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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

Yeah its been tough, 2 most stressful things in life (moving and loosing someone) I did both within a few weeks of each other I was moving and 4 days after moving I regretted it and come back lol. Part of grieving though, anger was the reason I moved blaming anything and everyone for any reason. Moved to the north east coast just a few minutes walk from the sea, loved the idea of living by the sea but the people there looked at me as if I was an alien. They knew I wasn't from there and as soon as I spoke it was like everyone stopped doing what ever it was they was doing to look at me, needless to say I was put off and couldn't wait to come back. I would say I've almost completed the 5 steps to grieving, just got to accept my nan has gone and that will no doubt be xmas day when I would normally go around to wish her merry Christmas or the new year where again I would go see here.

Anyway moving on, I read up on this new mod and it sounds like a lot of thought has gone into it, I have downloaded it already and will check it out. As for moddng though I have a lot to relearn, like where certain lines of coding are (that's proving to be something I have forgotten).
Here's to hoping these fixes will make it into some of the modpack updates this time. :onya
You can clean it up. And if all are important, create a forum index with links to them, then unpin the current ones.
I'm playing GOF2 today and deleted a bunch of sound files. The result is that half the time there is no music at all, which isn't that bad at all. I wish I knew where the sound control program is.

There is something strange going on with my officers. Example: I went into the Tortuga dungeon with three officers and when I stepped into the glowy thing and activated the skeletons they literally ran off in three different directions! :8q I know they are an independent bunch but this is anarchy! And ya I lost one. This happens all the time too so dungeon diving and cave crawling are now very dangerous for my officers and not good for my cash flow as I am too busy trying to save their sorry selves to do any proper looting. :g2
So i looked at some of the earlier forums about the black pearl sailor floating issue and I downloaded the ported sailor walk file and when I start the game and choose jack sparrow the black pearls sailors float?
Posting in multiple threads about the same thing only people.

That sailorpoints file works for me. You did something wrong.
Hello everybody!

First off, my condolences to you Luke.

Also congratz on your work and those that help you. It is so good that this mod is stil alive and in progress for COAS and GOF have such great potential.

I saw some of the downloaders have had problems with extracting files with 7zip. It hapened to me to, but then i figured that the file was not fully downloaded. It seems like a stupid thing to overmiss, but usually when some file stops downloading due to various reasons (mainly temporary connection los), your computer will tell you that the process is unfinished or unsuccessful. But in this case it said it is finished and i didnt bother to check the file size. Only later when i tried to download it again i figured that file should be 2.3 giga not 1.7. And so i left it to download during nigt and the next morning same thing happened again. it was finished but only had 1.7 giga. But the third attempt was succcessful though, for i was working on my computer all the time and i kept checking the progress. So it my be something to do with leaving your comp inactive for many hours. In my case for 7 - 8 ( i have slow connection) and after 4 or 5 something weird must appear and finish downloading. Or maybe i was yust lucky the third time. Eather way you should try to download it more times.

And for the gameplay; it seems very stable indeed in comparisson with 1.2. I played it for 6 - 7 hours and i had only 1 crash after displaying pirate flag on may way from bermuda to La Vega.

Now i was reading tons of posts on this forum, but it is to much and i cant find all the answers...

So i would be happy if any of you could explain few things;
I know you have disabled the surrebder thingy... But did you dissable the whole "talking to captain" option (to be sure i have no bug/ bad instalation/ bad download)? Because i cant pay ransom to get away and basically i get board EVERY single time.... There is just nothing to do but watch how you get killed... Ofc you can never jump back to world map. I have a merchant schooner (default for Horatio Hornblower, but one of the fastest ships in comparisson to other ships in drydocks). I throw goods overboard but i cant get nearly enough speed. (Tarant is for now only ship i can outrun). And with four 4lbs canons and horrificly slow reload i cant do much to pratcically nobody. But in some previous post somone said that schooner is nod bad ship. So what do you guys do in early stages of game?
I have to load game millions of timies and try some new thing to avoid pirates/ english in the first place. Sail away almost never works. And after so many loads the game becomes somewhat meaningless because i feel like i am cheating and all the realism thing goes away (despite cruelly realistic prices :) )... Cuz few loads is ok, but this? No... Not to mention the situation when you elude enemies so that they cant board you but cant get away you again cant do anything but load older save.... Cuz it woud go on forever and the allied port/ship wont protect you if you even get there (i guess english are at peace with french in my case). And chasers never give up. So am i missing something? I am level 3 Horatio Hornblower, sailing under dutch flag in commodore difficulty with 70K peaces of eight.
Also in GOF 1.2 sometimes when you went in harbour and you were being chased you coud stil moor... and now pirates were chaising me and although i encountered them in the harbour i couldnt moor. And the worst thin is that english were involved in the battle automatically (they were chasing me to but a bit further away) and fort didnt fire at them and i was again being slowly raped by english basically in Guadalope. Realistic modes are difficut but this is by far biggest pain in the a**.

Otherwise it is a grea work and definite improvement, a bit harsh with all realistic modes turned on, but you can turn them of during gameplay (if i am right) which is another great feature. I personally miss more ships but i understand the realism thingy... i have had the realism fetish my self in many games. :)

Sorry for such long post. Keep up the good work! :)
In the mod options section you can choose how far away enemies will appear. I set it to far so I can choose whether to engage or just go back to the world map.

When being chased run to a fort that will fire on those whom are chasing you. The fort is your only hope for survival.
In the mod options section you can choose how far away enemies will appear. I set it to far so I can choose whether to engage or just go back to the world map.

When being chased run to a fort that will fire on those whom are chasing you. The fort is your only hope for survival.
Thank you for quick reply and help.

Did that but it doesnt work sadly. It always throws me in the cannon range. And i cant get to world map again. Are these mod options sepose to work even if you change them in the middle of game/ career?

And about forts. Did that also, but fort didnt defend me, when chased by english. Neither did french ships, despite the fact they were coloured green and enemy was red. But i checked now and i saw that french and english are not in war although they are not allies either. So i gues it is expected that french dont interveen and let english destroy me? Must mention i was in port already just couldnt moor.

Btw, I love the idea that you look in the flags for wind direction. It gives certain new ambient.
Go into "mod options" and make the changes you want and then hit "full reinit" and then ok. Often the changes you make don't take.
Thank you Hylie.

There seems to be bug with cabin. Items suddenly disapper from chests in cabin and cargo room.

Later in the game another bug appeared. When i enter cargo room and afterwards return to cabin it is not the same cabin anymore. It is the largest one with some random items in chests. If i exit to sea and then return to cabin it is the right one again. But going to cargo and back again brings the same problem.

Sorry if it was already reported, like i said there is a lot of posts. :)
That is a random problem that only happened to me one time, but it ruined that game because I had all kinds of stuff in the chest that just disappeared. I started a new game and have never had it happen again.
Perks Retroactivity isn't working again.
It was fixed several times IIRC, why is the latest version having this bug still?

Don't remember which file to fix manually, can anybody tell me?
Hey everyone,

first time posting here, made account to ask for some help with game crashing.
I basically get an "Engine.exe stopped working." each time I try to join a sea battle and alos sometimes when I just sail, go to sea mode.

I know it's an outstanding issue, but none of the fixes I could find on the forum or elsewhere on the web help.

I'm running GoF 2.0 patch 1.3
Game was installed, GoF extracted, then patch.

Pretty sure it's the same for all characters, but did not get so far to test all of them.
Tried different compatibility modes WinXP SP3, Vista, 256 bit color mode etc.
Tried changing settings in INI file, turned full screen off, decreased resolution (game won't launch with different error if it's not set to 1080 in ini)

Also tried turning on debug info but no files appear after crash.
Last thing I want to ask is, how do I launch mod options in game? I wanted to decrease encounter distance as (when I manage to engage without crash) ships are nowhere to be seen.

My specs:
Win 8.1
AMD FX6300
radeon R9 270
8GB ram
1080p Benq monitor

Hope someone can figure this out or give me any other options I could try.

Thank you in advance :)
Ahoy Friends!

Thank you Hylie for the help.
I went and followed all advice, installed drivers, changed for your ini and aplied no-dvd patch, only thing changed was stuttering on world map (idk why).

So i reinstalled the game once more, applied mod and patch, launched on default options (1024x768 I think), simillar error but this time first screen goes black.
Then applied your ini (up to 1080p), game runs smoothly until joining naval battle, then crashed like in the beginning (no stutering though).

Good thing is, this time I got the error log :D
Bad thing, there is still no Mod Options section in my Option menu, only keybinds, minor sound and graphic setting, also words from the Full Reinit button cover up text on other buttons and it turns into a mess.

I'll attach the error log, think it's some files with the weather messing around.

If you could look at it again when yu got time and come up with soem ideas, that would be great.



  • error.log
    782 bytes · Views: 138
This really sounds like a bad download and/or a corrupt install. Does vanilla COAS run ok? You should install that and then Tages and the nodvd, and then GOF2.

The mod options should look like this.
start 2015-02-01 22-30-54-06.jpg
Yes, this would explain a lot.

I gotta admit I got the install ISO from a torrent. I know it's a bad thing and we should support the dev.
Sadly, the game cannot be found anywhere in my country ( Poland) for purchase, no online retailers have it, no chain stores nor are there any offers on our eBay equivalent. :\

IF only Steam or GOG had it, would be great.

Is there any place I can get a digital copy or a correct torrent version?

I will also try checking vanilla once I'm back from work.
