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Capsizing Ships

I think such a sound exists as well, but I'm not sure which it is.

In any case, the "gunfire" particle is NOT the one you need; that one's smoke and you want debris. Try "splinters"/"splinters1"/"splinters2" instead.
You can find all sorts of effects in RESOURCE\INI\PARTICLES\

Also, I *think* the last value in the CreateParticleSystem functions might be a scale factor of some sort.
Try increasing it and see if the effect becomes any more obvious.

In any case, as far as I'm concerned, there's no rush with anything.
We don't want you to get fed up or burned out; just do what you want to contribute. :doff
Maybe you'll find this piece of code useful?
if(rand(1) == 0)	CreateParticleSystem("flyers",      fX+4-rand(8), fY+4-rand(8), fZ+4-rand(8), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
else				CreateParticleSystem("flyers2",     fX+4-rand(8), fY+4-rand(8), fZ+4-rand(8), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
I didn't test it, but I think it should create one flying crewmember for every one that goes overboard,
so the more fall overboard, the more you'll see flying.
Addittionally, there's a 50% chance that it'll choose the other skinned crewmember for variety's sake.
I think such a sound exists as well, but I'm not sure which it is.
Don't worry, I'll look for it. :keith
In any case, the "gunfire" particle is NOT the one you need; that one's smoke and you want debris. Try "splinters"/"splinters1"/"splinters2" instead.
You can find all sorts of effects in RESOURCE\INI\PARTICLES\
Ah, that might help! And... you given me an idea, thinking of smoke...
"Captain, a loose lantern has smashed due to rolling, and set some gunpowder alight!"
How does that sound...? :shrug
There are numerous unexplored possibilities for this mod, you know!

Also, I *think* the last value in the CreateParticleSystem functions might be a scale factor of some sort.
Try increasing it and see if the effect becomes any more obvious.
OK, I'll make a few systematic test changes, and see what happens.

In any case, as far as I'm concerned, there's no rush with anything.
We don't want you to get fed up or burned out; just do what you want to contribute. :doff
I won't rush... I need some rest after today. I'll start tomorrow, but probably on the HMS Victory first. :woot
And, as I said in that thread, I'm only doing what I believe myself to be capable of, and because I want to do it!

Maybe you'll find this piece of code useful?
if(rand(1) == 0)	CreateParticleSystem("flyers",      fX+4-rand(8), fY+4-rand(8), fZ+4-rand(8), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
else				CreateParticleSystem("flyers2",     fX+4-rand(8), fY+4-rand(8), fZ+4-rand(8), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0);
I didn't test it, but I think it should create one flying crewmember for every one that goes overboard,
so the more fall overboard, the more you'll see flying.
Addittionally, there's a 50% chance that it'll choose the other skinned crewmember for variety's sake.
Indeed this will prove useful; it's what I had envisioned in the first place, by coincidence...
(I suppose "great minds think alike" is relevant here :doff )
Do you mean Monday?.....it's tomorrow,Sunday,now...or where you are it will be in twenty mins. xD:
Indeed...technicality...I noticed the time difference too :doff
Lol, time zones- confusing, aren't they... especially on an international site like this. :wacko:
Don't talk to me about time zones. Two days from now, we'll be in a port on GMT-2.5 hours.
Yes, that's minus two AND A HALF. And the ship is going to remain at -2.
The confusion has already started, so we'd better prepare for complications galore! :shock

Ah, that might help! And... you given me an idea, thinking of smoke...
"Captain, a loose lantern has smashed due to rolling, and set some gunpowder alight!"
How does that sound...? :shrug
There are numerous unexplored possibilities for this mod, you know!
Sounds like fun! There's definitly more potential for event to be

I just ran out of time and had to come up with something release-able.
You and anyone else would be most welcome to add more events to make things interesting.
Though I would recommend not putting too much effort into it; after all, it's only a minor mod...
How do you turn this mod off or disable it? .... it's annoying in it's present state.Would'nt be so bad if you could actualy steer the bloody ships in a storm.

Open PROGRAM\NK.c and find:
#define ROLL_ANGLE_WARNING 11 // EC: For testing purposes, you can decrease any of the values on the left
#define ROLL_ANGLE_MORALE  12 // to make the various events occur more easily.
#define ROLL_ANGLE_GOODS   13
Set all these values much, much higher and it won't bother you anymore.
Don't set the values to the same though. But for example add 20 to all of them to read:
#define ROLL_ANGLE_WARNING 11 // EC: For testing purposes, you can decrease any of the values on the left
#define ROLL_ANGLE_MORALE  32 // to make the various events occur more easily.
#define ROLL_ANGLE_GOODS   33
If you have any specific feedback on what you find annoying, please let me know.
In my tests, I found it quite hard to capsize a ship even deliberately. :facepalm
How do you turn this mod off or disable it? .... it's annoying in it's present state.Would'nt be so bad if you could actualy steer the bloody ships in a storm.
True, the easiest way is to increase the roll angles.
But I do agree, the ships handle terribly in storms, and on occasions I find myself helpless at the mercy of the waves! :wacko:
i haven't tried this mod yet, but for me, storms become managable once i get my sailing skill up to 8. of course, that takes a while, so storms will be a real pain up till then i think. what happens when you try sailing along with the wind? i've often done it once i had the storm helmsman perk for fun. and speed, of course.
Can somebody be a bit more specific on that bad handling of ships in storms? :?
What I meant was that on some occasions, it is extremely difficult to control the ship, with or without the sails set.
By this I mean I find it hard to point the ship in a certain direction and KEEP it sailing that way.
This can be a nuisance when trying not to capsize, especially when the ship begins to spin around uncontrollably.

But having seen Morgan Terror's post, perhaps that's linked to low sailing skill? I don't really know. :shrug
well no, not directly. but high sailing skill makes you steer faster, meaning that it's much easier to counter the pressure on your ship from the waves with high sailing skill. still doesn't work all the time though, i'll admit.

what i'm wondering about is, how does the capsizing mod affect sailing along with the wind?
I have found that the smaller ships handle well in a storm and skill rating doesn't mean anything. I have no problem with the Lugger you start out in and with a sailing skill of 1. The larger ships do have problems steering tho. The Fluyts sail well but the Pinnace hardly ever is able to turn to starboard, so I just turn to port all the way around until it is pointed where I want it. Unless there is land close by to port. :8q When the ship starts spinning to port uncontrollably I hit F1, load and start over again. Save 40 times a day! As long as you are sailing directly with or against the waves all is well, except for the shredded sails. What I don't like is getting hit by 2,3,or 4 storms in a row. I've lost ships and good officers that way. :ko
Are those who experience uncontrollable spinning using time compression in storms?
I occasionally get into insane spins when on 30x time compression but not on 10x.

Also, are you using Realistic Game Mode or Arcade?
I use Arcade for quick testing these days, but maybe ship handling in storms as harder in Realistic?
I don't use time compression in storms, otherwise I really would have no control!

For the purpose of my testing, and simply because I prefer it, I use the Realistic setting.
That's probably why you haven't experienced it. :shrug