Ok, so I want to create a new quest that you start out with entitled "Arrival on Cuba", and I just don't know where to start when it comes to making new quests, here is the order that I want to make it in
This is about the first two quests I want to make and need help initiating (a walkthrough would be nice)
1. Quest starts after man named Tomas La Tipmano (parralel of Thomas Tipman) approaches you and tells you to go to Blacksmith on Santiago
2. Smith tells you to go to the tavern
3. Bartender tells you that shopkeeper needs clerk
4. Deliver jars of honey to house in port
5. Return to shopkeeper
6. Deliver medicine to businessman's sick wife
7. Return to shop: There are confronted by Spanish troops who arrest you and take you to Havana (your employer was involved in smuggling and you are thought to have a hand in it)
Quest 2 "Escape" (In Havana)
1. Governor offers pardon if you serve as his messanger (say no, game over)
2. Deliver love letter to governor's mistress
3. arrested by guards who think you are robber in her house (taken to prison)
4. convince jail thug to let you out and kill guards (he joins your party)
5. Go to tavern and talk with Hernan Cortes
6. Go to port
7. Confronted by Captain of the Guard (kill him in duel)
8: Go to Cortes' galleon (Spanish patrol chases you)
9: Go to your quarters and talk to thug (Carlos Francisco)
(You are automaticly transported to Vera Cruz and it starts next quest)
I also had the idea of adding sidequests in the game which is pretty easy to do. They will be given to you by the governor of Villa Vega on Jamaica who is a major character later in the storyline. Here are my dialog options I have already began tweaking around with.
Governor: Greetings Senior Diaz! What may I do for you today
You: I have buisiness to discuss (choose this option)
What are spain's relations to other nations
I hear I am up for a promotion
I can no longer serve Spain Exellency
Nothing, just paying my respects, sir
Governor: Really? I just so happen to have a proposition you may be interested in.
You: Indeed?
I was actually hoping you had a special mission in mind. (choose this one)
Governor: Well, what kind of mission were you hoping for?
You: I have a querry. Is there someone you need killed master? An organic meet bag perhaps? (Triggers "Kill Baron De La Santos")
I'm in the mood to sink a ship. Any pirates you want me to take care of? (This option initiates "sink the pirate galleon quest")
Any personal matters you need taken care of? I hope I can help. (triggers "save governor's captive niece")
I'm in the mood for a wild goose chase. Have anyone you want me to track down for you? (triggers "find governor's brother Juan")
Are there any mysterious happenings around here lately? I'm up for an investigation. (triggers "Strange things happening in the Spanish colonies)
What of a state mission? Is there anything that our government wants accomplished? (triggers "Broche/Leonardo quest)
I want a lavish expedition to command. Any large raids that I should embark on? (Trigers "The Portuguese Silver)
I'm always in the mood for a hunt! Any pirates who are bothering you? (Triggers "The hunt for Jean Fluery")
I'd love to infiltrate an enemy fortress and blow something up! Any missions for me there, sir? (Option Triggers "The fortress on La Mona")
I feel dat' I hav' a tooch of destiny inside me! In other words, I want to do something unrealistically supernatural. (Triggers, "The strange and dark abbey of Bridgetown")
For the love of George and Lenny! I said the wrong thing didn't I. The only quest I need at the moment is to go back to the tavern and catch some shut-eye. (thinks... If I keep up with much more of these special assignments, My migraines will worsen and I'll dream of Mice and men eating wrathful grapes for the wrest of my life and before I know it, I'll be some washed up old former boatswain living someplace just east of Eden!) (This option exits dialog)
Just some quest ideas. As you can see, some are just remakes of old quests
1. Sink the Pirate Galleon=Sink the Pirate Corvette
2. Save the Governor's captive niece=save Dutch man's daughter
3. Find governor's brother Juan=Save the admiral's son Lucas
4: Kill Baron De La Santos=Worm in the Apple/Hard Labours of an assassin
5. Strange things happening in the Spanish colonies=Strange things happening in the Caribbean
6. Broche/Leonardo=Brock/Brinkley
7. Portuguese Silver=Silver Train
8. Hunt for Jean Fluery=I'm either gonna choose a famous pirate or hunt for Roche Brasiliano as a base
9. The Abbey=Custom Quest that I am working on
10. Fortress De La Mona=Cannons of Mona
What do you think of my quest ideas? Also, I would like a guide on how to make the storyline quests (first part of this super long post) so I can get started. Thanks
Dr. Blood