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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Hello gents, back playing the Build mod after many years away. Amazing progress!

As the typical cheater I am, I'm trying to give myself the USS Constitution via the console.c file -- I'm following the directions in the FAQ in the wiki (adding "US_BattleFrigate" with nation "AMERICA" and a custom name) and then removing the comments from that single line. Once I hit F12 in game and reload to any location, I don't get the new ship... any tips? I searched around the board and couldn't find any advice on this outside the FAQ. I'm trying to do this from a "free play" game, starting as the American naval officer character Josiah Peabody (in case that makes a difference). Much appreciated!

edit: I have "ENABLE_CHEATMODE" set to "1" in InternalSettings.h -- not clear on whether or not this is required as well.

edit2: I'll add that I was able to successfully use the console to reset the Martinique fort memory during the main quest, so some part of the console is functioning for me just not giving myself a new ship :)

edit3: ... and of course, as soon as I make a post I figure it out -- needed to move the different lines of code above the switch(0) in the file!


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Ahoy there @Colosseum, long time no see!
Welcome back. :woot

I have "ENABLE_CHEATMODE" set to "1" in InternalSettings.h -- not clear on whether or not this is required as well.
Cheatmode isn't related to the console.

and of course, as soon as I make a post I figure it out -- needed to move the different lines of code above the switch(0) in the file!
AH! Congratulations!!

If you want to use the existing code where it is, you can also change the switch number:
                                           // Case 0 = Enable reload (useful when you get stuck on boarding) + Set player type (if you cannot move anymore)
   switch(0)                               // Case 1 = Various test and cheat codes
   {                                       // Case 2 = Location coordinate information
       case 1:                               // Case 3 = Automatic instant cheats in port
                                           // Case 4 = Instant teleport to Hendrick Vanderdecken
In this case, you'd have to replace 'switch(0)' with 'switch(1)'.

I'm trying to give myself the USS Constitution via the console.c file
Just so you know, there is also the "USS_Constitution" ship ID.
That's the same as the "US_BattleFrigate", except she's got the Constitution name modeled on her stern.
Here's an updated version of "Dialog_func.c". First names are forced to be capitalised. This is because names are translated, which can look odd if a name is also a diffetent word, as you might notice if you're Jack Sparrow and you meet "gentleman Jocard".

Also, the range of models used by governors' nieces and daughters is much expanded. (One possibility is the model used by Elizabeth Shaw, which should please one of our readers. ;))


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I have got @pedrwyth' s Apothecary quest files and @sergio's new characters...
I had a look at @sergio' s characters. There seems to be a problem with "Sergio1" and "Sergio2":
Ignore that he's transparent; that's normal for someone who has just entered town and has not moved from the door. He appears to have long white hair and a hat. But when he does move from the door...
... the hat and hair disappear. It's not missing texture files, partly because "system.log" has no report of missing files and partly because I used GM Viewer to see which files the model uses, and all are present.

By default, a FreePlay character is type Rebel and uses the Irish harp flag. This chap is supposed to be "An adventurer from the Italic peninsula", so how about this flag?
That's the old flag of Sicily. Add this to his entries in "initModels.c":
model.playertype = PLAYER_TYPE_ADVENTURER;
model.Flags.Personal = 4;
That makes him a Sicilian adventurer by default.
Sergio1 has no hat or long hair. Sergio2 has a hat. What is seen (a little) when he's transparent are the parts I have alpha channeled away.
If you use the TOOL the invisible parts look white.
"Sergio" (no 1 or 2) has no hat or hair, he is a basic "Nathaniel" variant. Both "Sergio1" and "Sergio2" show the hat and hair next to the door. "Sergio1" loses both when he moves away from the door as those screenshots show. "Sergio2" keeps the hat.
The same glitches will probably appear when he goes through other doors and certainly appear at game start in his cabin. TOOL can be useful but the true test is how he looks in the game. ;)
Perhaps the game engine cannot handle that transparent geometry properly close to the door/right after reload.
Originally the game engine didn't support that at all, so it's already a miracle that it can be used now.

I suppose it's okay, as long as when you move away from the door, the character appears like (s)he should.
I downloaded the latest update yesterday and it has been a while since I extracted a zip file.(WinZIP) I am not sure I did it correctly. So When I open the game the date on the tittle page says March 2020. Does this mean I did not extract the files correctly?
I had no idea where to change that. Or rather I have never noticed the date there. So @Jason, the install can be perfectly ok anyway.
I had no idea where to change that. Or rather I have never noticed the date there. So @Jason, the install can be perfectly ok anyway.

For future reference it seems to be the #define BUILDVERSION in globals.c just above what you need to change to force a new save game version. (It also then appears in the first line of compile log). I changed mine to 2 Aug 2020 anyway because I am also running a mar 2020 version with the changes I have been trying for visiting companions and I don't want to get even more confused!!
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