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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

in cities you can run into people who give you nautical quizes. One of them gave me for the right answer location of a statue, that is suppoesed to help me with ship repairs. In vanilla game it provided +30 to repairs, but since these statues, idols trinkets...whatever no longer provide any bonuses, it would be good to replace the statue with an equivalent book, or just something so the journey pays off... (I know you're trying to focus on balance, so this can be postponed)

I thourght these had already been done in GOF 1.0, no matter if you tell me where this was that you was ment to find this trinket and i will look into replacing it with a book when for you.

So I found it again. I met the guy in Cumana. For answering the question he said the Statue is in "Chiricolagoon" west of Portobelo. You can find there a Statue (In describtion it says: "A stone mask. Looks very antient, yet flawlessly crafted by a real master craftsmen. Weigh 35.0") - but as said before it provides no bonus to the "Repair" skill.
And have you somehow tweaked the content of trasures you can find by treasure maps? Because with my old character (lvl 23 ver. 2.0.4) there always were things like 99 Pokers, 50 Buckets and a few tens of gems. But with my new character (ver. 2.0.7) I'm at level 2 and I already collected more than 300 000 PoE only by selling "treasures" from trasure maps. Am I just incredibly lucky or has the content of these chests been changed?
It's quite wellcomed btw since all the prices have been raised and most of the rewards have been lowered :)
is there a way to upgrade the max caliber of class 1 ships cannons? ex: 42lbs to 48lbs? ive search around and some said they remove it for realistic purpose.
No you can't upgrade above 42Ibs cannons, ships with 48Ibs cannons are normally quest ships, but it is possible to find class 1 ships with the ability to mount 48Ibs cannons which makes them unique since not all class 1 ships can do it.
Bug found. The quest 'watchman' which you have to stay in the church 3 nights in cartagena is broken. You cant talk with the priest about the job after you finish it and if you try, you'll be stuck.
After 4 nights in the church I was able to talk to the priest... thing is, he says 'you haven't spent not even one night'.
Watchman bug aplies to other cities too. I ran into it in Fort de France - Spent there four nights - nothing happened and when I came to the priest to ask about the quest he always said something like "You haven't fulfil our agreement, we said three nights." And that's it....While the Watchmen guest was still active I took there the other quest to kill skeletons in the city dungeon - I completed the quest but this one is also bugged (Already reported)
If the dude appears in the church during the night, the quest will work just fine. The problem is the 3 nights. Tested in 3 different colonies.
by the way i forgot to ask do we know what is causing the boarding issue?? :) and is there anyway to prevent it from starting
I wonder about this too....the thing is that if you board a ship and kill the crew and captain, your reputation drops but if they surrender and you spare them and let them go reputation rises....the problem is that sometimes you board them and even if they have like 6 crew left and you have like 200 crew they just don't surrender and you have to kill them all and then reputation goes down....
Well, it should be different with pirates. You know, no change in the reputation for pirates, but only for the pirates. Awesome mod, i'm having lots of fun, its a great job indeed.:onya
The no boarding bug as I observed is caused by paying captains not to attack you and after that taking a boat trip to his deck, I believe it has something to do with a captain speaking to you when you visit his vessel. So i tested this theory by smuggling goods and getting a coast guard ship attack me then bribing it, and then had a little trip to his deck afterwards the bug always occurred. I had this bug always but avoided such situations and it went fine, but if this bug has occurred then there's no fix possible only an older save.
note:after you pay them the captain on the ship becomes a "Error" you can observe that by using a spy glass on the affected ship to check that out.
Also i found a bug with the double barreled musket quest i gave the guy his musket and paid his 20k and he joined me as an officer but without his musket and only with his fisticuffs. Sorry for my bad English.
So paying a captain causes the boarding bug?

This will need to be tested heavily because you could easily pay the captain or demand ransom from one early on in the game and the bug wouldn't show up till late in the game when your rank 20+ and it doesn't happen to all ships. But it could be the reason for it happening and the boarding bug has alway's been linked to the surrender feature.
As i said the bug only happened to me when the captain is somehow corrupted through the code and i visited his vessel. Also I play with the disabled surrender feature so that isn't the prob for me but i bet it has something to do with a corrupt captain neutrality code.
I think Vilkaras is correct i also noticed it so stopped talking to ships but when you do a pirate's proposition Q
and you refuse it on board of the ship, the ship attacks and you are unable to board because you went on the ship's deck
Also i found a bug with the double barreled musket quest i gave the guy his musket and paid his 20k and he joined me as an officer but without his musket and only with his fisticuffs. Sorry for my bad English.

This has been reported already. I've fixed it and it works. I took this fix from GoF 1.2 where it was fixed by Buho, so all credits to him :)
Place attached file into "Playlogic/Age of Pirates 2/Program/DIALOGS/russian/Quest" and replace the original file.

Please note that if you do this and you've already gave him the gun and hired him as a crew member, the gun will most probably NOT work anyway. You should load a game that was saved BEFORE you gave him the gun a hired him and then it should work just fine. At least it did for me :)


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