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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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So does anyone actually have those missing files? @pirateking perhaps?

@Grey Roger. When did you guys make that change? Maybe @ANSEL has an older version of the file? Or maybe he needs to press F11 for it to update?
@Grey Roger Where does this blade come from? coas ? If it is from coas I have the files, if I can find it there.
In POTC I only find this file:
From COAS this


  • blade36.zip
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  • Item_katanaL.tga.zip
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Hey, this is not in moddb and definitely wasn't easy to find :-(
This version officially isn't ready for public release.
Which is to say: We haven't had the time to release it yet.
If you find this forum though, it's not so difficult to find anymore. The link is below every post I make. ;)
This version officially isn't ready for public release.
Which is to say: We haven't had the time to release it yet.
If you find this forum though, it's not so difficult to find anymore. The link is below every post I make. ;)

Thanks, and sorry for sounding like a whining child xD

I was finding some 'black screen' during the game.and I thought... 'if I ask they'll tell me to install the latest version first'.
Anyway, I'll make a post about it one of this days if I can.
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Yes. :doff

@ANSEL: copy this lot into place and see if the katana appears properly.


  • RESOURCE.zip
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@Grey Roger . Some more information: Now I have the Blade, but the picture, in the inventory, is
still missing.
I just made a new installation and this time I included the unfinished Storyline too, and then I
have the Blade?could the unfinished story line have some of the missing files? So all what is missing now, is the inventory picture.
@Grey Roger . Some more information: Now I have the Blade, but the picture, in the inventory, is
still missing.
I just made a new installation and this time I included the unfinished Storyline too, and then I
have the Blade?could the unfinished story line have some of the missing files? So all what is missing now, is the inventory picture.
I'd previously posted the interface pictures in another thread, and have now tracked them down. Here they are again.


  • RESOURCE.zip
    1.8 MB · Views: 140
Update: the "Updates" zip has been updated. So has the opening post.

New game is now required if you install the zip. If you're really attached to your savegame, edit "PROGRAM\globals.c", find the line:
#define IS_SGV           14.937
and change the "14.937" to "14.936". It will probably work, but this is not guaranteed.
@Grey Roger. First: I relay like those new icons, look pretty good:)
Second: About the Katana: I just took a Portuguese warship and there was 3 Katanas on board?
@Grey Roger. First: I relay like those new icons, look pretty good:)
Second: About the Katana: I just took a Portuguese warship and there was 3 Katanas on board?
As @Pieter Boelen says, it was @Jack Rackham who made the icons for the Sword of Triton - credit where it's due. :bow

The katana is definitely far too common, despite me having set it to rarity 0.01 and minlevel 25. If you've reached that level then my guess is the "minlevel" code is kicking in and blocking lesser blades, so regardless of the low rarity value, the katana is going to show up a lot. Which means I go to plan B. I'll make it "unique" so it can't show up at random, and then give it to the Dark Teacher, the boss Animist you face near the end of the "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago" side quest, so that you have a chance to get one and only one.
The katana is definitely far too common, despite me having set it to rarity 0.01 and minlevel 25. If you've reached that level then my guess is the "minlevel" code is kicking in and blocking lesser blades, so regardless of the low rarity value, the katana is going to show up a lot. Which means I go to plan B. I'll make it "unique" so it can't show up at random, and then give it to the Dark Teacher, the boss Animist you face near the end of the "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago" side quest, so that you have a chance to get one and only one.
Works for me! :onya
OK, if I've done this right, "bladeC36" should be unique, not available randomly anywhere, and the Dark Teacher should be waving one in your face when you meet him behind the throne. I've also made him take note if the "Weapons" mod is active and only assign the +2 version if it is. (Previously he'd get "blade20+2" all the time; I'm not sure what that would do to anyone playing with "Weapons" mod disabled.)


  • SideQuest.c
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  • initItems.c
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Previously he'd get "blade20+2" all the time; I'm not sure what that would do to anyone playing with "Weapons" mod disabled.
He wouldn't get a blade at all. With a bit of luck, he'd get an "error item".
In other words: Not good. ;)
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