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Included in Build Flags: Additional Personal and Pirate Flags

Yes, which one is the BBF flag?
The one with the smoking skull. That one looks really out-of-place on random pirate ships! :shock

Actually, we could put the plain black flag in its spot. That's where it used to be in the past, so that would allow me to just restore those particular files to their Beta 2.5 state.
Then you can put whatever custom one you like instead of your recently added plain black one.
Doesn't really matter either way though. :wp
Okay, Ill move the plain black flag as well.
You don't have to. Just put the BFF one on your new line of "quest pirate flags" and replace your own black flag with something else.
I can take care of restore the plain black flag to the spot of the BFF one, because we had it like that already in Beta 2.5 so I just need to restore some old files. :cheeky
How about making a "British" Pirate flag, identical to a normal "Colonial Powers" British flag but stored as a Pirate flag? This can then be used for Silehard so that he appears to be flying a British flag when he's allied with the pirates in the Cozumel battle.

I think I suggested this before and at that time it was considered easier to make Silehard friendly to Pirates despite being British than to have a reserved Pirate flag for him. But if we're having reserved Pirate flags anyway then perhaps it can be done after all, and has the benefit that if you are flying a British flag at the time of the battle, you won't be marked as a traitor because you're bringing Silehard to justice.
How is this secret row of pirate flags supposed to work? Playing JackSparrow storyline this
row becomes visible? Even those who have no connection with that story.

An english flag in the pirate department sounds fun and I can easy fix it. But can it be confusing for the player?
He won't fool any british warships with that one.
How about making a "British" Pirate flag, identical to a normal "Colonial Powers" British flag but stored as a Pirate flag? This can then be used for Silehard so that he appears to be flying a British flag when he's allied with the pirates in the Cozumel battle.
If at all possible, I'd like to find a different solution to that one.
Prevent getting two copies of the same flag to "fake" it and rather do it for real.
I do believe that is quite possible; I just need to find the time and energy to sort it out.
In the meantimel, the current game situation there with all of them being pirate is at least "not broken".

I think I suggested this before and at that time it was considered easier to make Silehard friendly to Pirates despite being British than to have a reserved Pirate flag for him. But if we're having reserved Pirate flags anyway then perhaps it can be done after all, and has the benefit that if you are flying a British flag at the time of the battle, you won't be marked as a traitor because you're bringing Silehard to justice.
You won't be marked as a traitor anyway because I added those exception attributes to all of those ships last week. ;)

How is this secret row of pirate flags supposed to work? Playing JackSparrow storyline this
row becomes visible? Even those who have no connection with that story.
My personal intention would be to NOT affect the interfaces at all, so all these flags WILL be visible to the player.
After all, why prevent players from choosing from ALL available choices? They might like them!
But I do want to find the code that assigns pirate flags to random ships and make sure they won't be ever used by regular NPC pirate ships.
So it won't affect the player much; just will prevent very specific pirate flags from showing up during general play.

Actually, you could leave the last spot with an "add your own flag here" note. :cheeky

An english flag in the pirate department sounds fun and I can easy fix it. But can it be confusing for the player?
He won't fool any british warships with that one.
See above. I'd like to avoid this solution if we can... :oops:
But I do want to find the code that assigns pirate flags to random ships and make sure they won't be ever used by regular NPC pirate ships.
So it won't affect the player much; just will prevent very specific pirate flags from showing up during general play.

Looks like you already did! Check out GetPirateFlag() in flags.c. You appear to have blocked the last flag in the three (soon to be four or more) textures from appearing in a random selection
Looks like you already did! Check out GetPirateFlag() in flags.c. You appear to have blocked the last flag in the three (soon to be four or more) textures from appearing in a random selection
Is THAT what I did? I knew I did something to prevent Jack Sparrow's flag from appearing, but couldn't remember anymore what or how.

I know that indeed Jack's flag doesn't show up, so it must have worked.
Then rather than making a "hidden row" of flags, we could just make use of what is already working and move the "custom" ones to the last spot in their respective files.
So swap the "BFF smoking skull" with the plain red flag. Perhaps also in pirflg2.tga.tx swap the green pirate flag with that last one too.
Then @Jack Rackham's plain black flag could remain where it is.
@Jack Rackham: For your easy of use (hopefully), find attached the Beta 3.2 files that had the plain black flag in the BFF smoking skull's spot.


  • PlainBlack.zip
    363 KB · Views: 130
I'll make a new row (5). The last position in each row is somehow 'protected' so I'll move those
special ones there.

5 rows and the 5 protected ones should be: Sparrow, BBF, Animists, Milady, Roxanne?
That plain black flag isn't just useful as something for less imaginative NPC pirates to fly. It's a good starting point for any more custom pirate flags anyone wants to design - drawing up the Animist pirate flag would have been a bit easier if that had been posted this morning instead of this evening. ;) For similar reasons, you can find the blank white flag and shield back here as a start point for Personal flags.
5 rows and the 5 protected ones should be: Sparrow, BBF, Animists, Milady, Roxanne?
Sounds perfect to me! :woot

drawing up the Animist pirate flag would have been a bit easier if that had been posted this morning instead of this evening. ;)
Sorry 'bout that. I wasn't near my game until a good several hours later.
Just like I can now finally tell you that RESOURCE\Textures\cave_1Sk.tga.tx is the floor texture (found that with GM Viewer for RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Inside\ANIMISTS_Cave ).
And the amulet interface texture is in RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\items4.tga.tx .
Shame that I can't access my game files from work. :oops:

Anyway, posting those now that I do have the chance, hoping that perhaps it may still be useful information for the future... Maybe?
Neither can I so I bring my own computer and can get something useful done at school. :cheeky
I do have a laptop, so that may be possible. They'd probably be real happy when they see me doing coding on something that is so NOT related to lifeboats,
weather databases, ship motion calculations and other whatchamacallits. :rofl
By order of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Drake is hereby awarded the following coat of arms:

drake_pirate.jpg drake_pirate_pennant.jpg drake_crest.jpg


  • drake_pirate.zip
    147.9 KB · Views: 117