Last nite was very eventful.
I have moved into swapping ships constantly mode, getting into fights and capturing ships just to see what they are like.

So I left port with three ships, got in a fight right away and captured two more. Five is the max allowed.
While sailing along I decided to do a close run past Nevis to work on my stealth and of course got intercepted. After we all got shot up I captured an English galleon, but had to scuttle my frigate to keep it.
Finally made it to our destination, Marigot, but immediately got intercepted by an English fleet of 3 brigs before I could drop anchor. That English galleon could only do 0.2-0.7 kts. The brigs did a run from the North to South firing all the way, then sailed on. But while this was happening here comes a Pirate brig from the South! It sailed right past the English brigs and boarded me.

It turned out to be the brig "Queen", a quest ship.
So there I was with no crew left fighting skeletons.......

But I survived and beat the Captain! That was one weird broad and I eventually let her go.

But that also brought up another tuff choice. That brig did not have the cargo capacity for my cargo, so I had to scuttle it.

But a brig with 24-20s?