Hello everybody!
First off, my condolences to you Luke.
Also congratz on your work and those that help you. It is so good that this mod is stil alive and in progress for COAS and GOF have such great potential.
I saw some of the downloaders have had problems with
extracting files with 7zip. It hapened to me to, but then i figured that the file was not fully downloaded. It seems like a stupid thing to overmiss, but usually when some file stops downloading due to various reasons (mainly temporary connection los), your computer will tell you that the process is unfinished or unsuccessful. But in this case it said it is finished and i didnt bother to check the file size. Only later when i tried to download it again i figured that file should be 2.3 giga not 1.7. And so i left it to download during nigt and the next morning same thing happened again. it was finished but only had 1.7 giga. But the third attempt was succcessful though, for i was working on my computer all the time and i kept checking the progress. So it my be something to do with leaving your comp inactive for many hours. In my case for 7 - 8 ( i have slow connection) and after 4 or 5 something weird must appear and finish downloading. Or maybe i was yust lucky the third time. Eather way you should try to download it more times.
And for the gameplay; it seems very stable indeed in comparisson with 1.2. I played it for 6 - 7 hours and i had only 1 crash after displaying pirate flag on may way from bermuda to La Vega.
Now i was reading tons of posts on this forum, but it is to much and i cant find all the answers...
So i would be happy if any of you could explain few things;
I know you have disabled the surrebder thingy... But did you dissable the whole "talking to captain" option (to be sure i have no bug/ bad instalation/ bad download)? Because i cant pay ransom to get away and basically i get board EVERY single time.... There is just nothing to do but watch how you get killed... Ofc you can never jump back to world map. I have a merchant schooner (default for Horatio Hornblower, but one of the fastest ships in comparisson to other ships in drydocks). I throw goods overboard but i cant get nearly enough speed. (Tarant is for now only ship i can outrun). And with four 4lbs canons and horrificly slow reload i cant do much to pratcically nobody. But in some previous post somone said that schooner is nod bad ship. So what do you guys do in early stages of game?
I have to load game millions of timies and try some new thing to avoid pirates/ english in the first place. Sail away almost never works. And after so many loads the game becomes somewhat meaningless because i feel like i am cheating and all the realism thing goes away (despite cruelly realistic prices

)... Cuz few loads is ok, but this? No... Not to mention the situation when you elude enemies so that they cant board you but cant get away you again cant do anything but load older save.... Cuz it woud go on forever and the allied port/ship wont protect you if you even get there (i guess english are at peace with french in my case). And chasers never give up. So am i missing something? I am level 3 Horatio Hornblower, sailing under dutch flag in commodore difficulty with 70K peaces of eight.
Also in GOF 1.2 sometimes when you went in harbour and you were being chased you coud stil moor... and now pirates were chaising me and although i encountered them in the harbour i couldnt moor. And the worst thin is that english were involved in the battle automatically (they were chasing me to but a bit further away) and fort didnt fire at them and i was again being slowly raped by english basically in Guadalope. Realistic modes are difficut but this is by far biggest pain in the a**.
Otherwise it is a grea work and definite improvement, a bit harsh with all realistic modes turned on, but you can turn them of during gameplay (if i am right) which is another great feature. I personally miss more ships but i understand the realism thingy... i have had the realism fetish my self in many games.
Sorry for such long post. Keep up the good work!