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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0


Some info for anyone who might not know.... I mentioned these things earlier but now i have at least partial solutions.

Ive noticed, that if you change realistic encounters option in mod optons during gameplay, it always delets items from your cabin. Also it brings problems with cabin itself. When you go to cargo hold and return to cabin, the cabin changes in to big one from vanilla age of pirates and has random items in its chests. And it does so every time you go to cargo hold and retirn to cabin.

So make sure you take all items from cabin chests and cargo hold befor changing that option and put them back afterwards. They wont dissaperar anymore, exept if u change option again. As far as i know ofcuorse....

And if changing cabbin problem occurs. Just sel ship and buy another with different cabin type (or else it wont work), and then buy your ship back. And the cabin will work normaly.

Sounds like lot of stuff but all is done in a minute.

Just so you know if it wasnt explained already. :)
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What difficulty do you guys prefer and which do you consider most balanced? Because in commodore difficulty little ships can do ridiculously high damage to my freakin warship with fully experienced crew and good officers. Also when my ship commanded by AI boards enemy ship it gets always defeated even when enemy crew is nearly completely wiped out and mine is almost intact. Oh and my ships act incredibly stupid... :p They bump in each other... they sail directly to enemy when i order them to go and sail away...
Last battle when i was horribly defeated i fought with 4 upgraded ships; 28 gun fregate, heavy galleon, "normal" galleon an i personaly commanded 60 gun warship (all together around 140 cannons). I fought against one english ship of the line (60 cannons i think). I made sure i never faced her sideways due to her numerous cannons. Still it wiped out my crew of 100 men with 2 fore cannons!!! (In about 15 - 20 minutes). Not to mention other three ships. Their crews were almost wiped out wit cannon balls even befor they could be in range for grapes.
And in any case if i get side by side with any kind of enemy ship, no matter what i personally command, my crew is f*****... On the other hand when i personally board ships i can usually take them quite (to) easily despite the fact that enemy has more men. My cannon damage is set to inbetween btw.

And that is why im asking for your oppinion, because im trying to achieve as balanced experience as possible (equal turning rates for me and computer AI - for same type of ships ofc, equal damage and so on..).
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Dunno when and how the sails color thingy was disabled. :shrug

I play at Sailor difficulty and while I can usually board ok my companion ships often get sunk even when they have a much larger crew. It seems the soldiers experience level is the deciding factor.

BitDefender and Windows Defender give a positive virus alert for the nodvd patch. AVG does not. The nodvd patch was on this site for some time before it was lost in a forum change, and that was when I put it in my Dropbox. I have used it for years and have not found anything installed.
I installed BitDefender and it found the nodvd patch but nothing else and the 2 COAS installs were up and running, one for years.

I will gladly pull it if someone actually finds something there. All I can find is a possibly corrupted reloaded.nfo file.
EDIT: BitDefender and Windows Defender give a positive virus alert for the nodvd patch. AVG does not. The nodvd patch was on this site for some time before it was lost in a forum change, and that was when I put it in my Dropbox. I have used it for years and have not found anything installed.
I installed BitDefender and it found the nodvd patch but nothing else and the 2 COAS installs were up and running, one for years.
It wouldn't be the first time people get positive virus reports on things that probably aren't actually viruses.
If I recall, we had it before on the old PotC No-CD crack and a development game sent to me by Edward Zaitsev.
Ya, I will just call this a false positive as the nodvd patch has been up for years and has only had 2 positives that I am aware of.
My Dropbox has been banned because of too much activity. It takes 100,000 hits a day to get banned. :dfiddle

What files do you want?

NEVERMIND: Here are the files you will probably need.


  • no dvd patch-aop2.7z
    42.4 KB · Views: 319
  • TagesSetup_x64.7z
    126.9 KB · Views: 143
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hey just looking for some hepl with the 2.0 full release file, i have downloaded the one on page 1 but when i try and run or extract the file i just get the message "can not open "E:\Games\age of pirates\GOF2.0 full Release.exe" as archive" iv tried extracting with 7zip and winzip and i have just tried running it like suggested but same message but when ever i jsut click on it it just runs as extraction anyway
You can not put GOF2 into the same folder as the game you are modding. And that game is AOP2, not AOP.
i should have mentioned that the age of pirates folder was named by me, inside that folder is a age of pirates 2 folder with AOP2 installed the error message is just where the mod has been trasferred to afer being downloaded

just been reading through and on page 59 it seems someone else has had a similar problem of it not running as a .exe and tries to extract instead. im trying atm for the 5th time of downloading the file incase somthing is still missing, it seems the old dropbox links dont work so cant try them
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Ok, that GOF2 full release exe should be 2,386,087kb in size. All I do is left click on the exe and then point it to the COAS install and it does the rest. Do you have 7Zip installed?
well mine keeps being a bit short of that file size by around 50kb trying again for the 6th download, cant seem to find another source to download from sadly. i do have 7zip installed its the update version that isnt the beta. running on windows 7 64bit
How old is your 7Zip? I vaguely remember having trouble because the version I had was too old.
So recently i started playing this mod again and started with Peter Blood .While doing the starting quest to escape the island i stumbled across Jack Sparrow in the shop (next to the brothel) , he says something about getting to Tortuga finding a captain etc .Now it's not about the quest but about his character model, black hat , coat, diferent from the one you get to play with, realy nice looking , i think it is the one from Potc .How can i use that model instead of the actual one , i really like my pirate to have hat :8qand that :aarlook.:pirates

NVM . i managed to do it, it was the madjack model
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hey,i have some problem when i played peter blood after fight with the english soldier in an estate the loading is stop can anyone tell me how to fix that
Call me confused too on the matter of Version-numbers.

The readme says it is v2.0.9, the menu-Screen says it is 2.0.8 so what is the truth?

Maybe this helps determining the version: Pirate shipyard master alexis still has the Option for colored sails(in game ), in piratesshipyard.c it is commented out.
Any hints on getting this to work?

Btw: just finished downloading patch 1.3.

GOF2 is a WIP and that is where the modder stopped. :shrug

GOF2 has been very reliable for me. I don't know why it would hang up on someone else.