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El Patron (Humberto Indigo Diaz)

ok people, bad news. I returned from my trip eager to start the El Patron storyline, but when I got home, my computer battery is dead and I have to order a new one. So, I am going to have to wait a few weeks. I am currently doing summerish stuff at the moment and will continue to do so until the PC gets a new battery.

Oh, and Pieter, Tortuga is in the wrong place on your map. From what I remember, it is off the coast of Hispaniola, not Venezuela.

Edit: There is a Tortuga near Venezuela, but it is uninhabited but at one point had several smuggler dens. The main Tortuga was off of Hispaniola.
In the game, it is North-West of Hispaniola also. It's just such a small island that it doesn't appear on that map I posted.
That one I just picked off of the Internet anyway. :razz

Good luck with your PM battery. You've got a laptop then, eh? Same here. :cheeky
Thats the reason I got my second laptop, the battery on my original went so I upgraded...

3 years later the video card of that laptop got fried so I got the laptop I have now :rofl
I just got my new laptop and I can continue the mod once I finish transferring files from my old one. Then I can get back to sailing! :keith
JUST AS AN UPDATE! I still have my mod files I worked on over the summer, and I will be transferring them to my new laptop within the week, then, I will be able to install POTC and continue my story. And just to let everybody know, I am still here! :urgh
So like I said, I created a duplicate Jack Aubrey and tweaked the way I would like. So if I move the files into the storyline folder and put the Humberto Diaz folder inside storyline along with the start file, should it appear in the actual game? Also, I am over in Boston attending some seminars over at MIT, so I should be back Monday. I will also have quite a bit of time to work on patron this week because of US Thanksgiving.
I just thought of an idea! I can have my island in all of the storylines if I can have the stock name the one I desire Padres Del Fuego, and the realistic name could be Santa Cantina also called providence which is a real island. In the El Patron storyline I can script it to be called Padres despite any option chosen. In all the other storylines it can have the realistic name. Just an idea.

Sorry I double posted, I did not notice it since I wrote this on a separate page and I was redirected here from my other thread. I don't know if it is a no no here but my old forum used to ban people for double posting and bumping.
I don't care about double-posting unless it's silly stuff for the sake of increasing one's postcount.

If you put your storyline's files in the Storyline folder, it should indeed show up in the game.

Sure you could add an island in the same way as we added Isla Mona.
However, I'll still recommend you to start out as simple as you can and adding a new island isn't the simplest thing.
It's not impossible either, but still. :shrug
Thanks for the tip. I'm really enjoying the mod and I will have the demo posted here by January. It won't have any quests yet, and will basically be a master and commander on Spanish made steroids.
Hi, I can't seem to access El Patron in-game. I created a duplicate copy of Jack Aubrey and changed the year to 1520, starting port to Santiago, start model to Espanoza, start nation to Spain, and starting ship I removed completely. I created a separate folder for El Patron and even created a start quest notepad file which I put in storylines along with everything else. I still can't seem to access him in-game!

Also, do you know a modeler who can create an El Patron skin for me since I am mearly a simple apprentice coder?
void RegisterStoryline(int n)
ref storyline; makeref(storyline, Storylines);
aref sl; makearef(sl, storyline.list);
string sn = "sl" + (n + 1);
sl.(sn).id = "HumbertoDiaz/";
sl.(sn).index = n;
sl.(sn).dir = "HumbertoDiaz\";

sl.(sn).start.location = "Santiago_Port";
sl.(sn).start.port = "Santiago_Port";
sl.(sn).start.model = "Blaze1";
sl.(sn).start.name = "Humberto";
sl.(sn).start.lastname = "Diaz";
sl.(sn).start.nation = Spain;
sl.(sn).start.playertype = PLAYER_TYPE_MILITARY;
sl.(sn).start.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_JOURNEYMAN;
sl.(sn).start.Flags.Spain = 1;
sl.(sn).start.Flags.Personal = 0;
sl.(sn).start.shipname = "";
sl.(sn).start.date.hour = 10;
sl.(sn).start.date.min = 24;
sl.(sn).start.date.sec = 42;
sl.(sn).start.date.day = 3;
sl.(sn).start.date.month = 2;
sl.(sn).start.date.year = 1520;

switch (LanguageGetLanguage())
case "Polish":
sl.(sn).title = "El Patron";
sl.(sn).description = "";
// default:
sl.(sn).title = "El Patron";
sl.(sn).description = "It is said that on stormy nights haunting echos can be heard on the horizon coming from the howling shades of the five hundred brave souls led to their doom two centuries ago on the mythical island of ravens by the legendary Conquistidora, Humberto "El Patron" Diaz. The echo's speak of anguish, death, and the horrors of what their captain led them to. Follow one man's journey from his arrival in the Caribbean as a young adventurer and his travels with Hernan Cortes ending with his epic showdown on Raven's Cove. Perhaps, by following this man's life, you can understand the screams of the wailing seas. Maybe you can ultimately decide whether El Patron was the hero or the villain..... ";
Here is the second one (start storyline in the Humberto Diaz file)

void StartStoryLine()
ref PChar = GetMainCharacter();
string loadPort = "Santiago_Port";
sTeleportLocName = "Santiago_Port";
// KK -->
string rldGroup = "reload";
string rldLocator = "reload1_back";

GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "bladeX4");	// PB: Gives you your fists
TakeNItems(PChar, "blade1", 1);
TakeNItems(PChar, "medical1", 2); // PB
TakeNItems(PChar, "gunpowder", 6);
TakeNItems(PChar, "pistolbullets", 6);
//JRH ammo mod <--
TakeNItems(PChar, "clock1",1); // SJG
TakeNItems(PChar, "compass3",1); //SJG

EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "blade1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(PChar, "clock1"); // SJG
EquipCharacterbyItem(PChar, "compass3"); //SJG
// <-- KK

// SJG -->
string BOARDERMODEL = "Marines";
bool FOOD_ON = false;
PChar.professionalnavy = true; // LDH 18Apr09
// <-- SJG


//================================| BEGINNING QUESTS |================================//
//El Patron
PChar.quest.Start = "";
PChar.quest.Start.win_condition.l1 = "location";
PChar.quest.Start.win_condition.l1.character = PChar.id;
PChar.quest.Start.win_condition.l1.location = "Santiago_Port";
PChar.quest.Start.win_condition = "Start";
//El Patron

//Tortuga Atmosphere
PChar.quest.Tortuga_atmosphere.win_condition.l1 = "location";
PChar.quest.Tortuga_atmosphere.win_condition.l1.character = PChar.id;
PChar.quest.Tortuga_atmosphere.win_condition.l1.location = "Tortuga_port";
PChar.quest.Tortuga_atmosphere.win_condition = "Tortuga_atmosphere";
//Tortuga Atmosphere

// PB: Isla de Muerte -->
PChar.quest.Muerte = "";
PChar.quest.Muerte_start.win_condition.l1 = "location";
PChar.quest.Muerte_start.win_condition.l1.character = PChar.id;
PChar.quest.Muerte_start.win_condition.l1.location = "Tortuga_tavern";
PChar.quest.Muerte_start.win_condition = "Muerte_start";
// PB: Isla de Muerte <--
//===============================| QUESTS SECTION END |===============================//


AllDaysCount = 1;//MAXIMUS: calculates days amount (updating in calendar.c)
PChar.newGameStart = true;//MAXIMUS: for adding new locators

worldMap.playerShipX = 404.2;	// Philippe: ship stays near island even
worldMap.playerShipZ = -785.8;	// if you must go on worldmap first time
worldMap.playerShipAY = 3.0;
worldMap.playerShipActionRadius = 20.0;
worldMap.playerShipDispX = stf(worldMap.playerShipX) - stf(worldMap.islands.Cuba.position.rx);
worldMap.playerShipDispZ = stf(worldMap.playerShipZ) - stf(worldMap.islands.Cuba.position.rz);

LoadMainCharacterInFirstLocation(sTeleportLocName, rldGroup, rldLocator, loadPort); // KK

// Modify Default Relations
SetRank(pchar, ENGLAND, 5);				// none
SetActualRMRelation(FRANCE, REL_WAR);	// Same as England
SetActualRMRelation(HOLLAND, REL_WAR);	// Same as England
SetActualRMRelation(AMERICA, REL_WAR);	// Same as England
SetActualRMRelation(SPAIN, REL_WAR);	// Same as England
Here is the Quests_Reaction file

void QuestComplete(string sQuestName)
ref PChar, sld;
int iPassenger;
PChar = GetMainCharacter();
float locx;
float locy;
float locz;
int iColony;
int iTradeGoods, iQuantityGoods, iTradeNation;
string homelocation, homegroup, homelocator, tavernfriend;
// KK -->
int cc;
int canQty = 0;
int crewQty = 0;
ref port;
// <-- KK
float x, y, z;// MAXIMUS
string nearloc;// MAXIMUS
aref arship; // PB

//Log_SetStringToLog("Quest " + sQuestName + " completed");
//trace("=============================================== QUEST " + sQuestName + " CHECKED");

case "Start":
AddQuestRecord("Beginning", "1");
Here is Both_Reaction

void BothQuestComplete(string sQuestName)
ref PChar, NPChar, sld;
PChar = GetMainCharacter();

//trace ("ÏÐÎÂÅÐßÅÒÑß ÊÂÅÑÒ " + sQuestName);
//  Êâåñò ïðî ïðîêëÿòûå ìîíåòêè
Here is Init Quest Items

void InitQuestItems()

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O---------QUEST SETTINGS---------------------------O------
// QUEST ITEMS: ItmIndex                                                   picIndex   |            startLocation , startLocator          |
//			      | itmID                                     modelID           |     | setshown   |      useLocation , useLocator       |
//			      |  |                txtname                    |  picTexture  |     | | shownval |      |           quest , tex , pic  |
n = InitQuestItem(n,"aztec_compass",	"aztec_compass",		"",	 "PETROS",	 1,		0,0,	"","",	"","",		"","",""	);
