Thank you very much for the supportive words Thomas and Zack. I'm still plugging away - Just at a slower pace. I've managed to get the mod down to an almost manageable size now. I added a couple more items in the last week and made some additional substitutions.
You know Thomas that most of my professional friends own Macs and that the ones that are gamers use windows emulators. One of my friends that's a tester is running GOF Eras on his Mac. I think a lot of the emulators are actually freeware. I'm flattered that you check the thread so often. As an old POTC salt whose work I very much respect (especially uniforms), that means a lot. Thanks my friend!
Here's some progress screens for you. I substituted the low level potion with bandages. I like that aspect in POTC so much better (more realistic) and also had several recommendations by fans to change that same thing. You may also be interested in the ship I'm working on at the moment.I modeled this skin off Van de Veldes sketches of the Gouda. If you look closely at much of the scrollwork it is not my own. I literally lifted it from the Van de Velde drawings and cut it up and colored it. So Van de Velde's work is now in a video game. Simulated life imitates art.....or something....
You know Thomas that most of my professional friends own Macs and that the ones that are gamers use windows emulators. One of my friends that's a tester is running GOF Eras on his Mac. I think a lot of the emulators are actually freeware. I'm flattered that you check the thread so often. As an old POTC salt whose work I very much respect (especially uniforms), that means a lot. Thanks my friend!
Here's some progress screens for you. I substituted the low level potion with bandages. I like that aspect in POTC so much better (more realistic) and also had several recommendations by fans to change that same thing. You may also be interested in the ship I'm working on at the moment.I modeled this skin off Van de Veldes sketches of the Gouda. If you look closely at much of the scrollwork it is not my own. I literally lifted it from the Van de Velde drawings and cut it up and colored it. So Van de Velde's work is now in a video game. Simulated life imitates art.....or something....