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Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

If you look at Phillipe's sail and shipyard upgrade mod and compare it to Jonathan Aldridge's code changes for the combined mod 3.2 in winmerge, you will find all the files and conflicts. There are actually quite a number of arguments. Its not only surrender when boarding we're talking about, but the striking colors feature. I have the behavior working perfectly in GOF Eras. but miffed up the flag code. So you don't see white flags. The ship still flies its nations colors even after its surrendered. Still trying to fix this before I release the mod.

Does GOF have Any sort of customisation of ships or Player Model, like POTC, you can change sail's and Nation Flag/Personal Flag, and you can visit a tailor to change your Appearance?
You may want to keep an eye on where you post; it gets a bit confusing. ;)

In PotC, all the flags textures are in RESOURCE\Textures\flags . The files you need are named perflg .
The number refers to the applicable time period. Which storyline are you playing?
Is speed of leveling changed in GOF 2.0? It's actually ok with leveling ship abilities, but leveling personals takes forever... Even if I grind skeletons in dungeons and board shitload of ships I have only about 40 for every weapon. I think it would be a good idea to add more % to every hit. Also I am not sure how can I level Stealth + I suck at Leadership.

Maybe these are the consequences of less number of PIRATES points?

Any ideas what to change to make leveling personals faster?
You may want to keep an eye on where you post; it gets a bit confusing. ;)

In PotC, all the flags textures are in RESOURCE\Textures\flags . The files you need are named perflg .
The number refers to the applicable time period. Which storyline are you playing?

yeah my bad, getting used to it. and playing on standard. but i open up the file and it has like heap's of different flag images. how do i change it to my flag?
So the file you need is perflg3.tga.tx . There are a whole bunch of flags because you can choose your own one by talking to a crewmember on your ship's deck.
Replace the red flag with an arm holding a sword and that should give you whatever you want without needing to do anything else.
So the file you need is perflg3.tga.tx . There are a whole bunch of flags because you can choose your own one by talking to a crewmember on your ship's deck.
Replace the red flag with an arm holding a sword and that should give you whatever you want without needing to do anything else.

thanks heaps :D now i can truly be my own character. added my own playermodel too :D thanks!
Is it possible to post here "fixed" surrender? Actually lack of white flag is not a big deal at all. The most painfull thing is not that ships don't surrender after heavy beating, but that they don't surrender at all - even if you board their ship and have over 200 people more than they have (+ our soldiers are usually bloodthristy murderers, while their don't even know how to handle a sabre). Normally in such situation we had: "Sir, they have surrendered".

Also I want to bump my latest question:
Come on Haskav post it. Then maybe someone can sticky it, because methinks it has been fixed before and then lost.
You should replace the LAi_boarding with this code. Don't forget to make backup.
LAi Boarding is located in
Age of Pirates 2\Program\loc_ai\
Don't really need a new game, just overwrite the file and load your game.

Actually, the code It's not too different with the base game..

This will make ship surrender when enemy crew is minimum and when you board the ship you'll jump to the screen when you can remove the captain and take as prisoner.
It's not like the feature on GOF 1.2 when enemy surrender, the flag become white and you can board the ship to meet the surrendered crew and captain and loot his chest.
But it's better than no surrender at all :pflag


  • LAi_boarding.c
    40.1 KB · Views: 228
Is there possibility to upgrade point of sail in GOF 2.0?

Anyone knows where are 1st class ships? I saw only one so far, and still it was most probably worst of all 1st classes (Neptune). Also I saw only one 2nd class ship (Le Superbe), where are these ships?

How can I get Bellona and later HMS Victory working for England? Spain and Holland don't have these ships, and any hostile actions towards France will make me hostile with England.