Hi Hylie, Thanks for the reply. I didn't even know the glittery gold bauble was cursed until you and Pieter pointed it out. Thought it might be worth a bob or two; greed eh? Serves me right.
Even if you hadn't taken it, you would be stuck with it. That's one of the things the curse does: you can't get rid of it.
Perhaps the item description should be clearer? This is what we have now:
Large golden coin with an Aztec skull depiction. It gives off an aura of great ancient power. Rumour has it that these originate from an island that cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is.
I would have expected most everyone to at least recognize those things as being from the PotC films. Apparently there
are exceptions; that's good to know.
We added those coins with their curse mainly as a joke. If you know how to do it, you can get rid of them in five minutes; not that difficult.
And once you've lifted the curse, every other coin you find, you CAN sell.
If you have any specific suggestions on making things clearer or more fun/less annoying, that would be welcome.
Different views are always good.
I'm afraid the POTC films (all of them) are too dumbed down for my tastes. Penelope Cruz is nice eye candy but Deppy boy is seen as being bored by the whole thing [Rotten Tomatoes review], and I can see why. Playing the game is almost 3D and I can't fall asleep half way through. Regards, Brian.
As I see it, the first one is pretty good and pretty clever. The other three have got some fun elements, but on the whole are a tremendous lost opportunity.
And they went WAY overboard with the crazy and silly stuff.
Thanks for the detailed reply. I will try F9 to see what happens. As in the old game, after you sight another ship and go off the map to the deck you can't save, so the outcome isn't repeatable. Usually it doesn't matter but if hunting an elusive ship for the govenor or a quest, having found it, it is somewhat tedious to hunt it down again if the outcome goes tits up AND I have a lot of patience. So have you apparently. Regards, Brian.
The original game didn't allow saving at sea at all. When we added it, we had to disable it while IN battle too.
Mainly because we cannot save the cannon reload status. Otherwise you could use it as a cheat. Stupid game engine limitations.
Could someone upload as attachment an example of the console that supposedly goes through all ships ingame ? Because if one number somewhere is missing I don't get it -circling through ships, just if I write the name of a specific ship that works.
Attached works. I just tested it in my WIP 16 install.
Press F12, go to worldmap, then back and you'll have the first ship. Press again, to worldmap and back to sea, to see the second.
And so on and so on.
Sold the ships. sailed to different islands, shuffled the officers around, bought a random ship, and it still has the same flags as before.
Does this happen to anyone else?
WAAAA???? STILL??? Did you get round to using that console code I posted? I know that DOES restore the ship to your own flags; I tested it on your own savegame.
Loaded the savegame, press F12, hoist Dutch flag and close the interface, then hoist Personal Flag again and I got the blue sparrow flag on your companion too.