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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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I had no idea where to change that. Or rather I have never noticed the date there. So @Jason, the install can be perfectly ok anyway.
You can find the date and version number at the bottom of "PROGRAM\globals.c".

If you change the version number, the game will not recognise savegames from a different version, so only change that if there are things in the update which will break old savegames. (I changed that whenever some system variables changed. If you loaded a previous savegame, you could continue, then the game would crash when you tried to save again.)
Perhaps the game engine cannot handle that transparent geometry properly close to the door/right after reload.
Originally the game engine didn't support that at all, so it's already a miracle that it can be used now.

I suppose it's okay, as long as when you move away from the door, the character appears like (s)he should.
Confirmed, the game engine does not obey the alpha channel when a character is semi-transparent by a door. I tried it with Helen Ardent, whose model now uses the alpha channel to mask the collar when she's wearing armour. The collar does still appear when she's by a door. It's less visible than Sergio's hat and hair because I'd previously camouflaged the collar to look like part of the armour, a trick I'd learned from some other armour textures which I imported from GoF some time ago.

The masked areas also appear right at the start of the game when you first spawn in the ship's cabin. The door just provided a better place for a screenshot to show the problem.

Another suggestion for the "Sergio" models, probably for the attention of @sergio. Perhaps write different descriptions for each model? At present there are three identical choices in the "FreePlay" character selection - same description, same face picture. (Perhaps also make new face portraits for the three models to make them more distinctive?)
My newest update is now available:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

As well as everything included in @Jack Rackham's update (thanks, @Jack Rackham, for taking over while I was unable to post updates :cheers), this includes some things I've been working on. The single biggest of these is an overhaul to the "Early Explorers" period - Martinique in the 16th century will never be the same again, it's now Spanish, and you can visit Aruba or Guadeloupe though you won't find a port or town there.

@The Nameless Pirate has provided us with a new playable character, Charles de Maure. And @BathtubPirate has provided new music for pirate taverns.


  • fixes.txt
    22.5 KB · Views: 177
@The Nameless Pirate: Charles de Maure uses the default "Brave Black Flag" settings for start date, ship, character type and flags. If you'd prefer him to start with different settings, add some attributes the same way as you did for Geralt of Rivia.
Hey, quick question, I know there was something in the internal settings.h to disable the abilities having required you to read certain books, does anyone remember where this is? This reset when I updated to the latest version :(

Edit: NVM, realized it is under allow locked perks, thought it was something else, glad to see there's still bug fixes being rolled out for this even in 2020! :)
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A question about the latest version just released. Do I need uninstall and reinstall the game and mod? or I can simply pasted over the "Extra Fix Archive" portion? Also, I guess the old saves don't work anymore, correct? Need restart the game?
A question about the latest version just released. Do I need uninstall and reinstall the game and mod? or I can simply pasted over the "Extra Fix Archive" portion? Also, I guess the old saves don't work anymore, correct? Need restart the game?
You don't need to uninstall the game. Take the latest .zip file and expand it into your existing game, and allow it to overwrite existing files. The latest published archive will not force you to start a new game.
I decided to get back into the game after being away for 5 months. I took a quick skim of the fixes txt file and by the looks of it I don't think any of the 30ish old bugs I shared in my old thread from april have been fixed. Unconfirmed Bug - Spent the last few days playing and got a ton of bugs, also can't finish(?) main quest in Coruzel. You can find two folders full of compiles and saves as well as a pdf that lists which bugs came from which compiles and saves.
I'm going to be going and trying to find more bugs in the near future hopefully as I have a bit of free time again, but my efforts are mainly going to be going through post quest in Sea Hawk, so I may miss bugs that are specific to other storylines.
I decided to get back into the game after being away for 5 months. I took a quick skim of the fixes txt file and by the looks of it I don't think any of the 30ish old bugs I shared in my old thread from april have been fixed. Unconfirmed Bug - Spent the last few days playing and got a ton of bugs, also can't finish(?) main quest in Coruzel. You can find two folders full of compiles and saves as well as a pdf that lists which bugs came from which compiles and saves.
I'm going to be going and trying to find more bugs in the near future hopefully as I have a bit of free time again, but my efforts are mainly going to be going through post quest in Sea Hawk, so I may miss bugs that are specific to other storylines.

The March, 2020 version is pretty good and stable. I don't see how you cannot finish the main quest for Hawk. I finished it. There are some minor bugs/inconsistencies, but nothing can stop you from completing the main story line. This is a 20 years old game and original game wasn't perfect to begin with. I think they have done a great job with the mod. My issue is with this latest release, where Ardent storyline doesn't seem to work. But this could be due to they have turned off some of the experimental stuff as they mentioned earlier.
I don't see how you cannot finish the main quest for Hawk.
The report by @xXSB101Xx
The final Sixth bug I found out, was that if you spare one of the ships of the british fleet that comes, it glitches out the game and stops the quest from completing
is another example of this Convoy Strike

The code looks for you to dispose of the whole enemy squadron by death or capture.

It may be time to put that check into the perk release section of the code in Cabinfight_dialogue.c
Sorry guys a glitch at my end sees me double posting about everything. Time to try changing some hardware I think.
The March, 2020 version is pretty good and stable. I don't see how you cannot finish the main quest for Hawk. I finished it. There are some minor bugs/inconsistencies, but nothing can stop you from completing the main story line. This is a 20 years old game and original game wasn't perfect to begin with. I think they have done a great job with the mod. My issue is with this latest release, where Ardent storyline doesn't seem to work. But this could be due to they have turned off some of the experimental stuff as they mentioned earlier.
The thing that stopped me was this bug where the old lighthouse man's text box he gave right before you got back onto your ship to fight the black pearl after getting the mystic treasure something something didnt disappear and broke the game.
I just reset to a older save and replayed the temple again and I didnt come across this bug again.
I DID get the black pearl randomly decide to run from me which forced me to do a reset again but after boarding the pearl almost immediately I didnt have any more bugs, and so far, it looks like the quest is completed.
I've gone and finished up with getting the Silehard reward so I think the main quest is over unless I have to drop off the old man back to the lighthouse again.
But yeah in general I'm doing fine, I got both Silehards ship and the black pearl and nothing so far has happened.
You are indeed supposed to take Clement to the lighthouse. Be sure to have Danielle as an active officer in your shore party when you do. The game won't break if she's not there but you'll miss out on part of the final dialogue.

Beyond that, yes, that's the end of the main story - you've defeated the Black Pearl and brought Silehard to justice. You can now either continue the game, make use of those new ships, and try a few sidequests; or finish with this one and start a new game with another story.
You keep "Sovereign of the Seas"? I usually traded it in at Vanderdecken for either Victory or Dauntless. Silehard's ship looks so ugly. Such a giant has no staysails. Don't like ships without staysails.
It's all down to personal preference. Not being keen on supernatural stuff, I don't go anywhere near Vanderdecken, and although I keep the Black Pearl berthed somewhere as a souvenir, I try to take a French flushdeck frigate fairly early and then use that for general raiding for the rest of the game. The Sovereign of the Seas (and, for that matter, the Victory or Dauntless) is big, slow and clumsy, useful for taking on only something even slower and clumsier, i.e. a fort. So I'll tend to keep the big ship as a companion until I'm about to hit a fort, then switch command to it.

And on that note, take your choice of big 100 gun ship and try your luck against Guadeloupe or Port au Prince. If they're too easy, try Cartagena. Or stock up on ammo, then do the "Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance" sidequest.
@Grey Roger, I placed a folder "Ammo" wrong under Locations in my latest update. If you please could remove it the next time.
I see that the only file in it "door_Tortuga2.gm" is correct placed anyway. Maybe your work?
Rewrote one of the standard functions. It is not clear why there was a cycle that was looking for an object in each group of equipment.
Now the function works differently:
1) We get a group of objects.
2) Let's see what is put on in the group of the subject.
3) If the current equipment is the same as necessary, then return the "true".
No need to look for a gun in the group for cold weapons.


bool IsEquipCharacterByItem(ref chref, string itemID)
aref arItm;
if(CheckAttribute(&arItm, "groupID") && GetCharacterEquipByGroup(chref, arItm.groupID) == itemID)
return true;
return false;


bool IsEquipCharacterByItem(ref chref, string itemID)
aref arEquip;
int q = GetAttributesNum(arEquip);
for(int i=0; i<q; i++)
{ if(GetAttributeValue(GetAttributeN(arEquip,i))==itemID) return true;
return false;
If you mean "door_TortugaT.gm", I haven't moved it - "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Ammo\BuildingItemsJRH" in my update is exactly how you have it in yours. Should the file go to "RESOURCE\MODELS\Ammo\BuildingItemsJRH" instead?

If there is supposed to be "door_Tortuga2.gm", I don't think I have it.
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