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WIP Centurion

Ayup. It is a time consuming process, but I have done it before. I was hemming and hawing for a while because the last time I tried to get this ship in game it killed the install, and I wanted to just play for a while.

I would like to know why the yards didn't show up. They should be there.
Wow, nice to see her in the game! Great work so far. :onya
Any plans for stays'ls yet? The rig looks a little bare without them.
I think that I agree about the mains'l.
The sails do tend to look a bit off during the early stages; that's just because Hylie hasn't got round to refining the locator positions yet. ;)
That is a WIP pic. Many things will get changed as it gets worked on. Right now it has no lines to position the sails so they just hang there.
Stays'ls? Did it have any? I could not find anything showing any at all.

I allowed myself to get distracted helping out others and have not touched this ship in days. Time to get back to work.
It definitely did have stays'ls and heads'ls, as would all ships of that time period. This might help you with the shape of the sails. It's a smaller vessel, but of the proper era.

Unfortunately that's all I could find in the way of sail plans showing the cut of the sails. I would strongly recommend adding a main stays'l, mizzen stays'l, main topmast stays'l, fore topmast stays'l, and fore t'gallant stays'l, if you're up to it. I've also seen main topmast stays'ls of the era shaped like the later trapezoidal stays'ls (see ship sail plan on parts of a ship thread) but with the bottom side of the sail (the foot) sloping downward at twenty degrees or so. I personally prefer that shape, as it results in a greater sail area while maintaining enough windward performance for the vessel's hull type.
Stays'ls will be one of the last things I do. Progress is slow because of allergies. Stinging eyes and blurred vision do not go well with staring at a screen full of teeny tiny numbers. The lateen is about finished.
For my sails I used the plan for the 50 gun Oxford 1727, which was made by the same shipwright. It's a rate down from Centurion, and this plan would have been outdated by the time Centurion sailed, but it's the closest I could find. I believe the actual setting of the sails would have been up to the captain.


  • oxford1727.jpg
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Well here is where I am now. The sails are set and the mizzen mast is done except for flags, which will be done later. Lotsa lines comes next. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/76702168/POTC screenies/Centurion-3.jpg

The only contemporary drawings I could find say the bowsprit is done, but do not show what might be in between the main masts. I'm trying to decide how to rig the mains'l. Should the lines go back to the mizzen mast or to the hull? I'm leaning towards putting them on the hull for the larger ships.

Mast2 has no textures and now the lateen has the reverse lighting bug. :oops:
If you're talking about the lines on the clews, (the bottom corners of the sail) There should always be two on each corner. One run forward and the other run aft, both going to the hull. The fact that we can only attach one line makes the exact positioning kind of tricky, but those lines should always be run to the hull on all vessels. The braces, attaching to the end of the yard on each side, used to rotate the yard, are run to just below the tops on the mizzenmast on all three-masted vessels. If You were rigging a brig, they would go to the same location, but on the foremast.
I was talking about the braces. On smaller ships they have gone to the mizzen mast an every ship I've looked at, but on large ships they often go down to the hull. Look at HMS_Victory, for example.
For purposes of leverage, I would go with the mizzenmast lead. Braces led to the hull would also interfere with the setting of a crossjack. (won't happen in this game, though)
Victory is the only existing vessel I've seen rigged like that, but come to think of it, many first and second rates probably were as well.
At first I thought that it could use a few more sails, but the period engravings I referenced seem to look like you have it right now. (This is true for half the vessels in the engravings I looked at. A few vessels had their fores'ls set and a few had their mizzensails and fores'ls set.)
I'm still planning on adding more sail later. 1 or 2 up front, 2 in the middle and one in back. Unless I get my mind changed.