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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

I am level 37 on eras and other than blinking flags in battle and some quests broken it has worked well with very few crashes. Must be your machine.
Nope. Try again. GOF2 runs great with almost no crashes at all. Get into a battle with 10-15 ships and ERAS crashes every few minutes.

Hi MK!
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Not trying to be argumentative. I think different people might have different experiences

I was in a battle with over twenty ships this evening and had two crashes. Doesn't seem any different than the game out of the box
That sounds like something I figured out for CoAS last year.
See this post of mine and the following replies: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/gentlemen-of-luck-pirate-ship.20976/#post-459857

Ah my bad, I remember that code now and we did in fact modify it because of all the new ships we had ported over through the years.

Here is some of the modified code and its easy to change it to work how you wish.

void SetShipHunter(ref Hunter)
  int ShipsHunter, hcrew;
  if(makeint(pchar.rank) > 15 && makeint(pchar.rank) < 25)
  ShipsHunter = SHIP_SCHOONER + rand(makeint(SHIP_UNICORN - SHIP_SCHOONER));
  if(makeint(pchar.rank) > 6 && makeint(pchar.rank) < 16)
  ShipsHunter = SHIP_SCHOONER + rand(makeint(SHIP_PO_FLEUT50 - SHIP_SCHOONER));
if(makeint(pchar.rank) > 24)
  if(makeint(pchar.rank) < 7)
  ShipsHunter = SHIP_LUGGER + rand(makeint(SHIP_BRIG3 - SHIP_LUGGER));

I'll use the first listing for an example. So got to Program\ships and open ships.h now go to programs\scripts and open bountyhunters.c (the code above is from this file). The reason for ships.h will become clear soon. So using the code bellow, schooner is the first and last ship listed (its not a typo or anything) what this does is it means any ship from schooner to the middle ship unicorn is fair game and can be generated (this is where ships.h comes in).
ShipsHunter = SHIP_SCHOONER + rand(makeint(SHIP_UNICORN - SHIP_SCHOONER));

If you look at ships.h now you can see all the ships between schooner and unicorn (note that these ships in ships.h are listed in this order and changing them can result in the game crashing) see code bellow for all ships from schooner to unicorn and you can see exactly what is allowed to be generated.
#define SHIP_SCHOONER 26
#define SHIP_GALEON_L 27
#define SHIP_28GUNFRIGATE 31
#define SHIP_PDN 32
#define SHIP_PACKET_BRIG   33
#define SHIP_ENTERPRISE   34
#define SHIP_BRIG_20_GUN1_18 36
#define SHIP_SCHOONER_L 37
#define SHIP_SHNYAVA 38
#define SHIP_HOOKER1 39
#define SHIP_BRIG3 40
#define SHIP_CARAVEL 41
#define SHIP_CORVETTE 42
#define SHIP_GALEON_H 43
#define SHIP_FELIPE 44
#define SHIP_SURPRISE 45
#define SHIP_CORVFRIG2_50 46
#define SHIP_RaaFrigate 47
#define SHIP_UNICORN 50

(note //5 and //4 represents the classes, so all ships listed between //5 and //4 are class 5 ships and all ships listed between //4 and //3 are class 4 ships and so on). Anyway we can see that there are a lot of ships the game can choose to generate, so you could for example set the unicorn to schooner_l which would mean the game has fewer ships to choose between or you could lower that even more to only allow two ships to be chosen schooner or galleon_l. I will look into this in more detail for the next patch and hopefully have it working better. I already have an idea of how I will work this coding to work better and as soon as I have more time I will get to work on it, but right now I'm working on something else and hope to have time to help test it out later this week. Thanks for pointing this out and thanks Pieter for reminding me of that code, can't believe I forgot about the code been there as its so obvious and would have been the first file I would have checked had I been searching for said code.
Aphil: I have played ERAS up to level 28 before I gave up on it. It is a buggy mess that is constantly crashing. Is that exactly what you want?
Well, with respect GOF hasn't exactly been working flawlessly for me. I prefer ERAS because it's more focused on the historical side of the Age of Sail where as in my opinion, GOF still has those fantasy elements from PoC. Still, until I try ERAS for myself I can't say whether it'd be good or bad. I don't mean to imply that GOF is bad, far from it, it's just a matter of personal taste.

Anyway, more to the topic, I'm glad that my little comment helped out a bit. Truth be told, I'm not going to touch the code myself as chances are I'd break something. In my opinion, it's best not to poke at something you don't quite understand. In that regard, I look forward to seeing how the patch turns out and in the mean time I suppose I'll just enjoy the game and ignore any out of place ships. :)

Thank you again for taking the time to respond to my little concern, I look forward to seeing what the future holds for Piracy Games in general. :)
I have to admit, I personally don't like the idea of Pirates of the Caribbean stuff being in this mod but that's more a personal preference.
It is quite possible to have PotC stuff in the mod without that randomly appearing.
That is what we have done in PotC: New Horizons, which contains 6 different historically accurate periods at the same time.
Fantasy film stuff is limited to one storyline, one sidequest and one Easter egg.
That's true, I suppose the issue was really unrelated to the PoTC itself, like the PoTC ships appearing randomly in Gentlemen of Luck and Bounty Hunter convoys. Anyway, I look forward to seeing the future patches and hope that Hearts of Oak turns out to be as amazing as it appears to be.
I have fixed the movie ships Queen Anne's Revenge, Cursed Dutchmen, Revenge from spawning in bounty hunter fleets however the Black Pearl will still spawn so to combat this I think a new entry will be made in ships.h for fantasy ships which will be listed between class 1 and quest ships that way we can happily work without those said ships spawning in the wrong fleets. This is the only viable way of fixing this without removing them, personally I would happily remove them but I no many fans of COAS want those ships in and is the only reason they remain in place. Maybe some day someone with a good imagination and modding skills will come along and create quests for those ships like the mod team have done in POTC.
The Black Pearl has been fairly common in pirate fleets and I have seen Queen Anne's Revenge one time. I have never seen the Flying Dutchman or the Revenge. I would like to see and acquire the Revenge!

A ship I would like to see is the Wicked Wench as she is a fairly conventional ship that would fit in with my fleet. How hard would it be to get that ship in GOF2?
Not hard at all, it takes all but a few minutes to add the ship from GOF 1.2 or even CMV3.2. The only reason she was never included in GOF 2 was because MK reported her crashing when a mast was destroyed in GOF 1.2. The model in GOF 1.2 might not be the latest though as she uses the exact same model as the black pearl.

Those ships will still be generated in pirate fleets, just not in bounty fleets, gentlemen of luck fleets are pirates though so they should still be generated in those fleets.
I have fixed the movie ships Queen Anne's Revenge, Cursed Dutchmen, Revenge from spawning in bounty hunter fleets however the Black Pearl will still spawn so to combat this I think a new entry will be made in ships.h for fantasy ships which will be listed between class 1 and quest ships that way we can happily work without those said ships spawning in the wrong fleets. This is the only viable way of fixing this without removing them
How about my suggestion in the other thread to rewrite the code as a switch instead of using the #define values?
See this post: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/gentlemen-of-luck-pirate-ship.20976/#post-459881
So, I recently captured a Battleship from the French. It was one of my absolute proudest moments and I quickly moved to make it my flagship, naming it the Devil's Advocate. Sadly, I think I should rename it to CTD's Advocate considering I can't get through a single fight without CTDing a stupid amount of times.

I've included my save in case it at all helps in solving the problem. It seems to crash as the enemy is firing on me the majority of the time. I'm very disappointed considering I really wanted to bring terror to the seas with my glorious Battleship.


  • Pirate Save.zip
    700.6 KB · Views: 135
Personally I tend to give the larger ships to companions because I like to have speed and agility on my side in fights and its more fun trying not to get into a position where you could be demisted and left at the mercy of your enemy. But I will test this out and see, it could be a mast issue which causes the game to crash or maybe something to do with the texture (not sure about that part though because never looked into texturing).
I don't care about speed and agility as I'm sailing a galleon. The really big ships go through resources so fast that only the largest ports can support them, so I avoid them for that reason.

I have been in battles where the Battleship and the 1st rate are involved and never had a problem.
I agree, faster is better but I just couldn't resist my primal urges. And surprisingly, the Battleship isn't all that slow, it stands at 11.43 potential right now and I just need to save up and horde the materials to upgrade it. It'll be similar speed to a Frigate I used to use which could catch most things.

I will continue to play and report if it continues to crash, maybe it was just a one-off series of errors as I played a bit after that without anymore problems. Anyway, here's hoping to the conquest of the seas through superior firepower and force.
It just might have been a one time problem. I have fought battles and boarded the Nightmare frigate before with no problems, but last night in one battle every attempt at boarding ended in a CTD. I expect the next battle with it to go smoothly.