Opening post EXE updated
Depending on which game version you were running before:
New Game is either ENFORCED or RECOMMENDED!
This version comes with MASSIVE THANKS to
@Grey Roger, without whom it would not have been possible this "soon"!

As he says:
No experimental new mods are included. What's in:
- Bug fixes, as reported in "Build Mod Bug Tracker" and the fixes reported in "New Content: Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release"
- A few other bug fixes found elsewhere
- Cosmetic changes which do not affect general gameplay
- Storyline and sidequest changes which do not affect gameplay outside their specific stories/quests
I've tried to keep out anything related to brainstorms and overhauls featured in the later ZIP updates,
though something may have got in if I mistakenly included a bugfix which held code from such an update, or worse, was actually a fix for a bug in said updates.
For more details, refer to:
Fix in Progress - Post 28th July fixes | PiratesAhoy!
EDIT: I tested this Installer EXE and it appears to work like it should, both on the Unmodded Game and the previous 28 July 2016 version.
It *MAY* also work on the gazillion different versions that came afterwards, but I cannot make any guarantees on that.
If you can afford to, I recommend making a clean install to rule out any potential incompatibilities.
Contains the following changes:
- New Features:
. New playable characters added: Teresa Moreno (Spanish Freedom Fighter) and Bohdan Aleskeevich Voronov (Russian Cossack) by
@Grey Roger
. Baker Rifle added by
@Jack Rackham and
. Loanshark added to Grand Turk by
@Jack Rackham
. All female characters now support sitting by
@Grey Roger
. Extra chests added to captain's cabins by
@Jack Rackham
. Improvements to shipyard interface "acquired status" by @pedwryth
- Gameplay/Balancing Updates:
. Boarding Soldier Weapons Mod disabled by
@Grey Roger
. Boarding skill decrease for surrendered captains disabled by
. Assigning of skill bonuses made nation-dependent by
. Governor Ship Hunting quests increase in difficulty for Privateers/Naval Officers by me
- Code Updates:
. Capture Colonies nation relation consequences brought in line with ships by me
. Additional support added for translations by
@Grey Roger and me
. Rumour texts updated by
. Levelling performance improved by
. Skill "stack" code simplified and corrected by
@Jack Rackham and me
. Default heading for "setting sail" corrected for many islands by
. Quest item swap function added by
@Grey Roger
. Support added for specific navy/merchant character flags by
@Grey Roger
- Bug Fixes:
. Reputation discrepancy fixed by
@Grey Roger
. Pricing for buying/selling ships with and without upgrades fixed by
. Trade quests to departure port prevented by me
. Repeated "Relation Books" prevented by
@Grey Roger and me
. Meaningless system.log entries for missing textures fixed by
. Fast Travel to player ship fixed if companions are present by
. Ensure prisoners are removed when appropriate by me
. Potential CTD due to cargo overup fixed by
. Navy address title fixed for NPCs by
@Grey Roger
. Perks assignment for player party officers fixed by
. Missing character nationalities added by
@Grey Roger
. Missing Jamaica soldier restored by
@Grey Roger
. Coastal Guards dialog corrected by
. Errors with saving fixed by
. Icon display size code corrected by
. Spyglass auto-equip in store code corrected by me
. Nation Relation interface "change flag" functionality corrected by
. Officer types and boarding crew types fixed by
. Cannon transfer interface between ships fixed by
. Goods and Crew transfer interfaces fixed for companion ships by
. Tomwhawk code corrected by
@Jack Rackham and me
. Opium code reversed and corrected by
. Quest ship swap function fixed by
@Grey Roger
. Hoist Flag code potentially failing fixed by
@Grey Roger and me
. Missing music in Personal towns fixed by
. Trade Quests to same island prevented by me
. Consistency fixed for store and shipyard cargo goods prices by
- Storyline Updates:
. Sidequests:
> Rys Bloom sidequest extended by
@Grey Roger
> Sabine Matton sidequest fixed and improved by
@pedrwyth and
> First Contact sidequest Flying Dutchman always hostile by
@Grey Roger
> Sinking the Vogelstruijs quest code smoothed up by me
> Sinking the Vogelstruijs Barend Hesselink more formidable enemy by
@Grey Roger
> Sinking the Vogelstruys sidequest tie-in with Smuggling removed by
@Grey Roger
> Hard Larbours of an Assassin sidequest can be started again if initially refused by me, fixed by
@Grey Roger
> Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago, ending improved by
@Grey Roger
> Church Protection sidequest code cleaned up so it completes only once by me
> Help the Lady potential quest error fixed by
@Grey Roger
> Artois Voysey sidequest potential quest lock fixed by
@Grey Roger
> Edgar Attwood sidequest potential error fixed by
@Grey Roger
> Nigel Blythe sidequest Ethilrede Claar ship corrected for periods mod by
@Grey Roger
. Tutorial:
> Stormy Start potentially permanently lost ship fixed by
@Jack Rackham
> Locked Cabin Icon removed after tutorial completes by
. Standard storyline:
> Code improved by
@Grey Roger
. Ardent storyline:
> Quest extension including wedding, convoy strike and aftermath added by
@Grey Roger
. Assassin storyline:
> Sidequests restored and incompatibilities fixed by
@Grey Roger
. Free Play storyline:
> Naval Officer explanation added by
@Grey Roger
. Hornblower storyline:
> Various potential errors fixed by
@Grey Roger
. Woodes Rogers storyline:
> More new WIP content added by
@Jack Rackham
- Model and Texture Updates:
. Swedish East Indiaman high-detail custom model added by
@philipjn and
. Milady de Winter and Teresa Moreno custom character skins added by
@Grey Roger