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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Ok, place this file in folder 2. Unzip it there. Copy the unzipped PROGRAM folder over your PROGRAM folder
in the "copy of stock potc" (folder 1). This is my PROGRAM folder as it is today with the latest changes and it works.


  • PROGRAM.7z
    5.1 MB · Views: 425
Thanks for sharing :)

Ok i did it and it works, now how can i see the new changes when opening the game?
Nevermind, in the main menu i have the 24 march verison written so i can see it works, as well as i see some black windows related to some kind of ships whrn choosing one of them while customizing for example the free play storyline, and don't see the Sweden among the nations i could choose as native country...
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Good to hear it finally worked. Sweden is off by default. You can turn it on in Main Menu/Options.
Just got back into the game yesterday and realized i haven't updated the Mar2020 fix. Just installed it and unfortunately, it keeps giving me the abnormal program termination error during the ENGINE.exe startup. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but I still kept having the same problem. Everything was fine on Build 14 Beta 4.0. Any fix for this?

Edit: Didn't see there was a similar problem last page. I'll try out the fixes
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Ok, place this file in folder 2. Unzip it there. Copy the unzipped PROGRAM folder over your PROGRAM folder
in the "copy of stock potc" (folder 1). This is my PROGRAM folder as it is today with the latest changes and it works.
This made the Engine crashing stop BUT I can't get into the game after the loading screen from New Game. I'm stuck in a black screen after the loading stops
This was just a fix for @Sergiolas when nothing else seemed to work. If the install is not complete/correct
there could very well be RESOURCE files that still are missing/old.

So please try to do the install the proper way.
Unfortunately it doesn't work for me....
I can see new characters to choice like Geralt of Rivia, but no Sweden option nad everytime i customize the storyline and start the play it crashes to desktop...
Can someone else please step in and help these guys. I have tried all I can.

Thanks a lot for all you did to help me Jack Rackham, i really appreciate it, unfortunately i don't know which problem could it be with this last update...
This makes me worry also thinking about next updates you will do, because if i can't update my game now, i wouldn't be able to update it neither in the future then...
I managed to fix mine, guys. The problem is that moddb has a link for a 4MB Installation Wizard instead of the 500MB one. (I mistakenly downloaded the 4MB one but it worked with build 14 BETA 4.0)
  • Downloaded the correct installation wizard (5ooMB) from the OP.
  • Put it in a folder alongside the .tar file which is the "Part 2" (2.75GB)
  • Installed with .exe (500MB)
  • Extracted the March 2020 update/zip to my main game directory
  • It worked!
Also, the instructions in moddb isn't really that clear. I think you guys should delete older instructions in moddb to avoid confusion. @Sergiolas, you should probably try this out
On ModDB I have pinned three files.
These are the files that you should use to get the newest version, or the ones available here.

Good to hear that your game now works.
Ok, i'm installing with the new installer (500mb) from here...
It turned out that mine installer was outdated, it has 97mb and used it since 2016...
Thanks for the infos Justin, now let's see if this time everything will work for me too...
Just to know if i can install it, when installing with the installer i have the option for a high textures resolution, but it advices to have a high end machine to install it, could someone tell me how high it should be? I have a desktop with Intel i5 processor, a nvidia geforce graphic card with 2gb, 8gb of ram and 500gb hard disk, and also i play this game on an old laptop that has Intel core duo, and the half of the features of my desktop pc...Thanks in advance for infos :bow
Maybe you mean ENB?

I am not sure about how good of a computer you need for that, and as far as I know it is personal taste if it improves the graphics.
The only option that mentions a high end system is this one, and it doesn't affect textures.

Now there is this one that could also be what you mean:

Which doesn't have a performance warning, I think it affects the interface textures correct me if I am wrong.
So I would use it anyway if I had a widescreen monitor.
Yes i mean those 2, well, i don't know how it affect this game, on Skyrim for example is used for correcting light effect outside and inside buildings, but not knowing how to use them in game, i never used enb in Skyrim, that however, requires more power to be played at its best, in fact i use minimal settings on the laptop and medium on desktop, i thought that being PotC a lot older than Skyrim, graphic improvement would have been anyway restrained, but before doing damages i preferered to ask here....
I haven't upgraded my game version since Friday 20th December 2019.
So let's see what happens:
1. Download Extra Fix Archive (from the opening post)
2. Extract to 'C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean' using 7-Zip
3. Confirm 'overwrite everything'
4. Wait a minute or so
5. Ready for testing:

Game starts up fine.
Option for "Allow Sweden" is here in the "Game Preferences":

Geralt of Rivia is present in the default Free Play character choices.
His sword floats a bit oddly on the main character's back, but in general things seem to be working quite fine.
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Second test:
1. Use 'Build14_installer_25052018.exe' with these settings:
2. Point to 'C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean' again
3. Wait two minutes
4. Testing gives ERROR with this log file:
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: sulan_shipslog.c; line: 27
missed ')'
Not surprising, because I just put old files on top of new ones.

So to continue:
5. Extract 'post_25May_updates.zip' on top again.
6. Problem solved; all working.

I can't seem to replicate the installation errors. :shrug


  • B14 Final Settings.png
    B14 Final Settings.png
    46.4 KB · Views: 405
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