• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

The captain of the guard still ain't working and now he has a different name, maybe that's the reason why?
He's being randomly "soldierized", I think. I put it on the To-Do List to fix it, but have to finish my current project first.
i got a problem.
I can use quik travel any more and when i board a schip i could get to the next stage of the boarding.

plz help
I really wish people would read the faq or the new tips and tricks a bit more..
Quick Travel gets disabled in some quests or if you have realistic game-mode activated. Then you need to go to a location by foot the first time to use fast travel.
For the bording issue just press f12
MASSIVE Update to Opening Post

First Test Version of FULL installer now available. Not much new stuff included yet, but that is because in this case, we need comments on the installation process.
Future updates will be based on the same system and should be easily installable, so everybody please download and install if you can.
Oh.... and try to BREAK the installation process if you can! By not having the right files or installing to the wrong folder or something.
Or even more interesting: See how it works if you DO install to Program Files! :shock

I'm back to fixing and finishing stuff now, so look forward to some actual modpack improvements soon again. :doff
It seems to work massively well so far, but still has a few warts.

All of the files have a lock symbol on them, but the ones I tried still open and can be changed. I AM the Administrator.

I can no longer change the brightness in the options folder and could not find where else to change that setting. It is too dark to suit me now.

In internalsettings.h you left cheatmode and sidestep enabled.
oh god... I've got that classy no-profile error again and I can't do anything against it. I had one other profile with the name "player" and started now a new game with "player2", both standard storyline... the game gave me then the well-known log. At least I could/can create new saves with the save option in the menu, but the game now sets it always as player, even if it is player2 (but I think that is intended). The problem is: I got those errors often, and I always got rid of it when I renamed/deleted some of the old saves from the (other) profiles.. This time it doesn't work.. I just created a third profile to test, and it can save wondefully, also the first profile, even if the second profile is now included in it. I just can't convince the game to load "profile2" at all anymore. The game knows that there is a profile2, I still can select it after I start-up the game, but it says that it is unable to load... I can load the saves I made after the error came up, which are now together in player with the "old" saves. But as soon as the game is loaded, I can't select/load a profile anymore :(
All of the files have a lock symbol on them, but the ones I tried still open and can be changed. I AM the Administrator.
Is that in or outside Program Files? You mean all the CODE files have that symbol? Or just the installer file?

I can no longer change the brightness in the options folder and could not find where else to change that setting. It is too dark to suit me now.
The Options Menu should allow you to do so. Are you saying that any changes you make are not being saved?
Actually, I just tried that myself and it doesn't do much of anything. Let me try early modpack versions. o_O

In internalsettings.h you left cheatmode and sidestep enabled.
Indeed I did. Will be fixed in the next update I post. This version makes my own exact same game version and I have it all enabled for testing purpose.
I keep forgetting to switch it off for the versions I post. :facepalm
oh god... I've got that classy no-profile error again and I can't do anything against it. I had one other profile with the name "player" and started now a new game with "player2", both standard storyline... the game gave me then the well-known log. At least I could/can create new saves with the save option in the menu, but the game now sets it always as player, even if it is player2 (but I think that is intended). The problem is: I got those errors often, and I always got rid of it when I renamed/deleted some of the old saves from the (other) profiles.. This time it doesn't work.. I just created a third profile to test, and it can save wondefully, also the first profile, even if the second profile is now included in it. I just can't convince the game to load "profile2" at all anymore. The game knows that there is a profile2, I still can select it after I start-up the game, but it says that it is unable to load... I can load the saves I made after the error came up, which are now together in player with the "old" saves. But as soon as the game is loaded, I can't select/load a profile anymore :(
Whatever keeps going wrong with those profiles? I'm inclined to just remove all related code altogether, because it is NOT doing what it was intended for in the first place.
Unfortunately that is quite a lot of fairly complex coding, so removing it will not be as easy as I'd wish.

The only Profile-related code change I made is to force the "Player" profile to be used if the game loses its profile.
This is just a band-aid that DOES allow you to save when it happens, but obviously does override your preferred profile as you have already found.
My recommendation is to not change the profile name from the default unless you really, really need to.

Stupid game! :modding

I can no longer change the brightness in the options folder and could not find where else to change that setting. It is too dark to suit me now.
I just tested earlier game versions all the way down to Build 13 and NONE of those work.
Turns out that it ONLY works in Full Screen mode, but NOT in Windowed. That is apparently nothing new.
This is probably what causes your similar problems on CoAS too.
Well at least your fix to save always to "player" does what it should do, and the only negative aspect bout that for me is that I can't use quicksave anymore. With this fix I am still able to save and load my two saves, but I have to be carefull not to override my first profile^^
What I am really worried about is that this can also easily happen to players who never touched a code-file before or something like that and then get pissed-off (what is understandable).
It doesn't override the profile, it just adds the new savegames from profile 2 to profile 1 which is confusing for the game and for the player^^ But better then not able to save at all :shrug
Like I said, it is really weird that I can't do anything anymore... The game just don't want this profile to save again..

Hmm.. I could make a hint for this in Tips&Tricks..
Why does the QuickSave not work?
Also, could you upload one of your savegames that were originally from the Player2 profile?
I'd like to load a known-to-be-bugged save and see what I could do with it.

Other idea: Remove the "Profile" text box from Select Storyline altogether so that you can't even change it.
I don't think removing Profiles altogether is ever going to work

Strange that this problem seems to rear its ugly head quite randomly.
Reminds me of the "Quests Not Executing" one that clearly hits certain people more than others.
Soooooo stupid. But what to do? I don't think my Quests-fix is going to be much use here. :modding
Ok, I didn't know whether to put it in program files or program files (X86), so I just put it in C: POTC beta3. It seems all the c, h, text, and ini files that have the lock on them.
c files.jpg
Wow; never seen THAT before! :shock
Which Windows version is that? Do other people get that as well?

Please tell me my "external HD security issues" aren't being transferred in the installation files.
Perhaps files installed under "highest security" also get protected? Well, that's NOT the idea, people. o_O
It is Win7 64 Pro.

I have never seen that before either, but every one I tried I was able to access.
So you CAN do what you want with them; they just have weird icons? Interesting. o_O
Tomorrow I'll try doing the exact same thing you did and see what happens.
I've got Windows 7 Home Premium. Not sure how different that is. I'd also be interested to hear what results people get on Windows 8.
Well, I went back and tried the new install again in fullscreen mode. Suddenly I had player and player1 profiles but I had created only one game.

Also there are graphical issues with this install. It is like there is no AA or AF. I tried other games and they are ok, so the issue is with this beta3 install. Could a bad .dll have gotten in?

Deleted all profiles and started over, but the strange graphics put me off.


  • compile.log
    7 KB · Views: 126
  • error.log
    483 bytes · Views: 162
  • system.log
    11.7 KB · Views: 124
Why does the QuickSave not work?
Also, could you upload one of your savegames that were originally from the Player2 profile?
I'd like to load a known-to-be-bugged save and see what I could do with it.

Other idea: Remove the "Profile" text box from Select Storyline altogether so that you can't even change it.
I don't think removing Profiles altogether is ever going to work

Strange that this problem seems to rear its ugly head quite randomly.
Reminds me of the "Quests Not Executing" one that clearly hits certain people more than others.
Soooooo stupid. But what to do? I don't think my Quests-fix is going to be much use here. :modding

Quicksace does still not work because of the no-profile. He does save a quicksave for player1 instead of player2, and I can see it in the SAVE-Folder . But I can't even select it in the game to load :shrug

hmm I don't know but I could imagine that the game would be less confused if each profile would get its own folder :shrug

attached are the last quicksave I could do with player2 working and one of the savegames which are now player instead of player2


  • Savegames.zip
    1.3 MB · Views: 118
Well, I went back and tried the new install again in fullscreen mode. Suddenly I had player and player1 profiles but I had created only one game.
Wha? The game is making UP profiles now??? How is that even possible? There is hardly any difference between WIP 18 and the Beta 3 First Test version at all!

Also there are graphical issues with this install. It is like there is no AA or AF. I tried other games and they are ok, so the issue is with this beta3 install. Could a bad .dll have gotten in?
I included the entirety of my MODULES folder and the resulting Beta 3 installation is EXACTLY the same as my own game version.
So I sincerely doubt it.

Deleted all profiles and started over, but the strange graphics put me off.
What does that even look like? And WHY could the Beta 3 First Test version behave so differently when it really, really isn't very different???
I'll check all code differences with WIP 18 later today, but that should make no difference.
I think there are only about 20 files different and that is all deliberate fixes unrelated to either profiles or whatever graphical issues the game invented now. :modding

Quicksace does still not work because of the no-profile. He does save a quicksave for player1 instead of player2, and I can see it in the SAVE-Folder . But I can't even select it in the game to load :shrug
Is that the QuickSave made by actual QuickSave button or the one made when making a regular save?
I suppose I'll just restore all Beta 2.5 save-related code. Perhaps that'll at least improve things a bit again?
Well, I just restored it back to what it was. So no more doubled up QuickSave files. We'll see if it helps anything.