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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Here's my latest (and final) update for WoodesRogers part 2.
New jump starts for part 2 added and tons of bugs fixed.
Got it - thanks! :onya

I also have added a list of files I hope could be removed from the game. Not sure if that should
happen in the next installer or where...
It will need to be in the next installer because those files aren't added in the update, which means they are in the existing installer.
If @Mad Jack Wolfe still around the make one?
Or shall I give it another shot?
I hope to upload the next update later this week. After that, the race for the new installer can start.:D
Musket with bayonet has two deterrent stats as fellows:



When was is Pirates Island Turks, I did notice ships sailing through inland. Was walking on roads there and suddenly discover something passing through me.
It was a ship. And it happened several times during my play. I encounter this problem before when playing another story line. But forgot to take a screenshot.

When fighting NPC's always pushing forward which is backwards for the playing character. Pressing forward key wont work.
Most irritating part is during cave or grotto fight they sometimes push playing character outside of cave or grotto.
But this is not happening with fellow officers. Only with playing character.

Too bad that only blacksmith in Port royal can change the status of bulk of blades to excellent, but not others.
Other blacksmith can do one by one.
Same for gunsmith in La granda. Who can change bulk of guns altogether. But no other.

During Revolution/Napoleonic period or against playing England it is hard to go there. Need to go through back door.

Who is the best gunsmith? There is some indication during conversation with NPC's and at the Tailor shop. But who is he?
And where can be found?

Its batter to have an option to store 'old pirate dairy', 'aminest amulate' and such things in the chest after completing these quest.
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Musket with bayonet has two deterrent stats
The first one is when it's used as a gun. The second as a blade.

Probably there's not enough ammo left for two muskets. (4gp + 2 mb)
Or one has been fired and turned into a blade.
Or both.
Musket with bayonet has two deterrent stats as fellows:

That is a side-effect of the way this musket is implemented. It can be either a firearm or a melee weapon. So there are two definitions for it. There is supposed to be code to automatically switch between them as necessary but it may not have time to work if you kill an enemy and then loot the weapon from the corpse.

When was is Pirates Island Turks, I did notice ships sailing through inland. Was walking on roads there and suddenly discover something passing through me.
It was a ship. And it happened several times during my play. I encounter this problem before when playing another story line. But forgot to take a screenshot.
You may notice something similar in any port. Ships may be set to move, but there is no collision detection. In most places the town is separate from the port so you won't see this happen when you're in town, but Grand Turk is one big location combining the port and main town.

When fighting NPC's always pushing forward which is backwards for the playing character. Pressing forward key wont work.
Most irritating part is during cave or grotto fight they sometimes push playing character outside of cave or grotto.
But this is not happening with fellow officers. Only with playing character.
That's a general feature, possibly built into the game engine. The player character can be pushed around; NPC's with weapons drawn can not. If an enemy is pushing you around, kill him!

Too bad that only blacksmith in Port royal can change the status of bulk of blades to excellent, but not others.
Other blacksmith can do one by one.
You're lucky the Port Royale blacksmith can do that! If a blacksmith is polishing a lot of weapons, either he's doing a rush job or he's getting his apprentices to do it. Either way, don't expect an excellent result. ;)

Same for gunsmith in La granda. Who can change bulk of guns altogether. But no other.

During Revolution/Napoleonic period or against playing England it is hard to go there. Need to go through back door.
That's part of the general feature of making hostile ports dangerous. You have probably been spotted by the fort and it remembers you. Either make peace with Britain or get a different ship that the fort does not recognise.

Who is the best gunsmith? There is some indication during conversation with NPC's and at the Tailor shop. But who is he?
And where can be found?
There are only two gunsmiths; the one on Grenada and the one on Turks Island. I'm not sure which is the best in terms of price or speed, though the one on Turks Island has the advantage that she can repair swords as well as guns. But in "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic" periods, Turks Island is British, and any other time it's Pirate, so you may have trouble getting in there as well...

Its batter to have an option to store 'old pirate dairy', 'aminest amulate' and such things in the chest after completing these quest.
Those are quest items which can not be stored, dropped or traded.

@Pieter Boelen: which attribute prevents an item from being dropped into a chest? I wonder if a quest item, which will presumably have the attribute set by 'InitQuestItem', can have it deleted at the end of the quest which uses the item?
There are a lot of quest items you end up stuck with long after the associated quests are completed, with no visible way to get rid of them.

Here's a list of what I currently have in my pockets:
  • Santos' items (actually, three of these four items can be tossed; there's no visible way to get rid of the keys, however)
  • Small Chest (from Elizabeth Shaw)
  • Animists Amulet (from stock Animists quest)
  • Spanish Letter (from Dutch smuggler ship quest)
  • Old Journal (from Drake's sword quest)
And since there have been talks of releasing a new update, I've stumbled on three minor issues on my last free play adventure. Just in case you may wish to look into them:
  • Fast travel from Bridgetown port becomes bugged at some point; it gives you the dreaded "something is about to happen here" message every time you try it. It may be related to the apothecary quest, but I can't tell for sure.
  • Elizabeth Swann doesn't stop following you around in Tortuga after Will Turner's quest.
  • Cannot take Cartagena. I get a black screen with some HUD elements after taking the fort and the port; the first town location is not loaded properly.
Quest items: I can't fix this until someone (@Pieter Boelen?) tells me which attribute prevents items from being put into a chest.

Fast travel in Bridgetown: Can you upload a savegame from where you're in Bridgetown unable to fast travel? I'll then see if I can figure out which quest is blocking fast travel and whether it's still supposed to be active.

Elizabeth Swann: Can you upload a savegame from shortly before you go to Tortuga to complete the quest?

Cartagena: (see a pattern developing? :D) Can you upload a savegame from shortly before attacking Cartagena?
I hope to upload the next update later this week. After that, the race for the new installer can start.:D
I'm not in this to compete with anyone.
Only going to do it if it is of service.

Too bad that only blacksmith in Port royal can change the status of bulk of blades to excellent, but not others.
Other blacksmith can do one by one.
Same for gunsmith in La granda. Who can change bulk of guns altogether. But no other.
All blacksmiths are deliberately different from each other.
They could also all be made to work the same.
But wouldn't that be boring?

You may notice something similar in any port. Ships may be set to move, but there is no collision detection. In most places the town is separate from the port so you won't see this happen when you're in town, but Grand Turk is one big location combining the port and main town.
Yep, that can sometimes happen.
Ideally all locators should be pointing towards open sea so it wouldn't happen.
But who is going to bother rotating them all?
Not me...

@Pieter Boelen: which attribute prevents an item from being dropped into a chest? I wonder if a quest item, which will presumably have the attribute set by 'InitQuestItem', can have it deleted at the end of the quest which uses the item?
Price = 0 stops it.
So perhaps:
    string itemID = "aztec_compass";
    aref arItem;
    Items_FindItem(itemID, &arItem);
    arItem.price = 1;
Could make a new function out of it; for example:
void ItemSetPriceZero(string itemID)
   if (itemID == "") return; // PB: Prevent potential error messages
   aref arItem;
   Items_FindItem(itemID, &arItem);
   arItem.price = 1;

The Toss button does have some extra restrictions though:
    //Levis -->
   SetNodeUsing("TOSS_BUTTON", true);
   bool TossEnable = true;
   if(sti(GetStorylineVar(FindCurrentStoryline(), "WR_PUZZLES" )) > 0)   TossEnable = false; // JRH
   if(sti(GetStorylineVar(FindCurrentStoryline(), "BUG_PUZZLES")) > 0)   TossEnable = false; // JRH
   if(sti(GetAttribute(itemARef, "price")) <= 1)                       TossEnable = false; // PB
   if(GetAttribute(itemARef, "id")    == "bladeX4")                   TossEnable = false;
   if(GetAttribute(itemARef, "id")    == "map")                       TossEnable = false;
   if(GetAttribute(itemARef, "id")    == "cursedcoin")                   TossEnable = false;
   if(GetAttribute(itemARef, "id")    == "albatross")                   TossEnable = false;
   if(GetAttribute(itemARef, "id")    == "telescope")                   TossEnable = false;
   if(!GetSelectable("B_QUEST"))                                       TossEnable = false;
   SetSelectable("TOSS_BUTTON",   TossEnable);
   //Levis <--
Thanks! :onya

I'll add 'ItemSetPriceZero' to "items_utilite.c", then as a test I'll put it into the quest case where you dig up the sword at the end of "Find Angelique Moulin's Father". If that works, I can add to the ends of other sidequests.

Edit: slight revision to 'ItemSetPriceZero', partly because the whole point here is to set the price to not-zero. ;) But then, someone might want to go the other way and set a price to zero to turn something into a protected item; or they might want to change the price for some other reason. Also, include a check to make sure the item is valid. So:
void ItemSetPrice(string itemID, int price)
   if (itemID == "") return; // PB: Prevent potential error messages
   if (GetItemIndex(itemID) < 0) return;
   aref arItem;
   Items_FindItem(itemID, &arItem);
   arItem.price = price;

Then, in "quests_side.c", at case "cachette":
           if (GetCurrentPeriod() == PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS) ItemSetPriceZero("old_journal2", 1);
           else ItemSetPriceZero("old_journal", 1);
And then I'll need to do a test run of the sidequest to see what happens to the journal...
Last edited:
Here are three save files. Didn't have anything handy, so I just started a new game and consoled the broad daylight out of it.

The Barbados one is just in front of the port gates; soon as you exit through the gate, the smuggler contact approaches and gives you the bow collector quest, natives spawn, and fast travel is turned off forever.

Note: Here is part of quest_side.c:

case "Smugglers Request Collector":
                Locations[FindLocation(PChar.location)].reload.l2.disable = true;        //JRH: temp disabled to avoid too quick reload back to town (getting stuck)

which appears to be responsible for disabling fast travel where PC is, namely Bridgetown port at that time. And here's another part:

        case "Smugglers Collector Meet in Tavern 2":
            Locations[FindLocation(PChar.location)].reload.l2.disable = false;        //JRH: enabled back to town now

which, again, appears to be responsible for turning it back on, but is PChar.location still the port? Where exactly is this quest stage triggered?

Oh, and while we're at it, I've just remembered that even if you turn in the bows and successfully complete the quest, you still get a quest update saying you failed when the time is up.


  • FreePlay.zip
    2 MB · Views: 375
fast travel is turned off forever.
You did some good searching there!
But I have to admit 'reload.l2.disable' is just one specific reload between two specific locations.
It relates to this section from PROGRAM\Locations\init\Oxbay.c (code name for "Barbados"):
    // ccc changed to lead to new suburb
   Locations[n].reload.l2.name = "reload19";
   Locations[n].reload.l2.go = "Greenford_suburb";
   Locations[n].reload.l2.emerge = "reload_3_3";
   Locations[n].reload.l2.autoreload = "0";
   Locations[n].reload.l2.label = "Suburb";
   // ccc <-
It's just below 'Locations[n].id = "Greenford_town";' (code name for "Bridgetown").

As an alternative, you could try executing this through console:
(And maybe also 'DisableMenuLaunch(false);' as that seems to be frequently used together.)
You did some good searching there!
But I have to admit 'reload.l2.disable' is just one specific reload between two specific locations.

Thanks! Learned new stuff. So, in this case, we're just disabling transition from the port to the mod-added section of Bridgetown. Effectively, we're disabling the port gates from the outside. If I understood correctly, that is.

I wonder, though. How does fast travel work? Are you simply teleported there, without any transition point in between being taken into account? Or do disabled gates actually effect fast travel as well?

As an alternative, you could try executing this through console:

I suppose DisableFastTravel toggles fast travel altogether, is that correct? I'm only having trouble beaming off of Bridgetown port. Fast travel works well everywhere else.
Hello this may not be the right place to post this but, could anyone send me the Blackbeard files (all of them necessary for porting)? I tried downloading it but it did not work.

p.s. If you have the blackbeard model from ERAS, that would be much preferred
  • Fast travel from Bridgetown port becomes bugged at some point; it gives you the dreaded "something is about to happen here" message every time you try it. It may be related to the apothecary quest, but I can't tell for sure.
  • Elizabeth Swann doesn't stop following you around in Tortuga after Will Turner's quest.
  • Cannot take Cartagena. I get a black screen with some HUD elements after taking the fort and the port; the first town location is not loaded properly.
Elizabeth Swann: I'll have to take the blame for that! At the end of the quest, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann are supposed to disappear and you never see them again, but I found a loophole by which you can keep Will Turner. So I added some code to the end to make them removable, and set Elizabeth Swann to be Will Turner's officer. If you find the loophole, you get Will Turner's ship with Elizabeth Swann as his secondary officer, both of which can be reassigned as you see fit. The snag is that 'SetOfficersIndex' sets the officer into officer mode, regardless of who the officer serves, which is why Elizabeth Swann follows you around. The fix was to rearrange the end of the quest so that she becomes Will Turner's officer and then goes into actor mode and runs away. I used your savegame at Tortuga to check that it works.

Cartagena: this used to work, I raided Cartagena once myself using Silehard's flagship after the end of "Tales of a Sea Hawk". That was long ago. Since then, a new gate has been added to allow you to exit Cartagena to the jungle, which means town location "Cartagena_town_01" has a new locator file, "Red01_l_cg.gm". The snag is that for a battle scene in any area, there needs to be a "b" version of that area's locator file, and "Red01_l_cgb.gm" does not exist. A bit of digging through old files revealed which locator file was used by "Cartagena_town_01" before the new gate was added, so I copied that and renamed it to "Red01_l_cgb.gm". It's close enough; the difference with "Red01_l_cg.gm" is that it adds the reload locator for the gate plus a couple of locators for guards, which aren't needed in the battle. With this "Red01_l_cgb.gm" in place, I was able to use your savegame to attack Cartagena and the fight in this area worked correctly.

Bridgetown port: the problem is case "Ship Guarded", which sets a quest trigger in Bridgetown port:
               pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship_reset.win_condition.l1 = "ExitFromLocation";
               pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship_reset.win_condition.l1.location = "Greenford_port";
               pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship_reset.win_condition = "Set Guard Again";
Then "Set Guard Again" sets another trigger for "Ship Guarded":
               Pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship.win_condition.l1 = "location";
               Pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship.win_condition.l1.character = PChar.id;
               Pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship.win_condition.l1.location = "Greenford_port";
               Pchar.quest.Apothecary_Guard_Ship.win_condition = "Ship Guarded";
Attribute "quest.mysterious_plants.guard_ship" should be cleared at cases "Payback Indians after give up at Steven" and "Indian left steven for Cartagena"; presumably one of these should happen depending on how you conclude the "Mysterious Plants" quest. After that, the cycle between "Ship Guarded" and "Set Guard Again" should be broken and you should be able to fast-travel out of Bridgetown port.

Attached: fixed version of "quests_side.c" and new "Red01_l_cgb.gm" to fix the problems with Elizabeth Swann and Cartagena. As a bonus, it also includes code which should allow Francois Moulin's journal to be dumped into a chest, though I've yet to play the quest to test it.


  • mini_fixes.zip
    124.2 KB · Views: 384
What the...

Here's a Jack Sparrow save, with fast travel disabled out of Bridgetown port, even though the apothecary quest hasn't been started yet.



  • JackSparrow.zip
    1 MB · Views: 381
Oh, and while we're at it, I've just remembered that even if you turn in the bows and successfully complete the quest, you still get a quest update saying you failed when the time is up.

This is due to the timer set in "Accept Collectors Offer": in quest_side.c not being cancelled when you deliver the bows and the case for failure is still called when the timer runs down. So "Finish Collector Quest Smugglers": should have that included. As per the last line here
case "Finish Collector Quest Smugglers":
            ChangeSmugglerLiking(pchar, 10);//PW was 5 but this is a crappy deal you accepted so they should be more pleased
            // so you gained 15 overall, could have lost 10 on rejecting quest at all or 15 if accepted and then ignored/failed
            TakeNItems(PChar, "pistolbow", -10);
            TakeNItems(PChar, "meds2", 1);//PW get 2nd med rather than 5 tar (so ammo mod off covered)
            AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 500);
            AddQuestRecord("smuggle_collector", 8);

            if(CheckAttribute(Pchar,"quest.mysterious_plants.guard_ship"))//PW if plants not finished
                AddQuestRecord("smuggle_collector", 9);        //JRH: hint return to apothecary
            pchar.quest.smuggling_guild.quests.collector = true;
            AddXP(pchar, SKILL_COMMERCE, 2500, XP_GROUP_OFFIC);
            AddXP(pchar, SKILL_SNEAK, 1000, XP_GROUP_OFFIC);
            DeleteAttribute(&PChar,"quest.smuggle_collector_expire");//PW stop timer from calling "Failed Collectors Offer":
What the...

Here's a Jack Sparrow save, with fast travel disabled out of Bridgetown port, even though the apothecary quest hasn't been started yet.


I think this one is blocked by Edgar Attwood quest - if you set him as a member of your shore party you will auto-talk on the jetty - when you do that fast travel is released.

EDIT - but his dialogue is missing in the tavern? more anon
Attribute "quest.mysterious_plants.guard_ship" should be cleared at cases "Payback Indians after give up at Steven" and "Indian left steven for Cartagena"; presumably one of these should happen depending on how you conclude the "Mysterious Plants" quest. After that, the cycle between "Ship Guarded" and "Set Guard Again" should be broken and you should be able to fast-travel out of Bridgetown port.

As well as that one specific case (it's actually a double deletion in two consecutive cases on the same event line) there are numerous lines of

which remove the complete attribute tree which includes the sub attributes especially "quest.mysterious_plants.guard_ship" (I hope)
Thanks! Learned new stuff. So, in this case, we're just disabling transition from the port to the mod-added section of Bridgetown. Effectively, we're disabling the port gates from the outside. If I understood correctly, that is.
Sounds right to me. :onya

I wonder, though. How does fast travel work? Are you simply teleported there, without any transition point in between being taken into account? Or do disabled gates actually effect fast travel as well?
You're teleported. Closed gates don't affect it.

(Technically, the game does look at the number of reloads in-between to determine the passing of time.)

I suppose DisableFastTravel toggles fast travel altogether, is that correct?

I'm only having trouble beaming off of Bridgetown port. Fast travel works well everywhere else.
Do I understand then that you CAN access the menu; but you're getting the "Something is going to happen" message when you use it?

Hello this may not be the right place to post this but, could anyone send me the Blackbeard files (all of them necessary for porting)? I tried downloading it but it did not work.
I believe attached should be all files used by his character model in PotC:NH .


  • Blackbeard.7z
    1.3 MB · Views: 401
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