have seamless transition from ship to individual combat, but in the end it was an AC game after all.
Well no I had to postpone the move another week. I got very ill and had to stay in bed and then there was a death in the family. I'm doing my best.

A new bug came up but its not bad. I can't fix it. So when you rise to a level where you have musket fire during boarding is when it happens. It only happens if you go to your lips interface toggle and demand surrender. If you have the advantage, he will surrender, but when you board your musketeers will shoot and even though the enemy surrendered they will now fight to the death. Bottom line....don't hail the enemy to force surrender when you get to this stage.

Despite my best efforts to fix some things I really wanted, I am through fixing stuff. I am going to 7 zip this thing tonight and find somewhere with enough space to hang it for those that want to download a huge file and install manually. If Pieter can help me with an installer then perhaps we can get something better for everyone soon. MK

Sorry for your loss.

I cant belive this is finaly finished...im guesing the instalation would be just copy paste, right ...please put links for those wiling to try a manual install
thx moderknight! i will have lot of fun playing your mod!

i do have a question about directsail...i know it is not as good as opensea mod for build14, but when you say :
"Direct Sail is enabled but rarely do you encounter any ships in this mode" how rarely is it? and what ships can you encounter ? the ones that spawn near the island ? but no encounter will spawn in open sea? correct? (srry bad English)
Despite my best efforts to fix some things I really wanted, I am through fixing stuff. I am going to 7 zip this thing tonight and find somewhere with enough space to hang it for those that want to download a huge file and install manually. If Pieter can help me with an installer then perhaps we can get something better for everyone soon. MK
My new Build installer method uses a 7-Zip archive as well. So if you post the 7-Zip version, I can probably make an installer to go with it.
It'll be a two-file installation process, but there is probably no choice on that anyway.

I just have some questions:
- What is the default installation directory for CoAS?
- What exact name do you want for your modpack in the installer? Both long and short names, if possible.
- Do you want to be listed as publisher yourself or are you fine with it saying "PiratesAhoy! Community"? If not, what do you want it to say instead?
- Do you have a specific icon you would like for the installer file?
- Do you have any text for either Installation Instructions OR a "Licence"?
- Any ReadMe file you want to have displayed after the installation completes?
- Are there any additional components or is it "one size fits all"? Do you mind me adding "ENB Improved Graphics" as an option?

For installation instructions:
- Are there any files that should be deleted? For example, it is probably a good idea to at least empty out the SAVE folder and remove the "options" file so people get a proper clean start.

If you can, please get me the details before the end of the month or so, preferably a week early.
I won't be around much longer, but would like to get this done for you before I go.

i do have a question about directsail...i know it is not as good as opensea mod for build14, but when you say :
"Direct Sail is enabled but rarely do you encounter any ships in this mode" how rarely is it? and what ships can you encounter ? the ones that spawn near the island ? but no encounter will spawn in open sea? correct? (srry bad English)
It seems there is some confusion in terms here:
DirectSail is a mod included in the PotC Build mod that allows you to sail from island to island without using the worldmap
Open Sea Mod is an additional option in the PotC Build mod that changes the worldmap scale to realistic size

So both are for PotC. As far as I'm aware, CoAS never did have this working, but I'm not sure of that.
Direct sail does indeed work in GOF Eras!

However, you will not encounter ships in the expanses between land masses.

In the seams you will teleport briefly for a second or less but you will never transfer to the worldview map unless you want to. This is very handy if there is a time crunch on a mission and you want to get there faster because even though it will take you WAY longer in real life, it takes much less time in game time than the world map.

You can encounter the patrolling, departing or defending ships from ports. So even if you are far out at sea and can only barely see the harbor, if the town has ships about it and they are an enemy to you and can see you - they will come after you.... if they are fast and have the wind in their favor they will catch up to you.

That sounds good Pieter. Thanks for the help.

I still don't have it fully compressed. I stopped because I remembered something else I wanted to put in the "Read Me" file. It WILL be today though.

In GOF it is possible to direct sail between islands that are close together, but long voyages don't work. Any ships encountered are local ships from that island.

Direct sail does indeed work in GOF Eras!
EXCELLENT! Congratulations on that one! :woot

In the seams you will teleport briefly for a second or less but you will never transfer to the worldview map unless you want to. This is very handy if there is a time crunch on a mission and you want to get there faster because even though it will take you WAY longer in real life, it takes much less time in game time than the world map.
Ouch, that is a really hard one to compensate. We had to resort to "adding one game day on every game hour" to sort-of get the voyage lengths in line between both methods.
Not exactly an ideal solution. :facepalm

I still don't have it fully compressed. I stopped because I remembered something else I wanted to put in the "Read Me" file. It WILL be today though.
If need be, we can include any last-minute content changes in the installer EXE itself. That's what I'm doing for the Build Mod updates as well.
Nobody would even notice that those files weren't in the 7-Zip archive to begin with.
Thanks a lot! :woot

When you've got the chance, could you also check all my questions in this post again?
Some of them are answered in your ReadMe already, I think, but not all of them.

Also, do you want that ReadMe to display during the installation process of after?
Personally, I'd suggest placing it after. Then during the installation, you can put something more akin to installation instructions.
See attached for my PotC example.


  • Installation Instructions.txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 148
Don't rush it. You know that the last 10% of a job takes 90% of the time.
That! :onya

Though in this case, for help with the installer you do have a deadline because I will only be around until the end of the month.
After that, of course I'll still try to help if I can. But I'll be back at work.
The only reason I'm still here is that my son is having an operation so I put off the move until next week. My deadline is this weekend - period. I can't go any longer. Whatever we have by tomorrow morning is the first release...with patches to follow after I get out to the Northwest....probably not till Christmas timeframe and I will be doing a lot of skiing. I will give Pieter total freedom to tweak what's uploaded as he wishes. I still regard this as a Pirates Ahoy! project even though I was 95% solo on everything. Maybe if people like it and there's a little interest generated we can reassemble another mod team.

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