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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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How did you get the frigate? If you chose it as a starting ship in Free Play, you should be able to find the ship type, or at least the description given when you choose the ship. If you got it from a quest, which one?
That could be any of three ships. There should be a description when you choose the ship in Free Play startup, one of the following:
"A mid-18th century frigate captured by pirates, bearing a sinister black paint scheme." (Probably not this one, it doesn't have much red on it.)
"A frigate captured by pirates, bearing a dark paint scheme and crimson sails. Her crew is said to be cursed..."
"An early 18th century frigate captured by pirates, bearing a red and black paint scheme adorned with skulls and bones."
@Pieter Boelen didn't mention this, but if the fast travel locations aren't there, you can ask a citizen for directions. Once you've done that, you'll have that in your fast travel menu. Ask about every location you can.
@Pieter Boelen didn't mention this, but if the fast travel locations aren't there, you can ask a citizen for directions. Once you've done that, you'll have that in your fast travel menu. Ask about every location you can.
That is indeed an added convenience for people who do want to play on Realistic Game Mode. :yes
That isn't available for ALL locations though; just the ones that are available in the citizen dialogs.

I assumed that @pirateking actually wants the regular Arcade bevahiour.
Yes it ist the red and black paint scheme adorned with skulls and bones Frigate.

I can't Walk on the shipdeck if i make one Step then i drop into the Canon Deck.
BTW, I almost starved me crew while dealing with a merchant. It sems the merchant deals take much longer now and use a lot of food. Is this a feature or a bug?

That is a very good question. I honestly don't know. Maybe @pedrwyth does?

Nothing I've done AFAIK - I think I've only messed with prices (he said defensively). :napoleon It looks untouched as far back in build 14 as I can go and gives similar results I think (I tried 14 beta 3.4 but alpha 8 has the same code) .

It does however strike me as allocating too much time for transfers if I consider the numbers of crew v Cwt moved and time taken (now I look at the numbers rather than just taking them as read) - although too many cooks.... should play a part with very large crew numbers too. Improved leadership does already impact by reducing the time and perhaps there would be room for a 'stevedore' perk for those that like collecting such things. :wp

However the good news is it is easily altered to taste by tweaking the TIME_MOVEGOOD value :checklistin internal settings (or even turning the time off entirely if you want) I've dropped mine from 30 to 4 to keep an eye on.
Yes it ist the red and black paint scheme adorned with skulls and bones Frigate.
If that is the actual description given in the Free Play ship selection (and in the shipyard if you go to the "Appearance" section), then the ship in question is "PiratFrigateSup", also known as Marauder.

To confirm this, could you switch to external view, then zoom in on the stern of the ship? If it's the ship I think it is, you should see a skull and crossbones on the stern, and under it the name "Marauder". The other red and black pirate frigate also has a skull and crossbones on the stern but no name.
The transfer issue happened at the first 2 stores I visited at the start of the game in free play. The ship is the Diligente tartane with 31 crew. My leadership and probably my merchant skills was 1. I am up to level 11 now with the same ship and the issue went away after happening 2 times.

I found this error log this morning. No idea when it happened. Outside of many CTDs at Tortuga this game only crashed one time.


  • error.log
    69 bytes · Views: 188
Soon. :) If the files are in a state to be used, by all means upload them. If there is still work to be done, no rush - no doubt there will be more fixes and additions to warrant another zip update in the not too distant future.
I made an extra check in items_utilite.c to be sure traders got the bladeC36 but don't think it's needed. So if that thing is missing
let's try without it. I'll delete the comment in initItems.c next time.
I've just come across something that might need to be thought out more.

In the shipyard one can get the stronger hull upgrade. This has always been there but now it seems one can also install larger cannons. That seems dumb to me but whatever.

In the pirate shipyards one can get the Corsair refit. This weakens the hull but adds cargo capacity, speed, and maneuverability.

So one could end up with a ship with a stronger hull, larger cannons, larger cargo capacity, higher speed, and better turn rates at a very reasonable cost. I have not quantified the difference but it is actually quite large.

Is this intentional?
Ok, I bought a light fluyt and gave it the works while taking screenies. It turns out that it does end up with a weaker hull but everything else is pretty buffed up. Overall this seems excessive to me, but others might have different opinions.

POTC 4.1_2017_02_18_15_09_43_118.jpg POTC 4.1_2017_02_18_15_10_27_696.jpg POTC 4.1_2017_02_18_16_06_09_079.jpg
The idea of reinforcing the hull allowing heavier guns is a bit odd - the reinforcement may include struts between the decks which means the upper deck won't collapse under the weight of heavier guns, but putting heavier guns on the upper deck raises the ship's centre of gravity. You should end up with a ship which is tougher, better armed, and liable to capsize.

The rest is fair enough. You've added those struts to make the ship tougher, then the corsair refit takes them back out again to give you more cargo space. The pirates also probably know a few extra tricks to improve ths ship's performance. By the time you have all the upgrades, you basically have the Age of Sail's version of the Millenium Falcon.
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