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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Time for another update. Could anyone who has anything they want included in the update please upload it by the end of the week? Preferably by Thursday, so I have time to check it and merge it into the update and then release the update on Friday.
The November update is out:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

Several ships have had their rigging improved, whether eliminating "Bad Rope" errors, adding extra ropes, or both of the above. A few new character models are available. But probably the most noticable change will happen if you choose to pay your crew by dividing plunder.

Until now, when you divvied up the loot to pay the crew, you got instant free repairs and re-stocking of all your ships. This was supposed to be because you're planning a new expedition and it was supposed to take a lot of time, but it didn't work properly. It does now! But if you don't want to wait for ages plotting your next voyage of plunder, don't worry. You also have the option to just pay the crew, which doesn't get you any free repairs or cargo but doesn't take any time either.

If you do prefer to plan a new expedition and wait for the free stuff, you can change the delay time. Edit "PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h" and find this line:
#define REFIT_TIME                       60       // INT - number of days to refit for next expedition
Change the number to whatever you like.


  • fixes.txt
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Hello, im pretty new to the game and tought about trying the mod but i cant get it to work.

when i replaced the stock files with the modded + fixed file and when running the EXE, setting it to the game folder it just says 'Original game not found. Please make sure you install the 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean by Akella first'. I got the Original game of from steam under the name Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships. The other mods worked on it but i cant get this one working. Im not to smart wich such things and surely i must done something wrong. Might like to explain me step by step what to do first to get it working ?

Thank you.
Ah ok, i tought it worked for them both like the CMV3.2 mod. Perhaps in the future. Will keep the fun going with the CMV for some while.

Thank you for the reply.
It is not a rush, i just tought i coulded use it for Age of Pirates2: City of Abandoned Ships "Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships"). I must of been confused some how. Probaly cause other mods works with both games.
I must of been confused some how. Probaly cause other mods works with both games.
That's because on CoAS, the modding became less coordinated as time progressed and ended up diverging onto different paths.
This didn't really happen with PotC though and we managed to keep including most mods by most people in the same all-inclusive modpack.
This is why the NH modpack is uncommonly varied and has a huge amount of customisation options.

Also, yes, I AM biased because I've been almost always involved with PotC myself.
But everything I say above IS true regardless of that. :)
I'd like to release one more update this year, preferably by the end of this week and certainly by the end of next week. Could anyone who has anything they want included please upload it? Including, but not limited to, @Jack Rackham and @The Nameless Pirate.
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Got it - thanks! "Ships_init.c" needed to be merged as there are other changes, everything else just went straight in.
The latest update is now available:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

New stuff includes:
. Several ships have improved rigging, e.g. Naval Topsail Schooner - before and after:
schoonerwar_orig2.jpg schoonerwar_final2.jpg

. Greek personal flag by @The Nameless Pirate:

. Some new character models, ultimately intended for quest use but also available for FreePlay:
hub_por2.jpg hub_spa5.jpg Maria_Antonia.jpg montoya.jpg louwe_louwman.jpg

. The inhabitants of Port Royale have changed, thanks to @BathtubPirate. Thomas O'Reily now looks less like a mad scientist and more like a shifty shopkeeper - and Morys Biddulph, who previously used the shifty shopkeeper outfit now used by O'Reily, reverts to his original appearance:
oreily.jpg biddulph.jpg

. The Animists in the "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago" sidequest have different ships in the "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic" periods. The "Revolutions" ship, a modified Kreyser, is the work of @The Nameless Pirate.
piratfrigatesat.jpg sat_essex2.jpg
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