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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

My external drive appears to have died while sitting on a shelf for 8 months. :rumgone That means the old V1 corvettes are gone.

What I can do is either string some ropes on these old models to make them look a little better, or replace them entirely with the ones from POTC.
Replacing them is easy for me but hard for someone else as the sailorpoints would need to be adjusted to fit the new rigging and deck.
They really are completely new ships. Here are some screenies of the Fast Merchantman. The corvettes are the same except for having more cannons.
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are those 4 POTC?
Yes that is how they look in POTC. I am porting them to GOF2 now and have hit a snag. There is one texture that I can not find. I hope Armada wanders by soon and sees this. It is the texture for the ships bell and the railings.

They are in my game now and seem to work fine.


  • corvfrig-1.jpg
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what shud i read in collage so that i can make games? information technology?

Read what it takes up in the HOO section. It takes a LOT.

The light corvette made the port to GOF2 pretty well with only some minor tweaking being needed. I chose the light hull for hull1 to hide the missing textures.
start 2014-03-25 15-07-10-57.jpg start 2014-03-25 15-07-52-07.jpg
Can somebody tell me what does the option "full reinit" in the mod options menu do? I pressed it accidently and I don't know, maybe it does something important :S

Edit: By the way, does the change of options in mod options menu during mid-game, have the coresponding effects or do I need to start a new game for the changes to take effect? I hope it won't bug my save game :( Sorry for the noob questions :D
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i copied the rar contents (GOF 2.0) in a fresh ver of COAS the GOF size is 134.596 kb
in unrelated subject witch is better?
Radeon HD 6770M or Intel HD 4000

That's the patch you installed, the full mod is over 2Gb's rared up.

Read what it takes up in the HOO section. It takes a LOT.
The light corvette made the port to GOF2 pretty well with only some minor tweaking being needed. I chose the light hull for hull1 to hide the missing textures.
View attachment 15739 View attachment 15740
Nice work bud, look forward to the ships when there all done.:D

I don't have POTC installed so I haven't got access to the ships from the latest build and I haven't downloaded Hoo either.
I will probably go as far as I can with this ship today. I can not do sailorpoints so because the masts are much taller and some of the deck guns have been repositioned there is a mismatch there. But it is mostly all good.
I suspect that this ship will become very popular.
start 2014-03-25 16-35-48-42.jpg
I happen to have the Sailorspoints file left over from when I created it to convert to a PotC Walk file.
Perhaps that will work? See attached file (I think it's the right one). It can be renamed if necessary.


  • Aurora1.ini
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I happen to have the Sailorspoints file left over from when I created it to convert to a PotC Walk file.
Perhaps that will work? See attached file (I think it's the right one). It can be renamed if necessary.

That sailorpoints file works as the crew climbs the shrouds and stands on the platform well. The only oddity is that the gun crews all face forwards instead of facing the cannon they are assigned to.
I had a feeling there might be something wrong with it. In PotC, I think only the gun crews on one side actually work, and I still don't understand why. o_O
Ha! I just captured 2 caravels ( in POTC they are called carracks ) and am thinking of getting rid of the period incorrect frigate and schooner. I've always liked those old things.
So I did that. Now my fleet consists of 1 pinnace and 2 carracks. :sail Unfortunately the carracks are class 4 ships which means I am now encountering class 3 frigates and such. :8q

This brings up the intelligence of the AI, or the lack thereof. When I order them to sail away I expect them to put their stern to the enemy and bug out. But noo, they stay and fight which costs damage and crew. I have no problem shooting out sails and bugging out so why can't they? :rumgone

On another note I have discovered that someone started working on the carrack and stopped before finishing. This led to the unfortunate situation of having 2 detailed hulls to render. In effect my 3 ship fleet became a 5 ship fleet. I'm going to do some more tinkering before posting the fixed carrack.
That's the patch you installed, the full mod is over 2Gb's rared up.

Nice work bud, look forward to the ships when there all done.:D

I don't have POTC installed so I haven't got access to the ships from the latest build and I haven't downloaded Hoo either.
thaaaaaaaaaaanx i finally got it works fine now. :D:D:bow:treasure: btw can we play the game on full screen?