• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 31st January 2025]

All that I've added in the 10th October update is a few Spanish files which I missed out on 3rd October, plus some of your most recent work. The only changes in "Devlin Opera" are for the translations. The other new stuff such as Purpure and the beaches on Cuba were already in the 3rd October version and are still in this one.
@Grey Roger, if I'm not mistaken, there are a few sidequests not listed here:
For sure "A Family Story" (FreePlay quest specifically for José Joaquím Almeida).
But didn't you also write a new Crystal Skull one?
And there's one Gambler start related, I understand...?
Anything else I'm forgetting?
@Grey Roger, if I'm not mistaken, there are a few sidequests not listed here:
For sure "A Family Story" (FreePlay quest specifically for José Joaquím Almeida).
But didn't you also write a new Crystal Skull one?
"A Family Story" is the work of @Bartolomeu o Portugues and is indeed missing - it should go in the "Character-Specific Side Quests" section along with Hornblower's "The Natividad Incident".

But there is an entry for "Quest for the Crystal Skull" - take a look at line 20. ;)

And there's one Gambler start related, I understand...?
The Gambler/Rogue start has been around for ages. It used to be the short story "Tales of a Chevalier" until it was incorporated into general FreePlay. Perhaps someone could write a walkthrough for it. And one day I might get round to writing one for the Agent start - not to be confused with the Agent's trophy quest, Investigate a Ship, which the Agent gets later.
But there is an entry for "Quest for the Crystal Skull" - take a look at line 20. ;)
I must be blind.

The Gambler/Rogue start has been around for ages. It used to be the short story "Tales of a Chevalier" until it was incorporated into general FreePlay.
That I knew.
I adapted it from @Thomas the Terror 's Tales of a Chevalier myself.
It used to be followed by Sinking the Vogelstruys, which I changed into a general side quest.

But I meant the more recent Casino Quest of sorts.
@Levis and @Jack Rackham worked on that, I believe.
Is that listed somewhere?

And one day I might get round to writing one for the Agent start - not to be confused with the Agent's trophy quest, Investigate a Ship, which the Agent gets later.
Ah! I completely didn't know about those!
Indeed those are worth mentioning too.
BOTH of them.
But I meant the more recent Casino Quest of sorts.
@Levis and @Jack Rackham worked on that, I believe.
Is that listed somewhere?
The Poker Tournament was the work of @Jack Rackham and @pedrwyth. They chose not to write a full walkthrough, though its existence is noted in the "Quests Specific to Player Types" section, and it is also mentioned briefly in the walkthrough for A Girl Won in a Card Game.

@Levis put a casino in Cartagena. There is no quest associated with it - the Poker Tournament is held in a very special location somewhere else.
It's still there in "Tales of a Sea Hawk". You need to be using a "Russian" outfit (which you will be if you didn't change your starting outfit because model "Blaze" is one of them). And you need to change your Personal flag. I added the triggering conditions because someone got confused by it - most people won't have any idea about the background and therefore won't get the joke.
Spyglass of shame?

If it will make you any happier, I could put it into FreePlay as well under similar conditions - if you're using a "Russian" outfit and one of the Russian Personal flags, you get the Russian joke spyglass.
@Grey Roger here are some changes for the next zip.

1) The shiny (blade)items in WR and GB are fixed by disable equip of some standard pistols in WR and GB.
It covers the equip button in the inventory, the keyboard fast equip button and the autoequip function when reloading
to a new location.

2) WR: walk patches for the prison bridge and prison pier + lamps + fix of doors flipping on/off.

3) Also the 3 earlier small fixes: Teach portrait128, deleted Tookerman's club and no log for gpmap.

4) 2 bugs reported by @salonikasurf: abbess_dialog and maquahuitl_cursed non-existent model.

5) GB: fastreload disabled. I ended up in a french fort which doesn't even exist in the storyline.

6) WR: improved box functions swamp_island2.

7) WR: bad weapons exchanged for roof thug QC.

8) WR: 2 x fists in choir_room.

9) WR: jumpstart: mine shafts doors didn't work ok


  • JRH files 23-11-16.7z
    914.4 KB · Views: 75
Thanks, @Jack Rackham! :cheers

If I read the code correctly, the fixes for shiny items disable a range of pistols completely when playing "Woodes Rogers" or "GoldBug". If so, wouldn't that prevent players from using those pistols even if they haven't equipped any of the special blades and haven't yet found a quest pistol?
Yes that's the case. I simplified it a little. There are about 10 standard pistols left that can be equipped.
In both storylines you are given what you need of weapons (also standard pistols) so in a normal playthrough
I don't think you would notice any difference. See this more as the last line of defence against shiny items.
Should we perhaps remove the if-clause from this?
    // PB: Legend -->
        int x,y;
        x = 45; y = 105;
        CreateString(true,"LEGEND",TranslateString("","- LEGEND -"),"seadogs_small",COLOR_YELLOW_LIGHT,x+10,y-5,SCRIPT_ALIGN_LEFT,0.7);
        x = x-10; y = y+20;
        CreateString(true,"SHIP_LEGEND",TranslateString("",": Ship Position"),"seadogs_small",COLOR_YELLOW_LIGHT,x+10,y-5,SCRIPT_ALIGN_LEFT,0.7);
        CreateImage("SHIP_ICON", "SHIPS16", "Brig1", sti(x-picScale), sti(y-picScale)+2, sti(x+picScale), sti(y+picScale)+2);

        y = y+20;
        CreateString(true,"CONVOY_LEGEND",TranslateString("",": Escort Destination"),"seadogs_small",COLOR_YELLOW_LIGHT,x+10,y-5,SCRIPT_ALIGN_LEFT,0.7);
        CreateImage("CONVOY_ICON", "ICONS", "ship speed icon", sti(x-picScale), sti(y-picScale)+2, sti(x+picScale), sti(y+picScale)+2);

        y = y+20;
        CreateString(true,"CARGO_LEGEND",TranslateString("",": Cargo Destination"),"seadogs_small",COLOR_YELLOW_LIGHT,x+10,y-5,SCRIPT_ALIGN_LEFT,0.7);
        CreateImage("CARGO_ICON", "ICONS", "ship capacity icon", sti(x-picScale), sti(y-picScale)+2, sti(x+picScale), sti(y+picScale)+2);

        y = y+20;
        CreateString(true,"TREASURE_LEGEND",TranslateString("",": Hidden Treasure"),"seadogs_small",COLOR_YELLOW_LIGHT,x+10,y-5,SCRIPT_ALIGN_LEFT,0.7);
        CreateImage("TREASURE_ICON", "MARK", "mark", sti(x-picScale), sti(y-picScale)+2, sti(x+picScale), sti(y+picScale)+2);
    // PB: Legend <--
Can you remember why you made that part of "a_map.c" conditional on 'bAnimation'? It must have been a long time ago as the condition was in the Beta 3 version!

See what happens if you remove the condition and then play with animated interfaces disabled.
I can't remember the reason. It removes the Legend from the map interface.
But why did I think anyone would NOT want the legend??
Two possibilities come to mind. One is that the setting description is "Animation and Extra Text" if bAnimation is on, and "No Animation or Text" if it is off; perhaps that was interpreted strictly and all extra text was removed. The other is that enabling the legends when animation is disabled might have caused some sort of bug - unlikely, but that's the one which concerns me.