I can't remember now what "Indian Village 2" is. Files "village.gm" and "village_locators.gm" date back to late April and early May 2022, so that's presumably when it was added. But "Indian Village" is used for my "Colombian Silver" quest. The village is defined in "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Colombia.c", and it's not empty when you visit it because several "Build_At" commands put tepees there. That dates back to 2020.
The Arawak village is present in all periods - you just couldn't see it in "Early Explorers" because you couldn't land on the island in earlier versions of the game. If you can change the characters to use something other than Dutch voice clips, go ahead! You could also switch them to use different dialog files in "Devlin Opera". ("Assassin" switches the chief to use a quest dialog file so that Elting can try to bribe him to help with the siege of Oranjestad.) But don't change the location.
The Arawak village is present in all periods - you just couldn't see it in "Early Explorers" because you couldn't land on the island in earlier versions of the game. If you can change the characters to use something other than Dutch voice clips, go ahead! You could also switch them to use different dialog files in "Devlin Opera". ("Assassin" switches the chief to use a quest dialog file so that Elting can try to bribe him to help with the siege of Oranjestad.) But don't change the location.