• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]


A big thank you to all of you who continue to work on the New Horizons mod. It is an awesome game and just keeps growing. I have a question and a suggestion/request.

I am playing the October update and have noticed that the treasure quests produce much much smaller treasures than before. Has something changed, like a rebalancing?

On ship hunting quests the captains all have very low level weapons and 10 gold. I recently captured an 80 gun second rate and the captain had very low level weapons. Is this a given or could it be made random like other captains that we capture?

Nothing has been done to treasure quests or equipping of NPC's. Treasure quests are very random and you're lucky to get anything at all!

I'll maybe take a look at ship-hunting quests to see why captains are not getting their proper money and weapons.
Nothing has been done to treasure quests or equipping of NPC's. Treasure quests are very random and you're lucky to get anything at all!

I'll maybe take a look at ship-hunting quests to see why captains are not getting their proper money and weapons.
Appreciate that.
A big thank you to all of you who continue to work on the New Horizons mod. It is an awesome game and just keeps growing.
Ahoy there, matey! And good to see you again.
I had just been thinking of you the other day...
Where did Jason go...?
Appreciate that.
Try this version of "PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c". It adds some code to clear whatever weapons the captain had from a previous quest, then gives him weapons suitable for his level. (The same character is re-used for the next ship-hunting quest as well as for some other quests.)

As for money, there is supposed to be code already in place to assign some money to the captain, but it's ship's money, not personal money. (Look at your own character in the F2 interface. There's one lot of money somewhere down at the bottom right which is your ship's money, it's what you normally use to buy things and it's where money rewards from quests or from looting dead enemies go. And then there's another lot somewhere near the lower left which is your personal wealth, which increases when you divide plunder with the crew and get your captain's share.)

The quest captain's ship's money is supposed to be transferred to you when you defeat him. Look at the ship's log - there should be an entry for capturing or sinking the ship and it should show any cargo the ship was carrying, along with the ship's money. However, there's a catch - if you capture the ship, the money goes to the officer you put in command of it! (Which is fair, in a way - he's probably the one who searched the ship and found the money.) There's some new code which splits off part of that ship's money to the quest captain's personal money, so now you should be able to get some gold for yourself even if the rest of it stays in the ship's locker and goes to your prize captain. (And, of course, if you capture the ship then you'll get a lot more gold when you sell it.)

Edit: file re-uploaded because of an error in ship's money calculation


  • quests_common.c
    279.8 KB · Views: 73
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Wow! Thanks for that great explanation. I will try shop hunting with the new code. Do I just download it to 'program"?

Well that issue appears to fixed. Thank you, impressive as always. Can you help me understand why I am getting branded as a pirate in towns where I have letter of mark or wary relations. Also I always play stormy start and I know the blades on gets are random. On some occasions I get an average French Admiralty sword which I think is one of the award blades a player earns for promotion. Why not any of the other award blades?
Can you help me understand why I am getting branded as a pirate in towns where I have letter of mark or wary relations.
Check your Ship's Log.
You may have accidentally performed a very unrespectable act.

Also I always play stormy start and I know the blades on gets are random. On some occasions I get an average French Admiralty sword which I think is one of the award blades a player earns for promotion. Why not any of the other award blades?
It could be because of the item ID numbers in the code...
Can you help me understand why I am getting branded as a pirate in towns where I have letter of mark or wary relations.
Do you mean that if you talk to citizens, they sometimes say "We thought you were friendly right up to the moment you opened your gun-ports, fired into our ship, then boarded us and slaughtered our crew! ALARM! A pirate in disguise!" This can happen in any port, belonging to any nation, if you are a pirate. Perhaps you sank too many ships illegally. Or you joined the Pirate Brotherhood by talking to the boss pirate on Nevis. Or you may have started the game as a pirate. However you did it, you're a pirate and someone recognised you. You may be on good terms with the governor here but that won't protect you from an angry citizen!

Also I always play stormy start and I know the blades on gets are random. On some occasions I get an average French Admiralty sword which I think is one of the award blades a player earns for promotion. Why not any of the other award blades?
It could be because of the item ID numbers in the code...
Indeed it is. The stormy start gives you "blade"+ (1+ rand(9)). That is, anything between "blade1" and "blade10". The French Admiralty Rapier is "blade9". The other promotion rewards all have high enough item ID's to put them out of that random range, e.g. "blade29" (Portuguese Officer's Sword - which, incidentally, you can also find in the Barbados jungle dungeon).
Do you mean that if you talk to citizens, they sometimes say "We thought you were friendly right up to the moment you opened your gun-ports, fired into our ship, then boarded us and slaughtered our crew! ALARM! A pirate in disguise!" This can happen in any port, belonging to any nation, if you are a pirate. Perhaps you sank too many ships illegally. Or you joined the Pirate Brotherhood by talking to the boss pirate on Nevis. Or you may have started the game as a pirate. However you did it, you're a pirate and someone recognised you. You may be on good terms with the governor here but that won't protect you from an angry citizen!
Here's the code from Enc_Walker.c:
                case 1:                        // recognized or advice
                    // ccc Dec 05 You are recognized for your pirating actions
                    if(GetServedNation() == PIRATE && GetCurrentLocationNation() != PIRATE)    // PB: Link this to acting as a pirate
                        d.Text = DLG_TEXT[294];
                        Link.l1 = RandSwear() + DLG_TEXT[295];
                        Link.l1.go = "alarm";
Probably if you look in your Questbook, you'll see that the word PIRATE shows in YELLOW.
Can you show a screenshot of your Nations Relations interface?

Indeed it is. The stormy start gives you "blade"+ (1+ rand(9)). That is, anything between "blade1" and "blade10". The French Admiralty Rapier is "blade9". The other promotion rewards all have high enough item ID's to put them out of that random range, e.g. "blade29" (Portuguese Officer's Sword - which, incidentally, you can also find in the Barbados jungle dungeon).
Should that perhaps be changed? It does remove some of the special-ness from the promotion reward.
Maybe do rand(8) instead of rand(9) ? Or even swap the ID numbers of the French Admiralty Rapier and the Piranha?
Should that perhaps be changed? It does remove some of the special-ness from the promotion reward.
Maybe do rand(8) instead of rand(9) ? Or even swap the ID numbers of the French Admiralty Rapier and the Piranha?
Reducing it from 'rand(9)' to 'rand(8)' would be easy enough. It also won't help because that blocks "blade10" from appearing, and that's the Piranha. You'd need to swap the ID numbers of the French Admiralty Rapier and the Piranha as well as changing the 'rand' value. And then you'd need to look for all other code which uses "blade9" and "blade10", otherwise anyone who is supposed to get a French Admiralty Rapier will get a Piranha, and vice versa.

Or reduce the random blade to '1+ rand(7)', removing both the French Admiralty Rapier and the Piranha from the choices.

            i = 1+rand(9);
            if (i == 9) i = 11;                                // "blade9" is French Admiralty Rapier - use "blade11", Highlander, instead
            GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade"+ i) );
That needs to go into both "FreePlay" and "standard" versions of "both_reactions.c".
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Reducing it from 'rand(9)' to 'rand(8)' would be easy enough. It also won't help because that blocks "blade10" from appearing, and that's the Piranha. You'd need to swap the ID numbers of the French Admiralty Rapier and the Piranha as well as changing the 'rand' value. And then you'd need to look for all other code which uses "blade9" and "blade10", otherwise anyone who is supposed to get a French Admiralty Rapier will get a Piranha, and vice versa.
That's indeed what I was thinking.

i = 1+rand(9);
if (i = 9) i = 11; // "blade9" is French Admiralty Rapier - use "blade11", Highlander, instead
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade"+ i) );
That needs to go into both "FreePlay" and "standard" versions of "both_reactions.c".
That would work too.
I'll gladly leave it up to you...
Thank you for your clarification on the pirate thing. I actually figured out that it was related to my behavior. On the blades I was actually going the other direction to get more better blades available in stormy start. But I will defer to your collective wisdom on this.