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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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I've found some of the locator fixes and as they are fixes, i.e. solve actual problems reported by people, they're going in. :onya There was also a fix to "standard\quests\both_reaction.c" so that, if you spawn at a certain beach on Hispaniola after a stormy start, your ship is there. What that fix probably didn't do is cure exactly the same problem for freeplay, so I've applied it to "FreePlay\quests\both_reaction.c" as well.

The extra chest in ship cabins is probably further along the thread...
Okay I'll fix the initItems.c as above and include it in a double size pack of WoodesRogers.
Which will be the WR upload from 16-10-11 + the one I just finished.
My other 3 mods are already uploaded.
(cabin chests, boat San Juan and Turks loanshark)

Unfortunately "initItems.c" still seems to be the one with revised weapon prices.

What changes have you made to "initModels.c"? It appears to be based on an outdated version, so I'll need to combine whatever you've done with the version containing two new models I added for "Ardent" plus the revised animation settings for most female models so they can sit down.
@Grey Roger - what's your timescale for this? I have been/am working on additional polishes to Arnaud/Sabine Matton sidequest.

Two of the changes are to add two new items (for the letters from Arnaud and Sylvie) and to initialise Sylvie at a null location and only place her in her house when/if the trip to Isla Muelle with Sabine is triggered in the side quest.

It would be nice to get these elements in since I presume they would require a new game - the rest I have in mind (checking the loose ends are consistently dealt with) will all in be in the dialogue files so can follow on.

Currently it would require minor additions for the two items to itemsinit.c (and itemsdescribe.txt) together with a change to characters/init/islaMuelle.c to put a hold on Sylvie (plus a temporary (WIP) revised version of @Talisman 's Arnaud dialogue with the extra line to place her so she is not missing when required).

I can post a version of these four now for your consideration - on the other hand I am likely to finish within a day or so.
@Grey Roger - what's your timescale for this? I have been/am working on additional polishes to Arnaud/Sabine Matton sidequest.
I don't have a specific timescale. As I'm only part way through the updates thread, you have plenty of time to finish off the sidequest! Post the final version, or a link to it, in the "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release" thread, then I'll get to it in due course.
If you upload your initmodels.c here I could merge in my changes and return it.
Here's what I have at the moment.


  • initModels.c
    461.5 KB · Views: 488
Here it is with my changes added. It was new portraits for swedish dragoons and artillery.


  • initModels.c
    461.5 KB · Views: 422
  • face_390.jpg
    13.6 KB · Views: 652
  • face_391.jpg
    13.7 KB · Views: 706
@GreyRoger: I wonder about the initItems.c I uploaded yesterday. It was my changes on the install version
fron 16-07-28. Now if changed prizes were already there, maybe it's a strange version. I mean all other possible changes
in the latest zip and after that are not there.

Would it maybe be better if I upload a version I have (my changes based on the latest zip)? Then only other modders changes
after the latest zip are missing. (can be merged in)
It's fine. I have a folder containing the extracted contents of the 28th July install which I've been using for "Winmerge" comparisons with anything that's going into the fixes collection, and a strange version of "initItems.c" had found its way into there. I've re-extracted it from the 28th July install and "Winmerge" now only shows what look like "Woodes Rogers" items as differences between that one and the one included in your FTP upload. That new version of "initModels.c" looks fine, too. So the "Woodes Rogers" collection should be good to go in. :onya
@Grey Roger - what's your timescale for this? I have been/am working on additional polishes to Arnaud/Sabine Matton sidequest.

Two of the changes are to add two new items (for the letters from Arnaud and Sylvie) and to initialise Sylvie at a null location and only place her in her house when/if the trip to Isla Muelle with Sabine is triggered in the side quest.
Just a thought - that's supposed to be Sylvie Bondies' house, so she should be there permanently. The existing situation in which she tells you to get out if you're not there on sidequest business is fine. If you really don't want the player talking to her before the sidequest then you could lock the door. But other sidequest characters behave similarly to Sylvie Bondies - they'll say something generic most of the time and say their sidequest lines when you're doing the relevant sidequest.

Having actual letters to carry around in your inventory is a nice touch, though. :onya
Here's a list of what I've got so far. Basically, I've been through the "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release" thread starting after 28th July and picking anything which looked like a bug fix, but leaving out rebalancing and overhauls. So the new captain generating system should not be in there, nor any of the fixes for bugs caused by it. Some files are mentioned more than once because they were updated again later in the thread. Cosmetic additions which do not affect general gameplay, e.g. the new Swedish East Indiaman, are in there. The current version of "Ardent" is included, as is the current version of the "Sabine Matton" sidequest. And the new compass from @LarryHookins is also included.

The expanded version of "Woodes Rogers" is not included - yet! Now I've finished going through that thread, the expansion posted by @Jack Rackham in this thread is going to be WinMerged and added in next...


  • Fixes.txt
    7.2 KB · Views: 510
Wow, that's a substantial list, @Grey Roger!

Didn't @pedrwyth also make some further fixes to the cannons interface? I don't see that in your list.
If I understand correctly, @pedrwyth made a couple of attempts on the cannon interface, the one listed on 30th October in this post being the final version.

I've no idea what those are supposed to do. (Apart from the compass, which is included in one of those two links, and also on my list. ;)) Do they fix any bugs which anyone reported?
That first one should fix the bug with saves corrupting on newer computer systems.
Seems like a good thing to include. ;)
The expanded version of "Woodes Rogers" is not included - yet! Now I've finished going through that thread, the expansion posted by @Jack Rackham in this thread is going to be WinMerged and added in next...
Thanks for that.:doff
That first one should fix the bug with saves corrupting on newer computer systems.
Seems like a good thing to include. ;)
And the second appears to be identical to the first. (One says which lines need to be changed in "interface.c", the other contains "interface.c" with the lines changed.) Now added.
I don't have a specific timescale. As I'm only part way through the updates thread, you have plenty of time to finish off the sidequest! Post the final version, or a link to it, in the "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release" thread, then I'll get to it in due course.
OK I have put what I have done in the relevant thread and flagged it up in "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release"

Just a thought - that's supposed to be Sylvie Bondies' house, so she should be there permanently. The existing situation in which she tells you to get out if you're not there on sidequest business is fine. If you really don't want the player talking to her before the sidequest then you could lock the door. But other sidequest characters behave similarly to Sylvie Bondies - they'll say something generic most of the time and say their sidequest lines when you're doing the relevant sidequest.

Having actual letters to carry around in your inventory is a nice touch, though. :onya
I missed this comment before posting how I had already approached it. I altered her base dialogue to be of use AFTER the sidequest but if you feel strongly about her always being home then just drop the change to her initial placing in characters/init/IslaMuelle and revert the first line of her dialogue as you winmerge (I have locked her house after the sidequest so it would only leave her with weird response if you talk to her again before leaving).

I did wonder about changing the label to read as her house if that was to be the case (she does have an open house policy with all those vc characters.

EDIT from "Post Build 14 Beta 4.0 Public Release" this one (which is mostly a fix) doesn't appear to be in your list http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/...-4-0-public-release.27077/page-16#post-550745 ENDEDIT
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@Jack Rackham: about the "Woodes Rogers" extension.

"globals.c" has this:
#define BUILDVERSION       "14 Beta 4.1 WIP: 23 September 2016"   // this is not used in reinit.c anymore, so we can use a string now
#define IS_SGV           14.935
That's the version and date for the version after the ZIP update. I've put it back to the version for the 28th July install. If the new "Woodes Rogers" stuff, or for that matter the mass of bug-fixes and other stuff, require a different version then I'll need to alter it to something else.

"PROGRAM\sound\sound.c" has this:
     case "tavern":
// JRH -->
       if(CheckAttribute(loc,"id") && loc.id == "GB_Charleston_town_tavern")
         if(CheckAttribute(loc,"id") && loc.id == "GB_Charleston_port_tavern")
         if(CheckAttribute(loc,"id") && loc.id == "NS_hidden_town_Tavern")
// <-- JRH
         //a simple virtual sailor change -->
         if (CheckAttribute(loc,"townsack"))
// KK -->
         switch (location_or_nation) {
           case ENGLAND: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern"); break;
           case FRANCE: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern"); break;
           case SPAIN: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern"); break;
           case PIRATE: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern_pirate"); break;
           case HOLLAND: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern"); break;
           case PORTUGAL: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern"); break;
           case AMERICA: SetMusicAlarm("music_tavern"); break;
// <-- KK
         //a simple virtual sailor change <--
Is this going to work properly, bearing in mind that 'if... else... else...' structures can do odd things?
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