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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

someone pls help my logbook isnt showing quests i pick up. im rienstalling to see if that fixes it, i was playing 1.2 btw any1 know what i should do if reinstalling dont work? i really wana play this
Hi, I need some help
I play GOF 2.0.8 and have several irritating bugs.

1. Pitt and Ogle on Arabella have poor demands(other officers hired in Taverns too) for money(4-6 thousands) untill I set them as captains of captured ships(worst ships class 6 or 5). Then their demands raise up to 40-60 thousend per month and per head. I must leave Arabella in port control/change a ship for worse so that I can lower their demands to 4-6 thousands as at the beginning. After two months of sailing it appears and disappeares randomly. It can be accepted.

2. During my canons exchange for culverins(at shipyard) I can sell my canons at culverins prices.

3. Musketeer(Double-Barelled Musket Quest) have invisible musket on himself. He fights with his gun but it is not visible. Solved. Fix for GOF 1.2(musketer bug) applied.

4. I cannot fire Pitt or Ogle or exchange them for other officers. I have to sink a ship with them on board. Solved. Reinstallation helped a lot.

5. Surrenders are not working.

6. Lack of wind indicator.

Could you tell me which code lines in which files are responsible for this actions and what should I change for better? Which mod version is the most stable?
Hi, I need some help
I play GOF 2.0.8 and have several irritating bugs.

1. Pitt and Ogle on Arabella have poor demands(other officers hired in Taverns too) for money(4-6 thousands) untill I set them as captains of captured ships(worst ships class 6 or 5). Then their demands raise up to 40-60 thousend per month and per head. I must leave Arabella in port control/change a ship for worse so that I can lower their demands to 4-6 thousands as at the beginning.

1> This is because the Arabella ship is a higher class ship than you are able to sail ( have high enough Navigation skill ) at the moment. ( so your abilities are penalised and your Officers demand higher pay )

To check the level of Navigation skill required for each class - right clock on the Navigation skill. on the F2 >Character screen.

Sorry I don't know the answers to your other questions - perhaps someone else will provide an answer - though the COAS Forums have been a bit quite lately.

Officers demand higher pay not on Arabella but on other ships of my squadron. That's the problem.
When I sink ships after looting them everything is ok. Problem appears when Pitt or Ogle takes command of other ship. Then pays raise dramatically on Arabella and other ships. After two months of sailing it appears and disappeares randomly. It can be accepted.
Vell I`m just putting up a new wish Courtier`s clothes without the terrible wig, but still a excellent mode so far
anyone know why governor general of spain isnt giving me licence? i got admiration and hero rep through priest mission (did the glitch where u can keep getting the reward) do i need to do more minor missions for the normal guv? ive only done three and i havent got any quest from pirates or other nations. im playing 2.0.8
Vell if I`m not wrong, 10 quests for the same normal governor and he gives you the Marqe, next time you visit him
anyone know why governor general of spain isnt giving me licence? i got admiration and hero rep through priest mission (did the glitch where u can keep getting the reward) do i need to do more minor missions for the normal guv? ive only done three and i havent got any quest from pirates or other nations. im playing 2.0.8

i just do simple gov missions: enemy spy/jungle bandits, and from padre i do the cave/grotto clearance to bring me up to admiration, then go to one of the pirate towns to the dipolmat and buy a LoM.
thx 4 reply's, i used f11 key and got a letter of marque that way in the end, there's a nice list of cheats i don't usually use cheats but i couldn't be bothered to wait :D
hi all just 1 more question. im a noob when it comes to modding, is it possible to get the original game's sound's instead of classical music and the 10 min long gun ready speech?. love the mod but i hate the music, even started playing without any mods just for the sound but then changed my mind cuz of all the bugs and less characters etc. im hopin its a simple thing to get it back to original iv'e been trying for 2 hours looking through files but i have no idea how i would do it. i did try deleting the sounds i don't like but then the game sound's empty when im done.pls pls help
Hello mate, I have a problem with ship surrender.
I am using GOF 2.0.8
I cant make the ship to surrender eventhough I reducing his crew to minimum and reducing his hull, still, I had to boarding the ship and fight the captain.
I can't capture the crew or remove the captain from position and sell it to authority if the ship won't surrender.
Help me plz.

For 2.0.8 the surrender feature was disabled, then in patch 2.0.9 (which I was working on before I burned myself out) has the surrender feature changed back to the way it worked in vanilla. This new patch will need to be tested because I can't remember exactly all the changes I had made so I would need to compare all the files to make sure I added all the changes to the change log and then make sure the patch didn't make the game unstable.

Patch 2.0.9 will be out soon

hi all just 1 more question. im a noob when it comes to modding, is it possible to get the original game's sound's instead of classical music and the 10 min long gun ready speech?. love the mod but i hate the music, even started playing without any mods just for the sound but then changed my mind cuz of all the bugs and less characters etc. im hopin its a simple thing to get it back to original iv'e been trying for 2 hours looking through files but i have no idea how i would do it. i did try deleting the sounds i don't like but then the game sound's empty when im done.pls pls help

I can't remember much of the codding for this game now, but when I get back into it and it all starts to come back I will see if I can help you out.

It is good to see you back on these shores.

Thanks bud:onya to be honest I thought a week or two would be enough. But its been far longer than that and if I didn't start the game and force myself to play it, I perhaps would not do so for many more months to come. But I have now checked all the files and updated the change log and tested the patch out. So the patch (2.0.9) is now uploading and this patch has a lot of changes and don't understand why I didn't upload it before I took a break, because the game plays fine and all the text document for known problems had in it was the island loader causes the game to not load so needs looking into (game worked fine before this island loader file was added). I have done that now and the game loads again.

I think if all goes well for everyone this will be compiled into the full version and then uploaded to modDB as a Beta release. Because i'm not going to work on this mod for a while (need to get into the game first before I delve back into the files, don't want to loose interest before I've even got going) so while i'm playing the game I will start getting all the info I need ready for modDB.

Link to patch 2.0.9 on first page.
Do you know how to make proper installers yet? I've done a whole bunch for the PotC Build Mod and would be happy to share my tips and tricks. :doff
I did the 2 for GOF 1.0 and 1.1 and maybe GOF 1.2, but the more help the better. The tool I use is called "Install Creator" http://www.clickteam.com/install-creator for GOF 2.0 I used 7zip to do a self extracting installer, but for the patches I rared them up as normal, so requires manual install.
I've been using NSIS and NIS Edit for years:

It's free and makes proper professional installers without any sort of adverts in it.
I've figured out a lot of tricks over the years to make the installer better, such as:
- Running a batch file after completion to clean things up/reduce download size
- Use "square" fonts for the licence page to allow the use of ASCII art like:
 _  _    ______ _____  ___ ______    _____ _  _    _  _
| | | |  | ___ \  ___|/ _ \|  _  \  |  _  | \ | |  | | | |
| | | |  | |_/ / |__ / /_\ \ | | |  | | | |  \| |  | | | |
| | | |  |    /|  __||  _  | | | |  | | | | . ` |  | | | |
|_| |_|  | |\ \| |___| | | | |/ /    \ \_/ / |\  |  |_| |_|
(_) (_)  \_| \_\____/\_| |_/___/      \___/\_| \_/  (_) (_)
>>>IMPORTANT<<< installation information below!
- Multi-component installation, with some you cannot deselect (main modpack files) and some that are deselected by default (Intel GFX fix for example)

If you decide to try it, I can give you my Build installer template; you should be able to adapt that quite easily to the GoF files.
Well in that case, I can give it a try. See how much smaller I can get the mod so that its easier for everyone to download. As the mod stands with the use the 7zip as a self installer, the file size is 2.21 GB's. That is smaller than GOF 1.2, but the mod has less ships, which means less textures. Basically each texture folder for the ships have 3 sub folders which all have the textures inside. If 1 ship uses the same texture for each sub folder then that's 3 times that file is been added to the mod. Texture files as we all know are what drastically increase the size of all mods, and that's why the COAS mods are so large. A shame that this couldn't have been changed in the source code to work the same as POTC. A single texture folder for all textures, no sub folders having to have the texture repeatedly been placed in them. Maybe when someone comes along who is willing to look into the source code, we will get this annoying path removed and a path system more like POTC in place.
You can make NSIS use 7-Zip compression, so it at least won't get any bigger.

As for reducing filesize, use the compression options in the TX Converter to start out with.
DXT 5 is good for model textures. That does reduce the quality, but you can't see much of it.
Not recommended for interface pictures and loading screens though; but avoid using 32 bit for that.

If you have lots of identical textures, you can use a Batch file to move them around so they don't all have to be included in the download.
See attached example from the PotC Build Mod installer. Only problem is that these days Windows Security Stupidity frequently won't let this do what it needs to.
ESPECIALLY if people install to Program Files, but as per Windows 8 apparently it likes to cock up in other folders too. :boom:

As for those texture folders, be GLAD you've got those. Allows much better repainting between ships, I'd expect.
We had to go through quite some silly lengths to achieve that in PotC.


  • RunMe.zip
    8.7 KB · Views: 107
Thanks bud, will look into this when I get chance, need to get the kids out for a few hours. Summer breaks are to long for them and they are now at the stage where everything they do is boring and of little interest, so they need something fresh to do to keep them occupied.