Yes. A used Hoy is worth maybe $9,000 P. Its hold was full of silver. I made almost $50,000 P on that deal.
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Perhaps the Open Sea Mod somehow was never installed properly months ago? That's really the only thing I know that touches the length of the days.Yes I know, but something changed. I played the Open Sea mod for a year and did not notice this time difference, and then suddenly I recently did.
Something changed somewhere.
Uhm... that sort-of depends on how old your version is. If you can install the current Beta 2.5, I would recommend doing so.Quick question. I thought you told me that my version was not the latest beta 2.5 (if you remember, that was the thing with the sails). Can I nevertheless install Beta 3 on it?
There was one other PROPER installer that I did a week before. Open PROGRAM\globals.c and find #define IS_SGV near the bottom.Well I thought I had installed the last version.. my setup has the compass-symbol, so I think its the latest?^^
Copy whatever files you edited to OUTSIDE your game folder.well ok my is the old one.. In the last update there were no updates for ships and swords(items), I think? Because I dont want to edit the whole files again^^
Build 14 Beta 3:
- Error Checking:
. Quest case checking log messages added
> Only serious errors shown on-screen
. Missing character ID log message added
> Always trace, on-screen if DEBUG mode is used
- Bug Fixes:
. Strong town guards NOT on Apprentice difficulty level by Pieter Boelen
. Dying on islands without a town no longer gets you stuck in limbo by Pieter Boelen
. Treasure Quests in boxes can be completed properly by Pieter Boelen
> Also, the item you require will always be for sale if you need it
. Automatic supplying of various quest ships fixed by Pieter Boelen
. "Days Out" message on worldmap corrected to use one value for Salary Mode and another for Divide the Plunder by Pieter Boelen
. Default boarder weapon will not be returned to the Weaponslocker by Pieter Boelen
- Interface Updates:
. F2>Inventory>Map and Map-Key interfaces are now the same; other map interfaces simplied by Pieter Boelen
. Select Storyline America added as starting nation in appropriate periods by Pieter Boelen
> Difficulty choice locked as this is intended more as an indication of the intended difficulty of the story, can still change ingame
. About Build interface replaced with Tips & Tricks by Pillat & Pieter Boelen
. Colonies Interface fixed for when no town available at your current island by Pieter Boelen
. Various interface island names display errors fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Code Updates:
. Sidestep disabled by default by Pieter Boelen
> Can be switched on at the bottom of PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h
. ENABLE_CHEATMODE functionality added: by Pieter Boelen
> Numpad 1-2-3 allow you to select the character to apply the cheat to
> Numpad 8 disables worldmap storms and ships chasing you
> Godmode includes crew immortality
> Level Up and Fake Level Up automatically increase your skill points if you use Auto Skill System
> If you get the Shotgun from Clint Eastwood, when you are fighting with it Tab will allow you to go into Shotgun Mode
. Item availability code thoroughly modified by Pieter Boelen
> Potions and Mixtures are now VERY rare and never sold
> ONLY items that increase skills are sold by Item Traders
> Random weapons will NEVER be in chests or lying around in locations
> Tools are not sold, except for Spades and Pickaxes
> Booty for stealing from bandits is now coded in the same way as chests and random items
. Morale code rewritten and corrected to work as intended by Pieter Boelen
> Low-level characters will have a hard time maintaining good morale
> Use Double Rum Rations or Sign Articles with your crew to improve morale
> NOTE: Luck no longer influences morale, only Leadership and Iron Will do
. Boarders use potions placed in the Weaponslocker by Pieter Boelen
> One is taken per boarder and they are returned if not used
> Stocking the weaponslocker with Antidotes and Stinkpots could make for interesting situations
. Dead Albatross bad luck enforced by Pieter Boelen
> You cannot get rid of it, except in ONE way. Try to figure it out!
. Elaborate Curse of Cortez functionality added for Aztec Coins by Pieter Boelen
> The chest in the cave on Isla de Muerta is filled with Aztec Coins
> Aztec Coins turn you into a skeleton when outside at night, that is hated by all
You get additional HP for this, but only WHILE you are a skeleton
> Aztec Coins can be given to officers/crew or placed in all your ships' weaponslockers
If placed in the Weaponslocker, they are used by boarders and decrease crew damage during sea battles
> Food and Rum consumption decreases for each crewmember cursed, but morale decreases too
> Aztec Coins can be sold; however, they WILL keep counting for the extent of the curse
> After a while of being cursed, your ship will get torn sails and start trailing fog
> The curse can only be lifted by placing 882 coins back in the chest on Isla de Muerta
Careful with losing those coins! If you can't collect 882 again, you're stuck with the curse!
There is ONE place other than the chest on Isla de Muerte where ONE additional coin can be found if you are in dire need of it. Guess where!
. Random characters that used to sell 'potions' now sell bandages by Pieter Boelen
. Free Camera mode no longer includes "half-transparent mai character" by Pieter Boelen
> Also characters will no longer interrupt you while you are using it (less frustration for screenshot-making)
. Alternate reputation names added for female characters by Pieter Boelen
- Texture, Model and Sound Updates:
. Completely redone WorldMap based on the real Caribbean, including the Spanish Main by Armada [WIP: To be tested and finished]
> Includes small models for Isla Mona and Petit Tabac and an improved icon for Isla de Muerte
. Cartagena made accessible from game start in all storylines by Armada [WIP: Island model is turned 180 degrees the wrong way]
. Leeches health item "use" interface picture added by Pieter Boelen
- Storyline Updates:
. Isla de Muerte and Cursed Coins disabled for select storylines by Pieter Boelen
. Woodes Rogers storyline:
> Blackbeard's Head errors fixed by Jack Rackham
> Special puzzle code moved into separate code file by Jack Rackham