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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.1.5 mod development

About the stuttering problem, it is in every version of the Storm engine but is usually not noticeable. It has gotten so bad in POTC that the game is barely playable. It is in GOF 2.5 and is irritating. It was never in GOF2 until very recently and is very irritating.

But if it is just me having this issue, then it is a low priority. Maybe I just need to buy a new mouse as the software does not seem to be compatible with Win8.1. Today the software is not working.
I do need that info :( so If you can help by reproducing it, by using the debug aiabordage file again, and shot a screen of the -1 error, it would be wonderful.

The -1 index seems to pop up (Given to the info Elderlaw shared)

1.:when the sea first loaded after a boarding/ship scene,
2.:AND someone departed your fleet, or your passenger list (I think departed fleet as a captain is a more propable cause.)
Either you dismissed one of your own man or ship, or a quest removed a ship/npc captain from your fleet.

if you can reproduce the error, that would be nice- if you can't, just please send me a savegame nearest to the quest that ended with the -1, and point me out where can I get your Huge Fleet mod XDD
(actually I want to implement it sooner or later -if its not already implemented-, in the worst case as an optionally selectable mod, as it is a very big game experience change....!)

I have attached to this post:

1) a screenshot of the index error message with your debug info
2) a zip file containing the 8 ship fleet files
3) The savegame I was in when I took the screen shot

As soon as the savegame loads, hit your space bar and you will board a ship that should surrender. Take the captain and crew captive and set one of your officers as the new captain. When you close that screen, you will be taken to shore where you will be given your share of the booty (silver). Once you close that dialog, just wait a bit and the message should hopefully pop up for you. I successfully got it 5 times in a row.
Error with debug.jpg


  • GOF2 8 Ship Fleet V2.zip
    341.1 KB · Views: 335
  • Aubrey.zip
    708.9 KB · Views: 385
And here is a savegame with no quest. Just board the ship and let it go. Should get the error message.


  • Aubrey AutoSave.zip
    706.8 KB · Views: 416
FABULOUS!! Thank you!!
Do you see this? This is some wicked madness! :D Most unexpected.
What you see is the list of the total number of your 'companions', (4 minus you) and a fifth, with bad index...

Since the -1 does appear AT THE MIDDLE of the loop :D that means that the player's companion list (array) -actually- contains a companion with faulty data. As the loop steps from element 0 til the last element,
and asking for every participants index.

I think this is temporary, otherwise every time you encounter this error you should been getting more and more lines with -1 XD

Actually there's nothing we can really do, as we ask for a data and it comes back faulty.

Also it's temporary, and seems to be present only at that point for a short time.

BUT: instead of the cosmetic fix of just making a check for -1. and if it -is- -1 then moving on to the next element without asking a char. ref,
I do have an idea how to make sure, that the -exact- same list of characters going to get their invulnerability turned -off-.

I just have to put every char. ref into an array one by one the first time I set the invulnerability.
Then use that ref array instead of the players companion list- as that seems to be changing.

Hah, what news :D thank you for your hard work on bug hunting Elderlaw!


How did you managed to make the matey surrender? o_O Isn't this option is stripped from GOF2.0?
Since the -1 does appear AT THE MIDDLE of the loop :D that means that the player's companion list (array) -actually- contains a companion with faulty data. As the loop steps from element 0 til the last element,
and asking for every participants index.

Also note that the 8 ship fleet mod uses a variable name for the total possible companions. Not sure if that will affect your new array or not.


How did you managed to make the matey surrender? o_O Isn't this option is stripped from GOF2.0?

I thought there was some way to toggle surrenders on/off, but I'm not at home right now so I can't look. I think they CAN surrender by default. At least they always have in my GOF2 game. :walkplank
Hello i have one Question and ask for the 2.1.5 Patch?

1. is now there Capt. Blackbeard as a playable Charakter with his ship?

2. please can you add this new Pirat Charakter
(CHRISTOPHER RAVEN from Ravens cry Game)to the Mod ?

Hello i have one Question and ask for the 2.1.5 Patch?

1. is now there Capt. Blackbeard as a playable Charakter with his ship?

2. please can you add this new Pirat Charakter
(CHRISTOPHER RAVEN from Ravens cry Game)to the Mod ?

1. I think only PotC has the PotC "Blackbeard" character

2. If you want it, you would probably have to make him yourself.
However, for PotC you have the option to join in our cover art contest:
Then you can get a certain character made for you.
I have been playing this mod for weeks now. I have had 2 random crashes where the screen froze but sounds still played in that time. My mouse problems have almost completely disappeared and the game generally runs smoothly.

There is one problem though. I can not seem to start the Tenochitlan quest.
Hmm. Can you tell me who is the quest giver? Or any NPC name from that q? I can start looking into it where it might runs into a modified file
Hello GOF 2.1 modder

I am working and Plan on me idea for my
Private Patch Projekt called:
Private Patch GOF 2.1.6

It could be the i Need some help in the Working Prozess. So it would be nice i get some helping Support from you.

More Info about the Patch Projket in the readme File witch is comeing soon.


Ps: i question is the List with pictures from all Charakter from POTC new horizan Mod?
Hello Pirate Fans and GoF 2.1.5 Modder!

Tomorro i Update me Private GOF 2 Patch 1.6 readme File.
In the file you will see what will come with this Projek and you also
You will see where i will need some help for Profis.

It will be very nice if someone will help me with the Projekt!
Also Check tomorro this https://www.dropbox.com/s/spx99s4jemtwb16/Private GOF 2 Patch 1.6 meadme.txt?dl=0

Cu the Pirateking.
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The sails of the Black Pearl can be edited in Ships_init.C.

They can also be changed by copying and renaming other sail textures in GOF2-->resource-->textures-->ships.

start 2014-12-18 10-31-33-81.jpg
Do you want both the Black Pearl and the Wicked Wench in your mod? I can change existing ships but can not add new ships to COAS.

In my install I have a choice between the Black Pearl or the Wicked Wench.
start 2014-12-18 10-31-33-81.jpg start 2015-02-06 11-28-01-16.jpg
Yes i will both in my Mod Patch.
Charakter: Christoper Raven must have the Wicked Wench under under Name.
How can i find this Model
Can i copy the Model of the wicked wench and
Unname it?
Jack Sparrow have the Black Pearl!

Can you help me with the Modell for Christopher Raven(with the Hook)

Is in your Mod cpt Blackbeart?
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