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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

Good idea! Especially on the "remembering" part. :onya
Might I suggest the following code changes though:
  // PURSEON -->
     if (frnd() < GetChanceDetectFalseFlag() || CheckAttribute(merch,"FalseFlagDetect")) // check if merchant already detected false flag on prior encounter
       rel = GetActualRMRelation(mNation);
       merch.FalseFlagDetect = true;
     else // if not, use false flag for relation check
       rel = GetFlagRMRelation(mNation);
   // <--PURSEON
And also:
   chance = iclamp(CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_MAX, CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_BASE, chance) // so chance doesn't go over min/max

Thanks Pieter. I tested the first suggestion and it works great so we'll use that. The second suggestion using "iclamp" does not work, however, because iclamp is expecting an integer and chance is not, so it throws and error and fails to execute.
I sugest removing the caught parameter after you bought another outfit ;).

I think that getting recognized goes beyond just outfit, and also includes ship in port since the merchant has to deliver goods there. I also wanted to make it harder to repeatedly attempt to fool him as that is unrealistic (unless you're Superman and you carry that amazing Clark Kent glasses disguise with you). But your comment did get me thinking. I can add a variable to account for the time since last recognized, i.e. a "forget" logic, and clothing and ship changes could be factored into the chance to forget.

I also plan to add logic for a chance he will actually call for guards when he recognizes you, instead of just his idle threat. So attempting to fool him will have an element of risk, especially at lower levels.
Good work.
Please make it a function which returns a true or false statement so we can also implement this at other places, for example tavern owners, smuggelers and guards etc.
I have re-installed now my game keeps getting minimized involuntarily.:facepalm


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Ah! :facepalm maybe its the widescreen textures but what best complements PotC or at least the latest version anyway? :read
  • Windows 95
  • Windows 98/Windows Me
  • Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
  • Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
  • Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 1)
  • Windows Server 2008 (Service Pack 1)
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
  • Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8.2
And what do you suggest sire for the other settings for the compatibility mode for best performance? :checklist
For example the First Mate now contributes 100% of her Leadership skill to the overall ship stats + 50% of her Mêlée skill and 50% of her Sailing skill.
Fencing is a personal skill; it is never shared.

Changed the timescale (time speed up) to x1, x3, x5, x10 and x20.
Extra 5x step, eh?

There are two new multipliers to add more customizability to the experience system. At the current rate characters gain twice the experience compared to vanilla:

// FLOAT - Must be a float higher than 0.0 - default is 1.0 - the rate at which the characters gain skill experience: For a 30% increase set to 1.3

// FLOAT - Must be a float higher than 0.0 - default is 1.0 - the rate at which the characters gain experience: For a 30% increase set to 1.3
That is different from this, right?
#define SKILLS_UP_BONUS       25         // From 10 to 99 - speed of player's skills-increase
Good work.
Please make it a function which returns a true or false statement so we can also implement this at other places, for example tavern owners, smuggelers and guards etc.

Sure, I can do a function like that. I should also mention that this works at shipyards by default already. Adding it to guards and tavern owners would be cool. I think I'd prefer to keep smugglers out of it since they are all about profit, not politics and such not. What I would like to see are smugglers that occasionally try to cheat you or kill you. It would add to the risk factor of smuggling.
Sure, I can do a function like that. I should also mention that this works at shipyards by default already. Adding it to guards and tavern owners would be cool. I think I'd prefer to keep smugglers out of it since they are all about profit, not politics and such not. What I would like to see are smugglers that occasionally try to cheat you or kill you. It would add to the risk factor of smuggling.

I believe the dialog of the smuggles now also takes in account your rank and reputation. so we should just delete that then.
Pieter could you maybe provide a new WIP version again? I dont think I have all the fixes atm....
Ok Great,

I made a little update for the worldmap encounters and I'll hope you include the dialog thingy also :) I've used it quite a lot today and I can't find any bugs so I think its working perfectly :).
Please use these files instead the ones elrapido provided. I fixed the problem he had.
I need to look into it a bit more but this will at least solve the problem of bar fights (tought I fixed it already) and the sittings guards also sometimes wanna play a game with you :).


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Please use these files instead the ones elrapido provided. I fixed the problem he had.
I need to look into it a bit more but this will at least solve the problem of bar fights (tought I fixed it already) and the sittings guards also sometimes wanna play a game with you :).
Even better! :cheers
I'm working on adding the side quests of the Standard storyline in the Jack Sparrow storyline right now and if I'm finish with it I shall upload my files for the new beta. Most quests are added, only some problems with the Hitman quest....

Almost finished thus hehehe
New one: http://piratesahoy.net/build/b14_beta3_installer.exe
Mind this update replaces your internalsettings.h so make sure to change this file if you done so before.

Feature List:
Build 14 Beta 3.2:
- New Archipelago Map added by Agentad
- Bug Fixes:
  . Missing Ships on Worldmap Encounters fixed by Levis
  . Monthly Salary Payments fixed by Levis
  . Extra Atmosphere Tavern Fights fixed by Levis
  . Rival Suitor error messages fixed by Levis
  . Weird Effects after Self Dialog fixed by Levis
  . Muskets/Musketoons not working during boardings fixed by Jack Rackham
  . Father Bernard "Skill Reset" functionality fixed by El Rapido
  . Fix to Guadeloupe Town Capture by Pieter Boelen
  . Barbados location descriptions fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Fleut of War encounter chance improved by Pieter Boelen
  . Attempted fix for Capture Colonies Female Governors by Pieter Boelen
- Gameplay Updates:
  . Worldmap Encounters improved to take into account nearby islands and time of day by Levis
  . Moon Phase changes visibly ingame by Purseon
  . Training Fights with crew on player ship deck fixed and reinstated by Purseon
  . Hostile Traders can be fooled, depending on false flag detection chance, by Purseon
  . ENABLE_CHEATMODE functionality added by El Rapido
  > Tailor provides a "Famous Pirate Clothes Collection"
    > Tailor allows resetting of Player and Officer skills and abilities
- Code Updates:
  . Ability System fixed and improved by Levis
  . F2>Character Screen shows highest rank instead of latest rank by Levis
  . Enemy Soldiers in Taverns improved by Levis
  . Enhanced Dialog System included by Levis
  . Pickpocket Gold handling improved by Aconcagua
  . Female Officer Percentage setting added by Aconcagua
  . Officer Hire Price randomized a bit more by Aconcagua
  . Perks Code improved by Aconcagua
  . REALISTIC_ABILITIES setting has multiple realism levels by Aconcagua
  . Timescale Settings changed to x1, x3, x5, x10 and x20 by El Rapido
  . Officer Skill Contribution values modified by El Rapido
- Storyline Updates:
  . Gold-Bug Storyline new WIP content included by Jack Rackham
  . Assassin Storyline potential missing Henry Morgan fixed by Levis
  . Hoist the Colours Storyline Pintel Passenger Bug fixed by VanessaHudgensFan and Levis
  . Hoist the Colours Storyline potential quest errors due to immortal Mr. Gibbs fixed by Pieter Boelen
  . Hoist the Colours Storyline Laurence Bannerman returns to Turks after ending by Pieter Boelen
  . Standard storyline Black Pearl swap with uncursed version after capture fixed by Pieter Boelen
- Texture Updates:
  . High-detail Boat texture added by TheBlackKnight
- Model Updates:
  . HMS Surprise camera height improved by Hylie Pistof
  . Improved Superbe model by DF5
  . Widescreen Textures including:
  > Improved Spyglasses by TheBlackKnight
  > Widescreen Moon Textures by Purseon
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