First, thanks for the mod! Just installed it and having a blast! Had tried Combined mod ages ago and got a hankering for some age of sail fun, and loving it.
Have a question: When I started my current game game I had realistic reload & damage on, and tactical battles. Ran into something confusing, I *think* I know the answer but was hoping for clarification of which case is "right"...
Cannon reload times as displayed in the cannon states (right clicking cannons in ships or in the shipyard purchase screen) have tripled since I began. I narrowed it down via save games to a point where I changed a mod setting (one of the encounter distance settings, to see the difference).
Eg. my 16lb Culverins initially showed a 30s reload, they now show 90. 4lbers were 5, now 15. However, I see in Cannons.c that with tactical battles on, they are supposed to be x3 what the cannons.init values (what I was initially seeing x3) are. So was the game not setting them correctly when I started, and using "dynamic" reload rates, and changing that encounter distance straightened it out and caused it to use the correct value? This would seem to be the case, just making sure which value the stats were balanced for, the lesser or the triple rate.
Thanks for any answers.
* and a follow up. I seem to have been hit with the boarding bug (no grapple icon appears for some ships)
I've read that it may be related to the surrender feature of the mod, and the idea of paying off would be assailants via the talk to option.
Regarding the surrender mode, been so long since I've played at all, and even longer for stock... was there any form of surrender in stock? I've noticed in GOF ships striking their colors, active ships that once the boarding scene loaded surrendered (before any combat took place), and then saw the option in that speak to ships menu. Are all of those mod features, or was any of that in stock?
Hoping to figure a "safe" setting if I restart to avoid the boarding bug. I did have surrender enabled, but I also paid off a few pirates early on when I didn't even have a snowballs chance.I read both are suspected culprits.
I never used the boat to them after paying off pirate though, as was mentioned in prior posts. The only row boat to ship I had done was for 2 or 3 Pirate's Proposition quests. Interestingly, the ship type each time was a Galeoth, which was later one of the ships I got the boarding bug on (probably coincidence, only came across two so far, but both were bugged. Others were the Neptunus, and a 20gun Dutch Frigate, which I can't recall the name. Sloop, Brigantine, Barq, yacht, and a couple others I was able to board.
*hmm, didn't mean the post to turn into a novel...