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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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OK I have put what I have done in the relevant thread and flagged it up in "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release"

I missed this comment before posting how I had already approached it. I altered her base dialogue to be of use AFTER the sidequest but if you feel strongly about her always being home then just drop the change to her initial placing in characters/init/IslaMuelle and revert the first line of her dialogue as you winmerge (I have locked her house after the sidequest so it would only leave her with weird response if you talk to her again before leaving).
Perhaps have Sylvie Bondies revert to a stock dialog after the quest is complete? Or add something so that she remembers what you have done? Compare to Elzire Ayarai, the woman in St. Pierre whom you persuade to return to church by giving her 1000 gold to show you're on the side of the angels - after you've done so, if you then visit her again she thanks you for what you've done.

I did wonder about changing the label to read as her house if that was to be the case (she does have an open house policy with all those vc characters.
Perhaps vcskip that house permanently, so that the only person you'll see in there is Sylvie Bondies. If the quest is not active then she can just tell you to get out - again, compare to Elzire Ayarai.

EDIT from "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release" this one (which is mostly a fix) doesn't appear to be in your list http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/...-4-0-public-release.27077/page-16#post-550745 ENDEDIT
I wasn't entirely sure about that one, partly because of the changed interface and partly because there's no feedback from anyone else after installing it. I'll add it in, but will be watching for any indications that anyone is having problems with the shipyard...
I wasn't entirely sure about that one, partly because of the changed interface and partly because there's no feedback from anyone else after installing it. I'll add it in, but will be watching for any indications that anyone is having problems with the shipyard...
Understood - I appreciate it is difficult to make the call to move from "fix in progress" without positive feedback and always a risk that later it proves to have altered/broken something else so remains a strong suspect in further bug reports.
Yes it works ok even if it's not as it "should" be done. I have many such cases in my quest things.
If they hadn't worked in the first place I should have abandoned that style years ago.
Here's what I have now.

Added from last time:
  • @LarryHookins fix for crash when saving game
  • @pedrwyth fix for shipyard interface cargo inclusion problems and upgrade inclusion problems
  • @Jack Rackham "Woodes Rogers" update (version number set back to 28th July version, may need to be changed as some of the updates require new savegame)
The latest version of the "Sabine Matton" sidequest will go in when it has been finalised. Apart from that, it's pretty well ready to go...

Update: "Sabine Matton" update now included...


  • Fixes.txt
    7.5 KB · Views: 532
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Yes it works ok even if it's not as it "should" be done. I have many such cases in my quest things.
If they hadn't worked in the first place I should have abandoned that style years ago.
Please, please, PLEASE stop using that construct.
And even more please, start rewriting the ones that are already there to something else.

I tested it once and they don't work how I would expect, nor does it do anything else that is in any way useful.
It doesn't do anything that a regular "if-else" statement doesn't do; it just looks far more confusing to anyone who tries to understand how it works.
So really there is no advantage to it.

The PotC code doesn't know the "elseif" statement, so you're not getting that behaviour if that's what you're after.
If you really want an if with more than 2 cases, then "switch" is the one you need.
Or created nested if-statements, though I'd personally avoid those simply because they're annoying to write and understand.

Most of the time though, I think you could probably suffice with just having consecutive if-statements without any 'else' to go with them.
That is pretty much exactly what it does already; any 'else' after the first one serves no purpose.
I'm toying with the idea of going through the thread about post Build 14 Beta 4.0 additions, starting with the first one after 28th July, then building up a collection of fixes only. "Rebalancing", "realism" and system overhauls won't be included. To that end, @Jack Rackham, could you create a version of "initItems.c" which includes anything necessary to the extended "Woodes Rogers" story but does not include any revised weapon prices or stats? I want to include storyline updates as well, the idea being that they don't affect normal gameplay and if anyone doesn't like where the story is going then all they have to do is not play that story. The proviso is that they do indeed not affect normal gameplay! ;) The same goes for sidequests; provided they don't interfere with the rest of gameplay, I'll include updates, which won't affect players who choose not to play that sidequest.
it's going to be hard, you might want to include the captain generation in it because that also fixes some problems. I had to rewrite it to actually fix some of the problems.
Thanks for doing this. I will try to make sure to have a new collection of "everything" this weekend so we can at least get everyone back on the same version.
it's going to be hard, you might want to include the captain generation in it because that also fixes some problems. I had to rewrite it to actually fix some of the problems.
Aren't there still some new bugs that can be traced to that? I think most of the "performance issues" being mentioned are actually "the game erroring out".
I'd suggest ensuring that system is 100% (or 99%) OK before adding it to a "fixes only" archive.
Aren't there still some new bugs that can be traced to that? I think most of the "performance issues" being mentioned are actually "the game erroring out".
I'd suggest ensuring that system is 100% (or 99%) OK before adding it to a "fixes only" archive.
true, that's my goal for the next few days(/weeks) to iron it out.
Then we can start comparing the version of @Grey Roger and me and slowly move things to his version and test it again.
Maybe this is finally the point where we can have a "release" version and "experimental" version.
true, that's my goal for the next few days(/weeks) to iron it out.
Then we can start comparing the version of @Grey Roger and me and slowly move things to his version and test it again.
Maybe this is finally the point where we can have a "release" version and "experimental" version.
That would make me very happy! :woot
Mine is supposed to be the basis for the "release" version. It lacks all the experimental stuff such as the new captain generation code, weapons stats and prices, and winds. Apart from outright bug fixes (hopefully I didn't include a fix for an experimental item by mistake), the only new things are those which should not affect general gameplay, e.g. storyline and sidequest updates.

I would recommend not moving any of the experimental code to this version until it's been used for a new release. Otherwise the whole exercise was pointless...
Mine is supposed to be the basis for the "release" version. It lacks all the experimental stuff such as the new captain generation code, weapons stats and prices, and winds. Apart from outright bug fixes (hopefully I didn't include a fix for an experimental item by mistake), the only new things are those which should not affect general gameplay, e.g. storyline and sidequest updates.
I should require only another 2 weekends to get my sailboat to her destination port. After that, it is my hope that things will quiet down on my end.
So if you have some general idea about whether your "fixes only" ZIP is indeed OK by that time, I'll WinMerge it with my own game version and post it as new "official" Beta 4.1 WIP EXE.

I would recommend not moving any of the experimental code to this version until it's been used for a new release. Otherwise the whole exercise was pointless...
Very, VERY much agreed! :onya

We should be able to have a new, stable EXE before the end of the month. And @Levis can continue developing/fixing his "new content archive" at the same time.
Once the new EXE is available, we'd need two groups of people: One that tests the "fixes" version and another that tests the "experimental" one.
Then anything in "experimental" that is confirmed OK, can be moved into "fixes" for the next version.
okay guys sorry I've got a new laptop and potc doesn't want to cooperate with me so I need a few more days to figure out what is going wrong.
Can I ask all modders to post stuff they still have in the topic we have for it so saturday I can finally make a new archive?
Opening post EXE updated
Depending on which game version you were running before:
New Game is either ENFORCED or RECOMMENDED!

This version comes with MASSIVE THANKS to @Grey Roger, without whom it would not have been possible this "soon"! :bow
As he says:
No experimental new mods are included. What's in:
  • Bug fixes, as reported in "Build Mod Bug Tracker" and the fixes reported in "New Content: Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release"
  • A few other bug fixes found elsewhere
  • Cosmetic changes which do not affect general gameplay
  • Storyline and sidequest changes which do not affect gameplay outside their specific stories/quests
I've tried to keep out anything related to brainstorms and overhauls featured in the later ZIP updates,
though something may have got in if I mistakenly included a bugfix which held code from such an update, or worse, was actually a fix for a bug in said updates.
For more details, refer to: Fix in Progress - Post 28th July fixes | PiratesAhoy!

EDIT: I tested this Installer EXE and it appears to work like it should, both on the Unmodded Game and the previous 28 July 2016 version.
It *MAY* also work on the gazillion different versions that came afterwards, but I cannot make any guarantees on that.
If you can afford to, I recommend making a clean install to rule out any potential incompatibilities.

Contains the following changes:
- New Features:
. New playable characters added: Teresa Moreno (Spanish Freedom Fighter) and Bohdan Aleskeevich Voronov (Russian Cossack) by @Grey Roger
. Baker Rifle added by @Jack Rackham and @Tingyun
. Loanshark added to Grand Turk by @Jack Rackham
. All female characters now support sitting by @Grey Roger
. Extra chests added to captain's cabins by @Jack Rackham
. Improvements to shipyard interface "acquired status" by @pedwryth
- Gameplay/Balancing Updates:
. Boarding Soldier Weapons Mod disabled by @Grey Roger
. Boarding skill decrease for surrendered captains disabled by @Tingyun
. Assigning of skill bonuses made nation-dependent by @Levis
. Governor Ship Hunting quests increase in difficulty for Privateers/Naval Officers by me
- Code Updates:
. Capture Colonies nation relation consequences brought in line with ships by me
. Additional support added for translations by @Grey Roger and me
. Rumour texts updated by @Tingyun
. Levelling performance improved by @Levis
. Skill "stack" code simplified and corrected by @Levis, @Jack Rackham and me
. Default heading for "setting sail" corrected for many islands by @LarryHookins
. Quest item swap function added by @Grey Roger
. Support added for specific navy/merchant character flags by @Grey Roger
- Bug Fixes:
. Reputation discrepancy fixed by @Grey Roger
. Pricing for buying/selling ships with and without upgrades fixed by @pedrwyth
. Trade quests to departure port prevented by me
. Repeated "Relation Books" prevented by @Grey Roger and me
. Meaningless system.log entries for missing textures fixed by @pedrwyth
. Fast Travel to player ship fixed if companions are present by @Levis
. Ensure prisoners are removed when appropriate by me
. Potential CTD due to cargo overup fixed by @Levis
. Navy address title fixed for NPCs by @Grey Roger
. Perks assignment for player party officers fixed by @Levis
. Missing character nationalities added by @Grey Roger
. Missing Jamaica soldier restored by @Grey Roger
. Coastal Guards dialog corrected by @Levis
. Errors with saving fixed by @LarryHookins
. Icon display size code corrected by @LarryHookins
. Spyglass auto-equip in store code corrected by me
. Nation Relation interface "change flag" functionality corrected by @Levis
. Officer types and boarding crew types fixed by @Levis
. Cannon transfer interface between ships fixed by @pedrwyth
. Goods and Crew transfer interfaces fixed for companion ships by @pedrwyth
. Tomwhawk code corrected by @Jack Rackham and me
. Opium code reversed and corrected by @Levis
. Quest ship swap function fixed by @Grey Roger
. Hoist Flag code potentially failing fixed by @Grey Roger and me
. Missing music in Personal towns fixed by @Cassadar
. Trade Quests to same island prevented by me
. Consistency fixed for store and shipyard cargo goods prices by @pedrwyth
- Storyline Updates:
. Sidequests:
> Rys Bloom sidequest extended by @Grey Roger
> Sabine Matton sidequest fixed and improved by @pedrwyth and @Talisman
> First Contact sidequest Flying Dutchman always hostile by @Grey Roger
> Sinking the Vogelstruijs quest code smoothed up by me
> Sinking the Vogelstruijs Barend Hesselink more formidable enemy by @Grey Roger
> Sinking the Vogelstruys sidequest tie-in with Smuggling removed by @Grey Roger
> Hard Larbours of an Assassin sidequest can be started again if initially refused by me, fixed by @Grey Roger
> Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago, ending improved by @Grey Roger
> Church Protection sidequest code cleaned up so it completes only once by me
> Help the Lady potential quest error fixed by @Grey Roger
> Artois Voysey sidequest potential quest lock fixed by @Grey Roger
> Edgar Attwood sidequest potential error fixed by @Grey Roger
> Nigel Blythe sidequest Ethilrede Claar ship corrected for periods mod by @Grey Roger
. Tutorial:
> Stormy Start potentially permanently lost ship fixed by @Jack Rackham
> Locked Cabin Icon removed after tutorial completes by @pedrwyth
. Standard storyline:
> Code improved by @Grey Roger
. Ardent storyline:
> Quest extension including wedding, convoy strike and aftermath added by @Grey Roger
. Assassin storyline:
> Sidequests restored and incompatibilities fixed by @Grey Roger
. Free Play storyline:
> Naval Officer explanation added by @Grey Roger
. Hornblower storyline:
> Various potential errors fixed by @Grey Roger
. Woodes Rogers storyline:
> More new WIP content added by @Jack Rackham
- Model and Texture Updates:
. Swedish East Indiaman high-detail custom model added by @philipjn and @Armada
. Milady de Winter and Teresa Moreno custom character skins added by @Grey Roger
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:bowThanks so much Pieter and everyone who has helped in this update.
Seems like we are getting a good start for the year. I have downloaded and will test as soon as possible.
New playable characters added: Teresa Moreno (Spanish Freedom Fighter) and Bohdan Aleskeevich Voronov (Russian Cossack) by @Grey Roger
Minor correction: although Teresa Moreno is Spanish in the "Sharpe" series, she's Portuguese in the game. It just works better within the game given that she has to be friendly to her homeland and hostile to France.

Thanks for the new installer! Perfectly timed, too - a new version for a new year. :onya
Ah, just found the new exe-update... :cool:

Time to say thank you all for the work, It´s just fantastic and one of the best games I know (if you consider New Horizons a full game like I do). I definately like all the improvements related to the character and skill management, especially it is much more obvious, how things work here.
I wish you good winds all time, and the same for your work on Hearts Of Oak! :ahoy
Here's an update to the update:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_jan7_fixes.zip

It contains a few bug-fixes, a couple of new ships and a couple of new character models:
fastgalleon3_screenshot.jpg fastgalleon4_screenshot.jpg jordano_screenshot.jpg towngirl1_2_screenshot.jpg
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