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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Need Help General Gameplay Questions

What is your reputation and what is the mutinous captain's reputation?
If there is a large difference, you may expect trouble.
Pieter is the Amsterdam a ship in the game? I want to sink it In a drunken rage ha all I did was sink frogs


  • pirates life for me.jpg
    pirates life for me.jpg
    18.1 KB · Views: 192
Sinking a ship while under a flag friendly to them is a massive betrayal.
You got a warning about that when you fired on her.

I don't remember that affecting your reputation. Definitely would hurt your nation relations though.

The Amsterdam can be encountered in the game, depending on the time period.
The Amsterdam type can be encountered in the game, in the "Colonial Powers" and "Revolutions" periods. It will show up on the screen as "Spiegelretourschip". You probably won't see the specific ship Amsterdam unless you are lucky in a random encounter, as that's one of the names which can be randomly assigned to a Dutch ship. So pretty well any Dutch ship could be Amsterdam.

There does appear to be one way to see "Spiegelretourschip" Amsterdam. Start a new Free Play game and pick the character "I remember Jack Sparrow as a polished Officer of the Dutch Navy.", possibly named Pieter Bloed. If I understand "initModels.c" correctly, that character starts off with the Amsterdam. (Or start a new Free Play game, choose a year between 1740 and 1789, click on the ship icon to choose your ship, pick "Spiegelretourschip" - you may need to edit "InternalSettings.h" to allow cheat mode in order to start with so powerful a ship - and then change its name to "Amsterdam".) Then get well and truly drunk and try ramming something bigger than yourself, e.g. an island. You should then be able to sink the Amsterdam, though you may not be able to do much afterwards. xD

There does appear to be one way to see "Spiegelretourschip" Amsterdam. Start a new Free Play game and pick the character "I remember Jack Sparrow as a polished Officer of the Dutch Navy.", possibly named Pieter Bloed. If I understand "initModels.c" correctly, that character starts off with the Amsterdam.
Ah, you found my little personal Easter Egg, did you? :cheeky

That's just so that if I set the character filter to "Named" and type "Pieter", I can immediately find my preferred starting parameters. :rolleyes:
I saw an old picture posted on the forum with a guy who had a welsh flag on his ship red dragon green background so I was wondering how do I add flags for personal use
I forgot to add while she struck her colours
If you deliberately (read: manually) fire on a surrendered ship more than 20 seconds after she struck her colours, then indeed you'd get a massive reputation drop.

I saw an old picture posted on the forum with a guy who had a welsh flag on his ship red dragon green background so I was wondering how do I add flags for personal use
Have a look at this thread: Included in Build - Flags: Additional Personal and Pirate Flags | PiratesAhoy!

Are you sure it was a red dragon on green background though?
There is a red dragon on white background (see Francis Drake) and also a yellow harp on green background (see Julian McAllister).
If you deliberately (read: manually) fire on a surrendered ship more than 20 seconds after she struck her colours, then indeed you'd get a massive reputation drop.

Have a look at this thread: Included in Build - Flags: Additional Personal and Pirate Flags | PiratesAhoy!

Are you sure it was a red dragon on green background though?
There is a red dragon on white background (see Francis Drake) and also a yellow harp on green background (see Julian McAllister).
yes I'm certain
Argh this game I have a letter of marque So I attack a Spanish ship a nation we are enemies with been branded a pirate again I swear this British governor Is a frog in disguise do they not like me attacking trade ships I have on thing to say to the "British" Governor of Port Royale (look at attached)


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    Make your mind up.jpg
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Check your Ship's Log. There is probably an entry there indicating when and why that happened.
You're also welcome to upload a savegame made afterwards.
That sounds unlikely. I still want to know what your Ship's Log said.
It has details about what happens for this very reason.
AGH, I wished people would stop reporting issues, then deleting everything that could give us the required details straight afterwards.
Hardly worth reporting issues in the first place if we can't find out required background information. :facepalm